It isn't Trogdor's birthday today.B|
Can anyone guess who it is?
That kid's got one big *bleep*.
Is it possible to copy-paste something in a PSP Internet Browser. If so, how do I do it?
When I was looking through the moods, I found a blank space and clicked on it. But now I can't change my mood. Anyone know how to change it? :roll:
Green premmies!
I herd u liek Mudkipz.
No comment.
Why aren't you invisible like usual?
Has the best waffle fries.
What happened?
Can someone help me or post a tutorial for Vocaloid 2 Miku? Cause I only know how to put in the lyrics.
For the love of god, make it stop!
This is my first try at a sig. I don't know much about GIMP yet, so it's not that good. CnC?
In GIMP, I can't get text to show up. Can someone help?
Exactly what the title says. *Hippie Jesus* Aerith G. allisonlove90 AnimeGirl104 Beyond Blair Catch The Rain daxma debralizjr Dr. Evil DSK Finalform ILoveRikuAndYouCantStopMe jojoj13 LullabyCaiden pirateking_luffy sora is cute TwilightBlader Vex123 What? Xaale Xephos ~Amber~
Why are the Ancient Greek and Egyptian considered myths while the Bible and things like that are considered by people to be fact?
When I try to connect a PSP to the internet, it says a WLAN switch is not turned on. I put down the SSIS and the WEP Key, but it doesn't work even if I'm standing right next to the router.
Get HTML in my sig? When I put the HTML I want in my sig, it says there's too many lines.