it's all up to you whatever you're feeking idrc
i agree with everyone here mostly the floating head syndrome can really ruin a piece despite how nice the effects are around it that being said these still look very nice i like how you kept it simple and clean keep it up!!
wow not posting kpop go me cnc is very much appreciated [ seriously i'll even beg ] so i'd appreciate it if y'all could do that thanks! credit goes to 家! also free free to use these if you'd like but please credit me thank you!
warm air rises
idk if i'm allowed to sign up again considering what happened before lol but if so i would like beau to be my name please
go for it
not true every state's age of consent is different like nj's is sixteen[DOUBLEPOST=1405032655][/DOUBLEPOST]in fact most of the united states [ thirty-one states ] follow the sixteen age of consent
lol not really
aw it sucks i have work soon weeps
it's a lot brighter lol but yolo
i took a stab at it tho take a look
okay ??
sorry totally forgot about this lol uh to be honest haha like i suppose i fear situations involving like dolls i guess??? like if there's a life threatening situation and there are like dolls involved idk that sounds dumb but dolls just really scare me and if i had to like go through a creepy doll factory to save someone or something i'd be like 'uh' who on the forum do you really dislike, or even hate [ if one exists ]? feel free to list as many as you'd like [ minimum one ] and why
nah they're nice seriously!!
nice icons
lol ok
idk if i like this lol
oh gosh what is this
idrk what to talk about lol it's been too long
it's an a&p it's like a legit corporation supermarket and w/e