Some states also consider urinating in public to be a sexual offense. Also, pedophiles and child molesters aren't the same thing. Some pedophiles are "lucky" enough to have gotten help before they could act on their sexuality and live perfectly normal and well adjusted lives despite having to avoid a lot of places where there tend to be a lot of children.
I always sneeze in twos. My grandmother's dog always sneezes in eights. Every. Single. Time.
To expand on this: It depends on your language of choice. Many languages (English, Latin, Spanish Spanish, French, and a whole slew of others) have three (Masculine, Feminine, Neuter), Modern Dutch technically has the same three but only has two that are used often (Common, which borrows the masculine pronouns from Classical Dutch and is used for people and animals, and Neuter). Most Equatorial African languages share a total of 16 genders, though their numerous individual gendering systems are quite different and usually don't use all 16. Gender as a societal construct evolved from that through a need to protect what was once the weaker and more important of the two sexes (females). Roles were created for males and females to conform to in such a way that females would be cast in the less potentially lethal ones and humanity survived long enough to develop so that females no longer need to be protected, rendering gender roles useless and on the slow but steady path to ending for good. Real feminism isn't a movement. It's merely a natural phenomenon caused by the end of humanity's weakness as a species. Real feminists aren't activists, but rather people whose instincts are ever so slightly ahead of the curve. TL;DR: For once I completely agree with you on this kind of issue.[DOUBLEPOST=1411094952][/DOUBLEPOST] How is that? Everything character that I've ever enjoyed has been a white straight cismale with professionally diagnosed Aspergers who was bullied in high school and occasionally has brief flashes of violent and psychotic thoughts. You know the kind. Like when you're standing in a crowded hallway and for a second you think, "I could easily break that fire extinguisher out of its box and bludgeon like five of these people to death before anyone could stop me." Or maybe you're holding a baby chicken and all you can think is, "Wow, it would be so easy to just snap that little guy's neck in two and kill him instantly." Or you're in high school being harassed by a bully and instead of standing up for yourself all you can do is stand there thinking, "Nobody here actually likes you. You are going to be the biggest failure in our class. One of these days I'll kill you at a reunion in front of everybody and all they'll do is help me pin it on someone else." These are all actual things that I have thought and sometimes it really scares me.
Well to start off there's the quartet of Megans: Work Megan (who I don't actually work with anymore), Con Megan, Other Con Megan, and Cousin Megan. There's also Lila and her little sister, Maya, as well as Carolyn, my best friend from high school with whom I still keep in touch on a regular basis. Among the people who I consider my friends, there is only one guy and even then I'm uncomfortable treating him like a guy, which is why I usually find myself overcompensating[DOUBLEPOST=1411049454][/DOUBLEPOST] But did occur to them. How else would they have arrived at the (confirmed by the devs to be false) conclusion that the only reason they couldn't add female models was that it would be too hard? They had to consider adding in female characters before they did whatever bullshit analysis that caused them to say, "No, don't let the players be female." Whatever the case, they'll probably use people's disappointment to sell a female PC as DLC. It's the only way for them to atone for their sins while at the same time avoiding the stigma of going back on their word. Also, it bad that I thought all the Assassins in the first gameplay trailer were women? They were all just so slender. That doesn't sound like a "problem" so much as a "lack of interest." I mean come on, I've had no interest in Halo since the third game but that doesn't mean I have a problem with the more recent games.
I guess I'm the odd man out. I only have one guy friend that I actually consider to be a friend and the only reason I ever "bro out" with him is that I always find myself overcompensating in treating him like a dude.
So is there an actual word that can used refer to both? I'd be happy to edit my post with that if there is. And really, in the world of politics does it really matter? All voters care about in terms of gender and sex is what their candidate looks like. As long as the candidate convincingly presents as a woman, xe'll be marketed as the first woman president even if pronouns and actual gender identity indicate otherwise. I'm not saying that it's right or even okay, I'm just saying that that's how things are I already acknowledged that I was wrong about the one president that I thought was openly gay. I should point out that I said that he conformed to the stereotypes of the day in his private life. Even if it had been like today, his mannerisms would not have reflected his sexuality while living in his public life, making this a moot point. I realize that he was closeted, but that has nothing to do with whether or not he was gay. In short: If James Buchanan was gay, then he was the first gay president whether or not he was open about it. Further, I hold faith that he was gay even though there are other equally satisfying explanations for his many personal quirks. Funny you should mention that. There was a semi-recent thing going around in the tabloids about Obama being gay. I hadn't heard about it until I went searching for that article on Buchanan, but it happened. And that's kind of a shame, if you ask me.
In this one particular instance I'm using the term as it is known by the 90% of people who don't know the difference. Wait, what? This situation happened to a neighbor of mine several years ago and he had to fight pretty damn hard to get his kids away from their mother who was quite obviously unfit to take care of them. Everyone was leaning in favor of the woman just because they felt that "children need to be with their mother" up until she was properly diagnosed with some mental illness that my parents explained to the 10 or 11 year old me as, "She's crazy." Even after that he had to fight even harder for child support because, again, the mother was thought to be incapable of earning enough money to be able to pay child support all because she was a woman. Take this with a grain of salt because I'm remembering these events through an 11 year old's eyes, but I feel like I'm pretty credible because I remember what happened very clearly. That's understandable. It was never confirmed, but James Buchanan is commonly theorized as having been gay. The main evidence cited for it is that in his private life he conformed to many of the stereotypes associated with homosexuality at the time. Andrew Jackson is even quoted as referring to him and his household companion of many years, Senator William Rufus King, as "Miss Nancy and Aunt Fancy." This by itself is pretty flimsy as Old Hickory was somewhat known for that kind of crude humor, but when King left for a trip to France, Buchanan reportedly told a friend of his, "I am now solitary and alone. I have gone a-wooing to several gentlemen, but have not succeeded with any one of them." I could have sworn I had found an article about JFK being openly gay, but it turned out that was just his best friend, Lem Billings. I also support the theories that Martin van Buren was gay, but there isn't much, if any, evidence. Whatever the case, I'd also like to take this space to lay down a prediction on you cats. By the fifth election after 2016, a presidential candidate will come out as gay while on the campaign trail. Do not vote for him. I am 90% sure that if he wins, he will cause a huge scandal because he was never actually gay. The other 10% is that he really will be gay, but a massive disappointment to the part of the QuILTBAG community that that only voted for him because they thought he'd finally get the government working on LGBT+ rights, which he won't because our last president will have gotten us into yet another pointless war that President Gay will devote all his time to sorting out because the first duty of any good president is to fix the mistakes of the last president. Point taken.
Really? People are finally realizing that our first black president is just another scummy politician and gender is still an issue? Personally, I can't see the next president being anyone but a woman. Nobody had a problem with or made a fuss over the first gay president and that was before homosexuality was even formally acknowledged as a thing. Not even the first openly gay president got any attention for it, so why should the first black, female, and black female presidents get any kind of different treatment? Also, Susan B. Anthony and Sacajawea dollar coins exist. On the subject of Harriet Tubman, she was a total badass. Why anyone wouldn't want her on our currency is way beyond me.
How about an eagle with a different expression on his face for each denomination? $1: Meh $5: Sarcastically Impressed $10: A "Yeah, you're gettin' there" look And so on up to the $100 bill, which is just a picture of him majestically flying away because they couldn't get him to still for that long.
The president says "My fellow Americans..." at the beginning of a lot of his speeches. Does that make that his catchphrase?
Hike to LA and be homeless for a few months. You're a tough gal, so I know you'll survive.[DOUBLEPOST=1410984537][/DOUBLEPOST] See Fearly? No matter what you do, we'll be right here to support you as your friends.
Maybe, but for the sheer coolness factor, it would be way better than some "scientist" whose only major contribution was running down to the patent office when one of his employees came up with something good and claiming it for himself. Everyone knows that fictional people never hurt anyone like that.
This gal gets it. The only thing that could make the $100 bill cooler and still have that American look to it is if Batman were on the front.
I'm sure they do, but to me it just never sounded like a real name. It sounds like what Chandler would have been named if Friends had started production ten years later.
Oh. That just raises more questions, but okay.
Even if you can sing, it's still a good idea to take a class or two. Having that innate ability is great, but learning about how to use it can open up a lot more ways for you to use it. Plus, having that you've learned to sing on some kind of record can always help your resume. Take what I say with a grain of salt, though. I have a few friends who do amateur theatre stuff and am basing this advice solely on my actor friend's plans to prepare for her future as a professional actress.
Amaury isn't already a nickname?
That's your answer right there. You can get an acting degree and increase your skillset, but overall it's just a matter of whether or not the casting director likes your audition. I'd suggest learning to sing, dance, and ride on horseback well enough that you're comfortable having them on your resume as special skills. Archery, gun use, and general athleticism help too, even if most of the stuff you do will handle the thing that those are involved in with special effects. Knowing how to properly use a real object helps a lot in cases where you have to pretend to use a fake version of the same object and guns and bows are reasonably common in the performance arts of today.
Owned you lamers