high school is really fun actually as long as you have enough ppl to talk to imo other than that it really sucks lol
no no below is right it's like a shortened form of 'don't smother me' so it's like what below said
okay uh top three members that you would go to a concert with a why [ include what artist's concert it would be ] and honestly i was kinda indifferent lol
truthhhhhh[DOUBLEPOST=1401919287][/DOUBLEPOST]oh also tod below lol
andrew - greek origin; meaning "strong, manly, brave" james - hebrew origin; meaning "supplanter" stancati - there's no set thingy for it but like there's something close to it [ stancarsi ] that means to tire so yeah i think my last name means like tired or sleeply or something lol
omg my finals are coming soon and i just took an alg ii quiz that i bombed and i feel really crumby
honestly tho like not much haha life is p boring and okay you ???
✖ kills { n/a } ✖ ✖ allies { n/a } ✖ enemies { n/a } ✖ Brady was more than confused as he zoned in on the final part of his group's conversation and noticed them walking away from what looked like the exit to this hellhole. "Uh, why exactly are we walking away from the exit? If we go back some more things could... go wrong. We may not even make it back here. Are you sure that this is for the best?" Maybe what he was saying made no sense, but Brady didn't really care honestly. He just wanted to get the hell out of here. He was tempted to just leave his group and leave through the exit, but he'd seen enough teli shows to know going off on your own in a scary situation like this was far from smart. Hopefully he could convince everyone to turn around instead. He doubted it though; they all seemed pretty bent on finding more weapons, or whatever. The pit in the boy's stomach only grew with each step he took away from the exit. What if this were his only chance to escape? Thoughts flooded into his head, making him doubt his decision. He'd become very indecisive; in fact, he even stopped as the group continued to walk and looked back to the exit, which had been fading away rather quickly. Common sense, combined with fear of being alone, knocked him in the head and he immediately rushed back to the group. Maybe this was the right thing to do. He didn't know what was right anymore. This place left Brady feeling hollow inside. Even if he were to escape, he don't think he'd ever be the same. Still, he continued to walk.
i ship myself w kpop otp
man das wassup nm bruh yk just chillin
what's poppin boi
still rocking that 100²
mr mr - snsd { original // instrumental } wild - nine muses { original // instrumental } catallena - orange caramel { original // instrumental } dolls - nine muses { original // instrumental } mr chu - apink { original // instrumental } news - nine muses { original // instrumental } voodoo doll - vixx { original // instrumental } bbb - dal shabet { original // instrumental }
biggest kpop fan ehehhe
n64 swag
cnc is appreciated lol
「 wild 」