haley gang or die
i get kisses from girls all the time are you kidding gosh
i'm torn between sax and jayn ughhhhhh i think i'm going with sax tho bc of all the kpop themes she's had lol
tbh i think summer should cause a lack of activity bc people [ especially those in school ] now have time to go out and actually do shit lol
this is gonna make me sound really easy but as long as you're masculine enough and have a lil weewee then i'm yours [ assuming that i like their personality and such, like they're not a ****** or something haha ] however, if the person didn't change their genitalia, then i don't think i could date them. well i could, but sex would be out of the question and idk if i'd be comfortable with a relationship without sex tbh lol
aaah i miss you too!!! we need to get in touch again bb
kawaii desu!!! > w <
yeah me and my physics teacher were pretty close so it was nice i just didn't get it is all haha
idk man i was p bad at physics i don't even know what i didn't get i just didn't
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa physics is literally the worst ugh i was so bad at it lol
go for it bb sounds great
stoppppp no i literally cry everytime i see this and i just did again[DOUBLEPOST=1405572631][/DOUBLEPOST]this imo is like the saddest thing ever okay i cried just watching this
i joined when i was nine and wasn't really active but then i lost the password for that account and made another a year later and the same thing happened lol but then when i made this one i wasn't really active at first but i got really into roleplaying and was p active there i'm still not even really that active anyways tho
what a babe
thanks amaury! i appreciate the compliment thanks! i'm glad you like them i'll def keep the darker colors in mind i don't really use them too often because i like to keep things bright for the most part haha but i'm glad you suggested something! thanks so much!!
whats poppin
the little bunny pretty little bunnies sleeping bunny the bunny book the great bunny detective
it's all yoooooooooooooooooooooooou