Personally, I think Cater, Sice, and Seven are the best three to use for most situations. Cater's movement and attack speeds are very fast, allowing you to dodge attacks while her weapon charges, release a Max Charge attack, and get straight back to dodging. I rarely ever have to use the actual Dodge ability with her. If you're patient, you can use her to draw out and pick off individual enemies very easily. You already covered why I like Sice and Seven, so I don't see a need to add anything. I *never* have them all in my party, though. No way am I going to risk having them get picked off before I need them. The ****? He's the hardest character I've used. Even locked on, I can never hit anything with him.
I am handing out a prize. First @kitty_mckechnie to post in this thread gets yuri from Matsuricon if I can afford it. So yeah. Woo.
Bye. Have some Calvin and Hobbes for the road. Spoiler
Let me rephrase the question just for you. "Why would you watch episode 5 if you missed episode 4?"
That's the verb version of the word. When you refer to "a shooting," you're using as a noun, in which case it refers to the event of shots being fired with intent to kill or injure. Besides all that, 3 and 4 wouldn't be considered "a shooting" in a court of law, at least not where I live. It would be considered an unauthorized discharge of a firearm.
You do realize that the news can call it whatever it wants, don't you? That doesn't change what it is. If the police were calling it a shooting, then you might have something. All you've shown me is a case of yellow journalism.
Was the firearm aimed at someone? Because if not, that's not a shooting. That's a shot that was fired, probably by accident.
Take off all your clothes.
If it's too cold, go to the attic and strap yourself to the ceiling. It works, trust me.
I was speaking about my ideals, not how the world is. In my ideal world, all people would think of themselves as the center of the universe, recognize that this is the case for everybody else, and that would cause world to move in the right direction because everybody would help everybody else out of their own mutual selfishness. It would be like great chain being pulled out of a well. Upper class people would stay at the top and move the chain forward, which would raise up the lower classes while new links, representing the new additions to lower classes, are added to the bottom and continue to be pulled forward by the higher classes. Obviously this isn't the case and my ideal world is just an impossible dream. As things are now, with upper class people working lower class jobs, there's weak link somewhere in the middle of the chain that will eventually break, causing the lowest of the lower classes to drop off and get stuck at the bottom of the well. And look, I don't think that guy got the job, least of all over me. The interviews were done on an open floor where we could hear the other interviews going on, so I know from what I heard before they called me that the guy's attitude was awful in his interview. Unless his attitude did a perfect 180 after I was called in for my interview, there is no way they'd even consider him. Attitudes like that lower morale, after all, and unless I have everything backwards, low morale is a really bad thing no matter how you want to run your business. It's just the principle of the thing.
It never happened for me. It was always much too slow for me. You can dual boot to try out the new operating system first and then uninstall one or the other depending on which you prefer. That's OS upgrading 101. Seriously, if you change operating systems without doing that, you have no business setting foot in that part of your computer.
I'm aware of how selfish I am. In a perfect world, everybody would be selfish like me. Everybody would see how useful it is to help others and constantly strive to do what's best for themselves rather than holding everybody else back by staying in a rut that they've long been able to get out of, thus freeing up a space for someone new. Buying that homeless man a burger every now and again gets me a friend to chat with while waiting for the bus. Moving up in the corporate ladder frees up a job for someone below me. Helping to unload the truck every week for my local food pantry gives me a chance to show off my capacity for hard work and gets me a great reference to put on job applications. Taking a ****** manual labor job when I have the qualifications for any number of better jobs benefits neither myself nor the people who actually need it. I'm kind of on the side of the immigrants, or at least the ones jobseekers complain about. They're part of the people who actually need the ****** manual labor job that I mentioned before. Well yeah, but ONE PERCENT ZODIAC ABORTIONIST OPPRESSION OCCUPY CULTURE INTERNALIZED CONTRACEPTION MARRIAGE. I think those irrelevant buzzwords should get my point across rather nicely. The first one is basically my situation except (a) my number one goal right now is to not have to be supported by my parents anymore and (b) I've been needing to get back in school for a couple of years. People can do whatever they like, but it's downright disrespectful for upper classes to stomp all over the space that the lower class needs. I don't think it should be illegal, just that upper class people should have the common decency to stay in their safe upper class bubble. And really, having to be supported by one's parents fits into the "lower class" that needs those jobs. Why do you think I'm trying to get myself moved out?
A lot of the stuff you like gets negative reviews. I guess that means your positive opinion of them doesn't count. I use it without having to use my laptop's touchscreen at all fairly often and have no issues. For one thing, the Start Screen's search is much faster and easier to use than Windows 7's Start Menu. I can press the Windows key, start typing, and have what I'm looking for right there before I'm even done typing.
Of course I am. Everybody is. Each point in the universe in moving away from every other point at the same rate as any every other point. From every single point's point of view, it is the center of the universe because all the other points are moving away from it, that means it must be at the center of the expansion. Draw some dots on a balloon and blow it up to see for yourself. And besides that, my life is my story. Everybody else is just a side character. In a perfect world, the same would apply to everybody else. In my story there isn't even a leading a lady, which means that I am the sole main character. All that aside, though, what business does a rich person have looking for a job loading trucks at FedEx? It's obviously to keep us poor people in our place by making sure we never have jobs long enough to pay for the schooling required to get a nice cushy job. In this particular case it was his expensive clothing, the top-of-the-line gadgetry that he used while waiting for the interviews to start, and the smug look on his face indicating that he thought everyone around him was a lower class untouchable. He didn't even shake the interviewer's hand, probably because he didn't want to dirty his solid gold watch by touching a hand that had already shaken the hands of so many filthy peasants.
Windows 8 is great if you have a touchscreen to use with it. I and dozens of other people really like it.[DOUBLEPOST=1405039021][/DOUBLEPOST] THANK YOU.
When people who are obviously very well to do show up at open interviews for jobs that virtually anyone can do.I mean, they can afford to get an education and go into a nice cushy job, but instead they have to go ahead and take jobs that lower class people (like me) actually need because they can't afford to take classes year-round. I know it's really classist, but it bugs me all the same.
AMD and intel are companies that make computer parts.
Yes, but they're not the same thing. Like you said, jam is easier to spread and that makes it a different thing.