And I'm really liking it.
So you weren't actually there?
Well, the throwing will be achieved by ordering my body to jump off of something, most likely a tall building or a cliff. That's just the easy part, though. If all goes according to plan, someone will distract me just before I hit the ground, causing me to miss.
Sorry Amaury, but I'm gonna need a frood who knows where his towel is.
Who wants to jump out of a bush and scare me before I hit?
Did I do it right? Spoiler
Who else remembers this?
Let's keep this free game train going. I've got a copy of Frozen Synapse. Post 100 gets it. To add to this, there are also multiple endings that you can get depending on a lot of factors. New game mechanics that make it harder to determine whether or not to let people through include new kinds of documents, a body scanner used to find contraband and determine gender in cases of conflicting weights and genders, new rules, occasional bribe offerings, and people who may die if you don't let them in.
Glory to Arstotzka.
If smart watches are going start getting big, does that mean that we'll have smart pocket watches too?
Nationality is the same thing as race now?
That's why I said it lifted Eva's setting rather than its plot. To quote from TV-Tropes: Didn't Del Toro only direct the film? I was under the impression that the writer was Travis Beacham, who has stated that he loves Evangelion and took a lot of inspiration from it.
Yeah, but the setting is pretty much directly lifted from Evangelion. The only difference is the actual plot that's applied to the setting. Somebody probably came up an extremely Adeptus Evangelion campaign by sheer coincidence long before Pacific Rim was ever thought of. Really, I think the best evidence that it was supposed to be the live action Evangelion movie is that the tagline of, "To fight the monsters, we created monsters," works better with Eva than it does with Pacific Rim.
It's especially great because I learned that it's kind of a tribute to Evangelion. Looking into its history, it seems like it was originally greenlit as the live action Eva movie that's been in development hell for years, but got changed into a Spiritual Licensee when they realized that the audience for it wouldn't justify the budget needed to make it a truly great film. I like to imagine that the crew was excited and then disappointed. "Hey guys, they're finally gonna let us do the live action Eva movie!" *CHEERING* "Oh, never mind. They want a new IP instead." Needless to say, I'm going to be very disappointed when the real live action Eva movie comes out and can't even hold a candle to its spiritual adaptation. You know, like how Hercules is a better Superman movie than any of the actual Superman movies.
Base Sentence: Most of the men prefer women between the ages 21 and 25. Intended and Usually Correctly Interpreted Meaning: Women between the ages 21 and 25 are preferred by most men. Equally Valid Alternate Meaning: Most of the men between the ages of 21 and 25 prefer women. Implication of the Equally Valid Alternate Meaning: Most of the men younger than 21 and older than 25 might not prefer women. *stilted, unnatural sounding laughter*
This guy gets the reference. I like this guy.
Do you concur?
That was awesome. Please tell me there's a download link. The dub of Kill la Kill is a pretty even mixture between OMG PERFECT IT'S LIKE THEY FLIPPED A SWITCH FROM JAPANESE TO ENGLISH and OMG KILL IT WITH FIRE WHY WOULD THEY RUIN MY FAVORITE CHARACTER LIKE THAT. I recommend watching the subs first and then going back and watching your favorite episodes in the dub. The rundown of my opinions on the voices I've heard so far in terms of Project Diva hit/miss scale goes roughly: Ryuko: BAD Senketsu: WORST Gamagoori: PERFECT Sanageyama: SAFE Satsuki: SAFE Mako: GOOD (Andrea Libman would have been PERFECT, though) Music Girl Whose Name I can't Remember: SAFE Guts: PERFECT Mako's Brother: PERFECT Mako's Father: PERFECT Mako's Mother: PERFECT
This is just like that one episode of Spongbob.