I think if we get to play as Riku, we should be able to fight Ansem! That's never been done before! No seriously though, I think if Roxas is in the game(which he will be), I really want him to fight Xemnas. no.
replying to this SUPER late, but whatevs. So kind of like how in the Disney Castle world we had timeless river? That would be interesting actually. And I like that idea better than mine. Because then we can have the Toy Story world and then a Buzz Lightyear world and a Woody world opposed to just one. The only thing that makes me sad is if they actually do a Toy Story world, we will most likely get a Toy Story 3 world. Which, I loved that movie, it's just, I would like to use the plots from the first and second movie as well, which seems unlikely, unless they do it like you go to that world three separate times and each time would be a different movie plot. Which is very much unlikely in my opinion. And then if they were to do the Star Command and Woody's Round Up sub-world's, it makes it even more unlikely. /:< Idk D':
Hmm, I wonder what we will see. Probs just another teaser with more characters shown. And possibly we will see new outfits? Maybe we will even get a round about release date? I hope it's late 2014(JP) and earlyish 2015(NA/EU) ;_; ahem.. actually I said that they would announce it at e3. And I predicted some sort of a teaser trailer (; And I predicted FF15 to be announced with a trailer.. I'm just that good ;D
Lol, tots downloading this. #yolo thanks for posting this hatok ^^
wellllllll, Day's is about Organization XIII, which is a huge part of the story. And it's about one of the main characters in the series; Roxas.
I don't like how he keeps referring to them as "spin-offs" when pretty much all, besides re:Coded, have been important. ejghsdkgh
Too cliche! Idk. I say why have that when they can have three ACTUAL bosses. Haha -- I KNOW D: which makes me very sad. I think it would make A LOT more sense to use Star Command because of story and fighting wise, but the movie and tv show is a lot less known :( Now if I can slightly quote The Hunger Games... -ahem- May the odds be ever in my favor..
Well, as much as he brought the feels, and he brought many feels, I seriously can't see him being as much fun/all that serious of a boss in comparison to the monster thing, Warp Darkmatter, and Zurg. haha.
Now obviously Toy Story is a world that has been very much anticipated since we found out Disney bought Pixar in 2006 and when we also found out Buzz and Woody were almost used as summons in KH2FM. But if you think about it, if they use a Toy Story world, it'll most likely get the Winnie The Pooh treatment (meaning strictly mini-games). As much as I would love a Toy Story world, I feel a that a world based off the movie 'Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins' would be much better. They could even say that Buzz's friend/partner, Warp Darkmatter, lost his heart to darkness and faked his death to join up with Zurg. And for battles, you could fight Zurg's robot minion things, free the Little Green Men, fight the big monster from the beginning of the movie, fight Buzz's ex partner, and then finally fight Zurg. I mean seriously, this makes so much sense to do rather than just a Toy Story world. Would you rather fight a Zurg that shoots tennis balls at you(IF there even is fighting in that world), or a Zurg who shoots lasers and wants to kill you? A Buzz Lightyear of Star Command based world just sounds like a whole bunch of win in my opinion. Maybe you can get a toy version of Buzz and Woody as a summon, as like a tip of the hat to Toy Story. The world could be called Capital Planet. And the Keyblade could be called "Star Command." (Or "Playtime" and can be Toy Story based.) I really want this. Which would you guys rather have? A Toy Story or Buzz Lightyear of Star Command world?
You would choose Roxas? Woah, there's a shocker ! lmao, anyways. Probably Riku. Darkness intrigues me. And to belong to the light, but use the darkness at your own free will just seems badass to be honest. Gives you somewhat of an edge, and makes you seem a bit of an enigma in my opinion. But one can say that about Roxas as well, just vice versa. Which is why Roxas is a close second. Also, Riku has a dope ass keyblade, and he can use Soul Eater as well as Way to Dawn, so yeah. Lots of win with my decision. :D
Most likely to not win an award: CloudStrife2k9. actually, that would mean I wouldn't win that one either.. gg.
I don't consider CoM, Days, BBS and DDD to be "spin offs" those were all very important to the storyline...
I say it'll be out in JP earlyish 2015, and for ports, late 2015 Lets not forget, it's BEEN in development for a little while now in secrecy, just not in full force. It's just recently been put into full force. And 2.5 will come out early 14 in Japan, and mid 14 everywhere else. Lol, wait, is Kingdom Hearts X supposed to be taken seriously? That's like a side, side title.
VIDEO CONTAINS SPOILERS At 15:00, Ansem, the Wise says "Perhaps... he(Sora) has the power to bring back the hearts and existences of those connected to him-- to recreate people who we thought were lost to us forever. Our most precious treasures-- even an empty puppet." That pretty much all but says "ROXAS, XION, NAMINE AND ERAQUS WILL BE IN KH3." (Eraqus because of Ventus' heart being with Sora's, so technically Eraqus is connected to Sora.) And maybe the Riku replica as well, who will probably then join the new Organization XIII. Maybe Vanitas as well.
Probably just shows the current weapons. They knew he got the dual keys. They were tracking him down. And Axel could have told them since he fought Roxas when he had the two keys.
Yeah, the thing about releasing news about something other than KH3, will definitely be 2.5 which is exciting. no.
I want Riku, Lea, Mickey and Roxas playable. :| If so... damn you Paris. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS But seriously, he better have meant the end of the Xehanort Saga. My sanity will drop immensely if KH3 is the last game. ------ HAHA everybody is looking at the same camera besides the guy to the far right :'D
Yeah exactly. Way to Dawn is Soul Eater with more of a 'light look' to it. It represents the balance of light and dark, but I also see it as rising into light, from the darkness. Mainly because of it 100% being dark before, and now it has the angel wing, and it's a little more light oriented now. w h a t e v s | i d k
Not to mention 2.5 will most likely make a lot more money than 1.5, considering 2.5 will have KH2FM, and BBSFM. The two best titles so far (in my opinion). By a business standpoint, it would be foolish to NOT release a 2.5 HD Remix. More successful business = more money. More money = more money put towards Kingdom Hearts 3. And more money towards KH3 = they can make it even more amazing! :D