I got a Compaq Presario CQ50 Notebook PC for Christmas, and I love it, but it needs a name. Go go go!
Story (by What?): Some cats say it is rare for kits to get dreams from StarClan. Their only priorities are to play, eat and sleep. This kit was an exception. It had been an extremely hot Greenleaf. Besides that, nothing of importance had happened. No battles, no trespassing on others' territory, no name ceremonies, and surely nothing to report at the Gatherings. Some would say this was the most boring Greenleaf ever. But things can change. The Moonpool had dried up. The fact that it was small at the beginning of Greenleaf was obviously overlooked by the medicine cats, who thought nothing of it. They were, of course, surprised that their only contact to StarClan was severed due to the weather. Surely it must be for other reasons? Then, things get worse. A kit named Blazekit, kit of Snowbird and Smokefoot, is mysteriously found dead on the border between ShadowClan and ThunderClan. Igniting already-present rage and fury in the ShadowClan cats, they launch an attack on the ThunderClan camp. However, the ThunderClan cats are able to protect it, and ShadowClan is forced to retreat. Things are different in WindClan. Seeing as this is a chance to create conflict and strife between Clans, a young warrior cat named Yewtail is able to persuade a ShadowClan cat named Finchwing into leading another attack on ThunderClan. Yewtail himself was able to rise to the ranks of deputy, after Ashfoot had "mysteriously disappeared". From then on he sets WindClan on a different path, from listening to the Warrior Code to creating his own code, the Yew Code, which all WindClan cats must follow. Through tales of being the "chosen ones of StarClan", while in turn secretly murdering Onestar and becoming leader himself, he sets WindClan apart from the rest of the Clans, claiming that "WindClan shall be above the lesser clans of the lake! WindClan is beyond that point! On this lake there shall be three lesser clans and one greater clan!" There were three clans left on the lake. What really happened to Blazekit? Who was the mysterious Yewtail? Whatever happened to StarClan and the Moonpool? These questions shall soon be answered. Rules: No godmodding No using StarClan without permission Only use an existing cat for a mentor Three OCs per user WarriorClan OCs (Your warrior name from the family) must start out as apprentices Characters: ThunderClan Firestar – Haseo (temporary) Brambleclaw – Haseo (temporary) Leafpool – Haseo (temporary) Jayfeather - RiverClan Leopardstar – Xaale (temporary) Mistyfoot – Arixik Mothwing – Xaale (temporary) Willowshine - ShadowClan Blackstar – What? (temporary) Russetfur – What? (temporary) Littlecloud – What? (temporary) Flamepaw - Tawnypelt – Haseo Oakfur - What? WindClan Yewtail – Xaale Tornear – Xaale (temporary) Barkface – Xaale (temporary) Kestrelpaw - Crowfeather - Xaale Owlwhisker - Xaale OC Sheet: Username: Name (All names that will be used in RP, e.g. Bramblekit, Bramblepaw, Brambleclaw): Gender: Clan: Appearance (Text is prefered): Personality: Position (Warrior or Medicine Cat): Mentor (If apprentice): Special Skills (If any): Other: OCs: Username: Haseo Name: Goldenpaw, Goldenpelt Gender: Male Clan: ShadowClan Appearance: Golden tom with white muzzle and underbelly, and darker tabby markings on forehead and tail than other places. He has deep, sky-blue eyes. Personality: Intelligent and calm. Position: Warrior Mentor: Tawnypelt Special Skills: Improved sight compared to other cats. Other: Constantly doubting himself, he believes he should be in another Clan, because he doesn’t meet his Clan’s expectations. Username: What? Name: Frostpaw, Frostfang Gender: Male Clan: ShadowClan Appearance: Broad-shouldered tom with silvery fur and cold, blue-gray, almost white eyes. Personality: Silent, Grumpy, Constantly annoyed Position: Warrior Mentor: Oakfur Special Skills: Increased intelligence; Able to plan out what others may be thinking and/or doing. Other: Nihilistic. Constantly attacking the decisions of Blackstar. Partly schizophrenic. Below-Average Warrior. Username: Xaale Name: Silverpaw, Silverheart Gender: Female Clan: WindClan Appearance: Silver, almost white furred she-cat with soft, ice blue eyes. She has a dark colored patch at the tip of her tail. Personality: Serene, and a quick thinker. Position: Warrior Mentor: Crowfeather Special Skills: Can breach the barriers of others' minds, meaning she can catch glimpses of the thoughts of others. This takes serious concentration and can take a lot of energy to work. Other: Very strong believer in the open air, but can adapt almost anywhere. She believes in the Rules, but if it is needed she will break them to help another Clan. Username: Xaale Name: Hawkpaw, Hawkmask Gender: Male Clan: WindClan Appearance: A tabby tom with bright amber eyes, and a darker shade on his paws, tip of his tail and ears, and on some stripes on his back. He is lithe and small. Personality: Outgoing, and very motivated. He can also be rash. Position : Warrior Mentor: Tornear Special Skills: Can jump farther and higher than normal cats. Other: Anomnomnom. Username: Arixik Name: Spiritpaw, Sprirtwish Gender: Female Clan: RiverClan Appearance (Text is prefered): Pitch black fur with a white stomach. Has soft jade-green eyes, and her tail's tip has a white tip. Personality: Quiet, calm under insults. Doesn't talk a lot unless she is with her mentor and a very good friend. Position (Warrior or Medicine Cat): Warrior Mentor (If apprentice): Mistyfoot Special Skills (If any): Increased speed; can run faster and quieter than normal cats. Other: If you're in another clan, you need to earn her trust. She will not trust anybody in a different clan unless you prove yourself worthy.
Is how Death Note ended. No questions.
Sometime in October, my computer started being unable to boot Windows. I can only use safe mode, which has incabilities that bug me, i.e. no sound. I've tried all the options I could find, but none of them have worked. No Last Good Configuration, System Restore, etc. Most of the options I've found need a Windows XP disc, which I don't have.-_-; Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to fix it?
Here's my first attempt at a sig. The border's a bit bad around the character because I tried to render it myself.:sweatdrop: CnC?
I can finally type my username.
The only ones online are Wolfie and Mike. It's either a vacation or a conspiracy...
A little help please. Whenever I try to save a movie in Movie Maker, it always give me an error message. It says that I should make sure there's disk space and that that all the files are there. I have 1.80 GB of free disk space on my comp and every video I've used is still in the My Videos folder. I can't figure out what's wrong with it.
*puts on conical straw hat and tilts it over face* RIP cats will rule!.
I present to you... The Dramatic Pug!
._. o.o o.O O.O *head explodes*
._. o.o o.O o.0 0.0 *head explodes*
[You can't say what I'm saying without going in the thread. (Ripoff of Saint's thread.XD)] Why don't you just click inside to find out?
Only 100 left!:woohoo:
After watching Tsubasa Chronicle: Tokyo Revelations, I felt in the mood to draw Syaoran. CnC?
Just a little AMV I cooked up. CnC?
I wish it were possible for this to be as epic as the thread.
I can't stop sneezing.D=