I think you're confusing Aizen with an interesting villain that isn't completely generic.
Because both kinds are boring to watch and painful to play.
Just watch all the filler starting with the Karakurizer arc. It's not bad if you ignore everything that has to do with Aizen.
I would love to see four teams playing one big game of Handegg.
They have four games a week? Is that counting American Soccer games?
but halftime shows at The Ohio State University games are just amazing.
Unless some other network picks it up, but that's not exactly likely. I doubt anyone could afford it.
Yeah, like this *cough* guy we keep hearing about.
^ I recognized two of those characters and neither of them was gay. Even so Gay Stark was the only one that I could actually see working pretty well and now you're telling me that it's not even true? Oh well. At least Miles is a pretty kickass new Spider-Man.
I hope it ends after Book 4 so they can finally do that slice of life comedy about Aang before he found out he was the Avatar.
What do you mean? The admins have never ever been corrupt. I think I would remember something like that and I don't, so obviously it never happened. Corruption? On this website? Pffrt. That's impossible. Our admins have always loved us and want nothing more than to protect us from those tyrrannical KHInsider admins. Just ask the Misty of History if you don't believe me. And if you still don't believe me, the Misty of Love would be happy to clarify further. I love Big Plums.
It's got some top notch slapstick, though.
Or in this case, something old!
time is a factor here jiku
but how
how do i fight off a hippo with my bare hands
I actually think they've both started to suck lately. Marvel: STARK IS GAY NOW BECAUSE DIVERSITY!* DC: Character development? World building? PFFFT! New and flashier costumes will make everything better!** *I can totally see him as gay, but I can also tell that they're just making him gay so they can say they have a gay character. **Let's face it, DC's flashy costumes have always been their greatest strength and now they're just defaulting to that whenever they need something new.
Glory to Arstoztka.