yeah, we'll be getting that. Don't worry.
Now I'm just going to take a wild guess here and assume that those voice actors will only be the Japanese ones, right?
looool. Yeah, couldn't of said it better myself. Whoever it was, they don't matter at all. Only reason they were in that scene was probably to show that Sora, Riku, and Kairi were just normal kids with normal lives.. at that point.
Soo.. does this mean four person party during worlds such as Agrabah? I hope so. It will definitely make things more interesting. Not to mention it makes a lot more sense. It's not like when you go to Halloween Town, you're like "...hmm, okay well, Goofy, you... go over there and wait. I want Jack to fight." No, they all 'fight together' but I guess because of the hardware short comings, you could only have 3 characters fighting on screen. Also very excited to the fact that we might(lol, no it's definite) be able to play as Riku and Kairi. And in another interview he also said there is a high possibility that we can play as Mickey. So, yay.
Blah, in my opinion, the first Kingdom Hearts was pretty difficult. It took me FOREVER to beat the Chernabog. I was probably under-leveled though. I just wanted to finish it so I kind of just rushed through the worlds xD some new stuffs for KH3 :P Not much, but meh.
I NEVER understood why people ***** about it being on X1. Honestly, who cares? If anything it's a good thing because KH3 will get MORE sales than it would if it were to be PS4 exclusive(which means more money), and it also means more people who haven't gotten to play a Kingdom Hearts game before, will NOW get the chance.
Ansem's apprentice IS Terranort. Also, the whole "Riksem" thing, I don't think we will see Riku get possessed again. If anything, I could see the Riku Replica join the new Organization. And Roxas, will most likely be in KH3, but not in the new Organization.
Well in a previous article on here, there was an interview with Normura where he said that Sora WILL be getting a new outfit, but because it's early in development, he's still in his KH2 attire :p So I expect Riku, Mickey (possibly), Kairi, Lea, and Roxas (He's definitely going to be in this game) to have new outfits as well :p And maybe Donald and Goofy too. Y'know, considering they've been wearing the SAME clothes since KH1. xD --- On that note, I really can't wait to see Riku and Roxas in this new cg style :D
gdhgsdkg. i cri evrytiem I really like the cg style that Square is doing with Kingdom Hearts. I WANT IT NAO.
Well, lets hope for your sake that a PS4 emulator comes out relatively early and an iso for KH3 because KH3 will not be touching PS3 at all. Haha
Lol, no. If DDD were to be in an x.5 HD remix, it would be in 2.5(still HIGHLY unlikely). And KH3 has NO reason to be in an HD remix considering it will be in AT LEAST 1080p. Lol. So yeah.
Hmm, if it was to appear in the waters of In Between and the Realm of Darkness, do you think that when it appeared at the end of KH2, that maybe Aqua could have seen it as well and walked through it and ended up on Destiny Islands as well and has just been derping around for a while, not coming into contact with Sora, Riku or Kairi? I think you might have accidentally figured something out, Misty. Lmao
Oh man, I really hope they don't do Marvel. Seeing Sora with the Avengers, would just be WAY too awkward. I'm okay with Pixar and Star Wars though. I fantasize about Sora and Buzz Lightyear just kicking Zurg's ass. Would be great. Who knows, maybe they plan on doing a Toy Story world, and that's why in BBS, in Ventus' story, we were so small. Maybe they were testing how to do a world when you're THAT small. I'm intrigued. Not to mention the yellow shoes. The red onesie with the giant yellow shoes was just.. ugh.. Anyways, I hope the new outfit resembles something more of his KH2 outfit rather than KH1. Dear god, I can't go another game with that.. it's just.. stahp Square, stahp.
Oh.. well, meh. I want what I said. Lmao.
When he says a "three character party" does that mean Donald, Goofy and then Riku? And then a world based character? If so... THAT'S AWESOME :D Also, I'm really intrigued by the whole multiplayer thing. I hope we can co-op the story. Maybe if what I said previously is true, maybe one person can play as Riku while the other plays as Sora?:D
Hmm, I believe that she's the same age as Sora, so she will also be 17.
Oh yeah, didn't even think of that. I like the idea of that. Yeah, going to the dark realm and seeing like, bigger, slightly creepy heartless would be awesome. And ohh lmfao, yeah, as said before, don't know much about DDD. My bad :P
Not sure how to respond to this.
Oh, I thought Riku was two years older. Haha. Whatevs. And lmfao.