"We got lost..." Namine murmured. Jeffrey nodded. "By the time we found the docks, the ship was gone, so we had to wander around until you came back."
Jeffrey peered around the coast for the others, his hand above his eyes. He spotted the Gummi Ship. "Ah, there they are!" he shouted to Kairi and Namine. The group hurried towards the others. "Sora, Riku," Kairi said, catching her breath as they entered the Ship. "We finally found you."
5'8" .
The second one is legible on both light and dark skins.
"How did we even get here?" Haseo asked, looking around at the room. "One moment we're in the dorms, next it's all foggy, and now we're here. There isn't even an exit..." He rested himself against a wall.
But the photo of you is awesome.
You'll be the next spdude.
Forsaken: Spoiler Claw: Spoiler Misty: Spoiler Rvr: Spoiler Wolfie: Spoiler Edit: Forgot spdude. Spoiler
Haseo opened his eyes and checked the time on his phone. "Crap, I'm gonna be late." He hastily put on his clothes and rushed out the door with his bags, his toothbrush still in his mouth. --- Haseo had rinsed his mouth in the bathroom before getting to class. He slumped in his desk. "That was close..." he muttered. He could still feel his heart beating quickly.
hoc pulchrum est. :'D Actually saying something in Latin o:.
You don't get a room! >:u
Haseo sat down on his bed. He opened up his bag and took out his notes, glancing over them. He could feel eyes eyes growing heavy. "It's only the first day. I guess going to bed early can't hurt..." he said, yawning. He pulled his covers over him and drifted off to sleep. OOC: Enki
I was just going off my impression of the one line you got in Fork's story when I wrote it. ^^; It is pretty short compared to Fork's, around 1/3 the length iirc.
Credit goes to Ashwin for the title. o: Mood Music: ---- Chapter 2: The Siren and the Saxophone Today was Valentine’s Day, single people’s most hated day of the year. If you asked me last year, I would have told you I hated it, too. But this year was different. I looked at the piece of paper I held in my hand. It was Valentine that I made myself. It was nothing special, just a card with the best calligraphy I could manage. I walked towards the Valentine submission box. I prepared to insert the card into the cardboard box, but hesitated. Why am I stopping? I thought. It’s not like he’ll know who sent it. All the Valentines were sent anonymously. I might as well get it over with before school started, instead of waiting until the last minute. Quickly, I shoved the Valentine into the box and rushed off to my first period class. --- The next day, I was walking through the hallways. My friend Llave was by my side, telling me about something he saw yesterday. “…and so he crashes into that Scottish guy, Claw…” “Mm…” I replied, not really listening to what he was saying. My mind was still on the Valentine. What did he think of it? Does he even have any idea who sent it? “Hey, Saxima, look,” Llave said, interrupting his story. He pointed towards the bulletin board. Sheets of paper with club meetings were posted on it: Orchestra rehearsals, Anime Club, KHV Chorus, and – what the hell? – Shipping Club, among others. But in the middle of the board was something completely different. A Valentine – my Valentine – taped onto a piece of paper. In big, bold letters the paper said ‘GUESS WHO GOT A VALENTINE? –AMAURY’. “Doesn’t he know that the board isn’t a blog?” I could hear a mocking tone in his voice. “Isn’t he such a dork?” “Uh, yeah…” I replied, awkwardly. “Who would want to send him a Valentine…?” “Hey, Misty, people are cursing again!” Speak of the devil. Amaury had a reputation around the school: the Staff Alarm. Whenever someone was reported to the hall monitor, you could be sure it would be him. Misty walked up to him. She had on a Star Wars shirt, as usual, with the sky blue hall monitor vest over it. “Amaury, you know there’s nothing in the school rules about cursing, right?” “Oh yeah…” Amaury replied. “I guess I forgot about that. It’s just that whenever I think someone is doing something bad-” “Yeah, yeah,” Misty cut him off. Obviously, Amaury had started to try her patience. She pulled a small booklet out of her vest pocket. “Here are the school rules. If you ever think someone’s breaking the rules, just look here first.” “Thanks, Misty. So guess what, yesterday I got a Valentine…” Misty walked off while Amaury was in mid-sentence. “Let’s go, Saxima,” Llave said to me. “We should leave before he starts talking to us.” We hurried to our next class. Why did I have to have a crush on Amaury of all people? --- I sat down at the cafeteria people. On my tray were a slice of pepperoni pizza and a bottle of Dr. Pepper, my usual lunch. Across the table from me was What. Even though he was only a freshman, he was one of the wisest kids in the school, probably second only to Makaze. However, I chose to speak with What. I doubt I would get a straight answer from Makaze. “Do you have any advice on crushes?” I asked him, trying to be vague. “Does the person you have a crush on know you like them?” he replied. His smooth voice gave away wisdom beyond his years. “No… I sent him a Valentine yesterday, but it was anonymous.” “I would say that you should try talking to him before telling you how you feel.” The answer seemed simple, yet it would definitely be hard to accomplish. “Thanks,” I replied, taking a bite out of my pizza. “You’re the second person I have had to give love advice to today, actually.” He took a sip of tea. “Plums spoke to me before school started. It seems he has a crush on Kitty.” “You seem pretty knowledgeable about love, What. is there anyone you have a crush on?” “W-what?” Even with his darker skin, his cheeks still flashed red. “O-of course, not. W-why would you think that?” His brown eyes looked to one side. I decided to leave it. “Never mind. Forget I said anything.” I wonder who his crush is… I shook my head. It’s not like it involves me. --- I decided to write a note for Amaury. I thought would be better to meet him in private than be seen talking to him. I looked over the note once more. ‘Meet me in Mr. Soul’s room after school.’ It seemed discreet enough. I stuck the note into his locker, and hurried away before anyone could see me. On my way to Mr. Soul’s room, I spotted some club meeting. They were all gathered around a whiteboard. I recognized the two standing by the board. On one side was Kelly, who seemed to be speaking to the group. On the other was Haseo, who was drawing a diagram on the board. The diagram showed to people’s faces with an arrow and a heart between them. Was this the Shipping Club? I decided to keep walking. I had to make it to the room before Amaury. Amaury came to the room only a moment after me. He looked at me and held up the note. “Are you the one who sent me this?” I nodded. “You’re uh…” “Saxima,” I told him. “Right.” He scratched his head. “I’m not good at remember the names of people I haven’t reported to Misty.” He looked back at me. “So why did you want me to meet you here?” “Er…” I was stumbling for words. “Will you… go out? With me, I mean…” “You want to me to go on a date with you?!” His eyes lit up. “Yes! I’ve never had a girlfriend before!” He turned around and started to shout into the hallways. “Hey, everyone, I have a g-” I put my hand over his mouth before he could finish. “N-no need to tell the whole school.” He turned back around. “Let’s just keep this private for now, okay?” He nodded, but I could see the excitement in his eyes. I couldn’t help but sigh. Yes, Llave, he is a dork. But he’s my dork.
Jeffrey pieced together what Eden was saying. "And what if the game doesn't exist in our universe?" he asked. "How would we be able to get to the Furthest Ring if it doesn't?"
"Well, we can just get back at them, somehow," Jeffrey replied. He could feel his face getting a bit hot. --- Namine grabbed a staff out of the bag. She held it with both hands. "If I can use magic, it could come in handy for casting spells." She let go with one hand and pushed it out. "And I can, I could still use it well enough." She smiled, though she was nervous. She had never had to go into combat before.
"Did he just almost say what I think he was going to say?" Jeffrey whispered to Valerie. Namine walked down the stairs after Roxas and Kurix. What weapon would I use...? she thought to herself. Can I use magic? If I can, maybe a staff...
Haseo held in a laugh. I'm liking Andrew so far. "I like to draw, playing video games, a bit of writing," he replied. Then he shrugged. "Nothing too exciting, I guess." He turned his head to Krown. "What about you?"