Out of curiosity, how would you stand on, for example, a black comedian telling jokes that it would be wrong for a white person to tell, but having those jokes written by a white person? Is it okay because they're being told by a black person or bad because the person who came up with them is white? Or is it okay for the black person to tell them even though it was wrong for the white person to write them despite the fact that the black person paid him good money to do so? What if I'm among black friends who want me to use their vernacular because they prefer that I not, "talk like a white person?" I wouldn't want to be friends with people who expect me to do that, but the point still stands. What if I'm using the word to specifically refer to the word, perhaps in an academic context? For example, I may be writing an essay on offensive language where my thesis statement is, "No matter who says it, the fact is that words like "******" and "******" are slurs and any attempts to "reclaim" them serves only to further the harm they do to the groups they were created to oppress." I won't say whether or not I believe this statement, but I feel that this is a valid use of the term no matter who you are. What if I'm in court as a witness to a crime and am told to repeat exactly what I remember hearing the culprit say at the scene of the crime? Being white, would I really have to commit perjury by telling the court that the culprit's exact words as I heard them were, "I'm gonna kill you, n-word!"? This is a pretty unlikely scenario, but I still feel like it would be more acceptable to use the exact words rather than censoring it to avoid offending the court. Could you clarify what you mean here? I feel like I might be missing a big part of your point because I can't tell what this is supposed to mean in the context of the rest of the sentence. This is the correct viewpoint. If you simply assume that everybody is a bad person until you get to know them, it is impossible to succumb to racial bias. Yes, it is that simple. That way it doesn't matter if most of the people I mug bait are black because I'm still treating them in the same way I do on the rare occasion when the victim is white.
Angry and irrational, I now imply that your mother is a prostitute by means of a very well constructed metaphor.
Nonsense! If we're ever going to make any progress we need to paradigm shift dirty commie revolutionaries.
Feb-you-ary or Feb-roo-ary?[DOUBLEPOST=1411870507][/DOUBLEPOST] Um, shut up.
Where do you stand on the pronunciation of February?
Linguistic prescriptivism is going to tear this country apart.
I can't know for sure, but mall bombing sounds like it would be ridiculously easy to do with out getting caught. I won't go into it here because I don't feel like having government people question me at this late hour, but I think you could figure it out on your own. Needless to say, I avoid malls whenever I can. Also, murder can be gotten away with easily as long as you don't half ass it. First, make sure it's somebody that you have absolutely no prior connection to. No connection=no motive. Also make sure that you're wearing cotton gloves the whole time. Don't use a gun; those can traced. After you do the deed in a private place on a hard, nonstaining surface, the first thing you need to do is clean up all the spilled blood and then drain all the bodily fluids you can from the body. Keep those bodily fluids in plastic Ziplock bags, freeze them, and go swimming in a murky lake with the frozen bags in your swimsuit pockets so you can dispose of the fluids without attracting attention. Make sure to weigh down each frozen lump so it'll sink to bottom while it's melting. While you're waiting for the fluids to freeze, cut the body into small, manageable chunks and tie each of them up in a black plastic bag. That alone won't keep dogs from sniffing it out, so first find a dead cat, dig a shallow grave for it, and then keep digging for a few more feet and bury the pieces there. Put the pieces in the bottom, fill it in enough to leave room for the cat, then bury the cat. This way the dog will sniff out the dead body, but the police will move on when they dig because they'll think it's just the cat. Boom. You've just gotten away with murder. Another one that serves a functional purpose is mug baiting. Get a few friends, stand somewhere late at night, and wait for someone to try to mug you. Once the mugger's in place, signal your friends to jump out of hiding, attack, and take everything the mugger has. These are the things I think about when I'm riding home late at night and afraid for my life, chastity, and finances.
I'm pretty sure all these games are indies. They probably don't take that much power to run. The only one that seems like it would overheat anything is Ms. Splosion Man, and that's only a female protagonist in the same way that Ms. Pac Man is a female protagonist.
My 3DS crashes when I turn on wireless features.
If you PM me a picture of it I can emit healing waves through the photo and to your left buttock, causing it to move back into place. I'm kidding, by the way. Please don't send me a picture of your butt.]
But guys what about my excellent wordplay?
A talk on Titans, so to speak. I only made this thread so that I could make that pun.
I'm nearly finished with it and I seriously can't figure out whether or not I like this game. On one hand: The story is cliche. Classmating is just a new spin on Social Linking. The innuendo is blatantly obvious. The villain hasn't even been revealed and I've known who he is since the game's halfway point. The characters are flatter than Jube's taste in women. The amount of different classes makes it confusing to assemble effective teams of Star Children. It's been three dungeons and the drug dealer subplot hasn't gone anywhere since they found their hideout. On the other hand: The story is okay. Classmating is a rather interesting spin on Social Linking. The dungeon crawling is fun. The combat is a refreshing spin on the standard turn based battle system If you ignore how flat heroines themselves are, their individual subplots are pretty interesting. I'm loving all the bit characters. Classmanting. I'm so confused. I might have to give it a perfect 0 on the -10 to 10 scale that I use.
Right is right. The tedium involved in properly preparing for the battle is part of the challenge necessary for a rewarding victory.
What does that have to do with why you quoted me, though?[DOUBLEPOST=1411585530][/DOUBLEPOST] This line is how I've gotten every job I've ever had.
BUT HOW CAN I TALK TO A GODDESS WITHOUT PRAYING? For me that movie is Catch Me If You Can. It is by no means the best movie ever, but it has so many subtly awesome moments that I hate it when people don't pay enough attention to catch them all. And they don't even realize that their favorite movie, Snow White, is so old that Hitler loved it. I actually only know Audrey Hepburn through Rec. and only barely recognize the name Humphrey Bogart. I'm with you on Marilyn Monroe, though. Shirley Temple is another one that I can't understand. Thank god I'm not the movie buff in my little friendship circle. Really? The main thing I remember about the first series is how disappointed I was that they didn't become a regular villain. HOW DO YOU WATCH MOVIES WITH FRIENDS EVERY WEEK?[DOUBLEPOST=1411519056][/DOUBLEPOST]I just thought of more: -When hentai is tagged as femdom and there's only like two pages of femdom. -The fact that my favorite hentai site doesn't have a hypnosis or mind control tag and instead files all of that under forced. -The fact that Nicki Minaj is clearly destined for voice acting and yet insists on sticking to music. -The only cable company commercials I ever see are ones for the company I'm already using. WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT? -The suffix "-ski." -My inability to resist participating in a pun thread
It's far from fantastic, but it's enough better than just "good" that I consider it great.The first series is like a joke where the setup is better than the punchline. The only arc before SAO II that I really liked was the ghost thing in Aincrad. Kirito is flat as **** and it's it's a shame because he could have been so much better. SAOII kind of does and kind of doesn't help with the aborted harem arc. On one hand, it acknowledges that those girls still exist and are friends with Kirito, but so far it never actually shows how exactly it was resolved, just acknowledges that it was resolved at some point offscreen. I agree completely on the villains except for Laughing Coffin. It was pretty clear that they just wanted to kill people and although they seem to be another aborted arc, they form the bulk of the plot in SAO II and that in turn ends up rounding out Kirito's character just enough to show that he's grown since Aincrad. He's still pretty boring, but he's at least gone from 2D like a drawing to 2D like a piece of paper. I've read that the books improve the series as a whole, but I really don't like the series enough to put any actual money toward finding out.[DOUBLEPOST=1411505528][/DOUBLEPOST] It's even worse when you're showing a friend your favorite movie and you're all like, "I can't wait to see the look on her face at this part!" and then you look and she's ignoring the moving to use her phone to blog on the tumblr, presumably about how her best friend has such bad taste in movies.
-People who don't give their full attention when they're watching a movie. It's disrespectful to the people who made it. -People who can't acknowledge that The Wind Rises is Hayao Miyazaki's last film. -People who like The Swimming Anime. -Armadillos -The fact that Captain Earth hasn't gotten any recognition. -When people stand "in" my wings and tail. -Commercials on television networks for kids. -Everything about Nerf Rebelle -Those vending machines where you turn a big Lazy Susan and then put in the money and open a door. I don't know why. They just piss me off. Sword Art Online has been a roller coaster of quality for me. It started out great, then turned into a crappy remake of You've Got Mail, then got terrible, then got incesty, then got terrible-er, and finally completely redeemed itself with SAOII. In terms of overall quality, it's the most confusing anime I've ever watched.