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  1. CloudStrife2k9
    By far Wishing Star and Chocobo. They made me cringe.

    Oh god, all but two world-based Keyblades in Birth By Sleep were HORRENDOUS. (The only good key's are the Deep Space key and then the Olympus Coliseum one was.. decent.) Holy fawk I'd rather use Chocobo and Wishing Star than most BBS keys .-.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 27, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. CloudStrife2k9
    Ahh, it's a toss up between Demyx and Marluxia.
    But, I gotta say Marluxia. Would be awesome to know the background on him, I mean he kind of was a big deal.

    Also, I want him in the new Organization XIII :3
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 25, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. CloudStrife2k9
    Well, like what libregkd said, the two games have nothing to do with each other. And they DID say they will have a "terrific lineup" so maybe. I REALLY think it will be revealed at E3. And does anybody think there will be a little teaser for 2.5 at the booth as well?
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 23, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. CloudStrife2k9
    Hmm, would that be pronounced as "Risk"? Because if so, I'm completely okay with that name haha. Sounds cool c: And yeah, especially when that one vowel name has two of the same letter in it. xD
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. CloudStrife2k9
    My name is Kirk so.. um... I don't know. xD


    BUT if Riku was ever to have a nobody. I came up with the name for him awhile ago in the 'Children of Organization XIII' RPG.'Xiruk' :D Pronounced 'Zear-Ruck' haha
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. CloudStrife2k9
    I predict Final Fantasy Versus will finally be announced.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 23, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. CloudStrife2k9
    Well I'm sure we will get news from Final Fantasy Versus this coming E3. And the fact that it'll be exclusively on the Ps4, isn't really a surprise considering Xbox/Microsoft isn't big in Japan, and because it's so close to the next gen, it's REALLY no surprise that it will be on the Ps4 instead of Ps3. Same thing with Kingdom Hearts 3. Although it's a "rumor" I mean, was there really any doubt that Versus and KH3 will be PS4 exclusives? Anyone could have guessed it. Haha
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 22, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. CloudStrife2k9
    Riku. No doubt. The way he went about it might have been wrong, but he tried his hardest to look after and help Kairi.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 21, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. CloudStrife2k9
    Oh wow, I completely forgot about 2.5 haha. Yeah, that'll probably happen then.

    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. CloudStrife2k9
    Obviously Dream Drop Distance was just released last year, but (I'm assuming) they've been working on Kingdom Hearts 3 on and off for a little while now. And with the PS4 being released later this year, they could possibly announce KH3 as one of the new exclusive PS4 games. Now, this doesn't mean that they would release the game this year, just announce. Maybe show a teaser trailer or something?

    Now, I HIGHLY doubt this, but yeah. Just thought I'd bring it up.
    Thread by: CloudStrife2k9, May 20, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. CloudStrife2k9
    I find it weird how you make a list of people whom might betray, and you don't put Riku on the list :b I thought he would be on there. But eh, I couldn't see that happening.

    I could POSSIBLY see Lea betraying Sora and such, and then seeing the error of his ways later on.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 16, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. CloudStrife2k9
    Roxas, Riku & Sora :]

    That team would be TOO badass.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 29, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. CloudStrife2k9
    ... :0 I love you. HOMIES UNITE!

    I suppose TECHNICALLY it is a Dolan meme reference, but I was thinking of Sly when I wrote that :P
  14. CloudStrife2k9
    Riku is a keyblade wielder in and he WAS able to open Dark Corridors. So could Terra and I think Master Xehanort could as well :P
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. CloudStrife2k9
    I gotta say the biggest " :O " moment(s) would be when Sora turned into a heartless, and when Lea summoned his keyblade.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. CloudStrife2k9
    Idunno, maybe there was like darkness surrounding them or something ominous like that. But they WERE in the dreams, otherwise they wouldn't be in their dream clothes. The scenes where they had their normal clothes, WHILE in the dream worlds were just to confuse Sora/Riku into thinking they were out of the dream worlds. And they were trapped because they fell to far into their dreams :b Lmao, did you even play/watch the game? [x
  17. CloudStrife2k9
    He was still in his dreams. That's why Dolan, Gooby, Mickey and Yen Sid "didn't notice." Question answered. Short thread, yaay.
  18. CloudStrife2k9
    Why would Nomura lie about that though? Lol. And obviously he had ideas for Re:CoM and KH2 while making KH1, because of the "Another Side, Another Story" secret ending.. lol.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 18, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. CloudStrife2k9

    Oh, yeah I actually just watched it too. They are orange. Damn :c

    And yeah, exactly.

    Nah, I think it's just the Xehanort thing because a lot of members of Organization XIII had different color eyes. Also, if that was the case, Riku's eyes would be golden as well. :b
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. CloudStrife2k9
    About the Riku-Replica being at peace with himself at the end of Chain of Memories.. you really never know. I feel he would jump at the chance of anything as long as it gave him a shot at vengeance at Riku, to show that he's better than him. It's kind of iffy to say if he will be in the next game, but with Square, you never really know.

    And with Vanitas situation, I was always kind of confused with Ansem the Wise. Why are his eyes golden? Usually if your eyes are golden in Kingdom Hearts that means you're part Xehanort, right? He IS in The Realm of Darkness and he has seen and talked to Aqua. What if he is with the Organization? He could try to "help" Aqua find and save Ven, and then at the right moment, he can go and betray Aqua and take Ven back to Xehanort and such. I know it might not make complete sense, because in KH2 he was trying to get revenge on the Organization. But, I don't know. Just speculation. It would be interesting in my opinion. (x

    ANDANDAND, if he did that, maybe he could try the same thing with Sora/Roxas, and extract Roxas from Sora, thinking Roxas will join them, but then Roxas fights back to join with Sora and the other lights? :'D lmfao. I know the chances of that are one in a billion, but I just want something like that to happen. I want to play as Roxas :c

    Nah, they ARE Braig and Isa.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts