Hey, HJO will be doing an AMA on Reddit this Thursday 2PM - 4PM EST answering fan questions, I guess. Lol :p...
holy long loading time batman. I've waited like 10 minutes, and all I've got is the logo.
What is this 2009? No, they aren't related. Lol.
Willa Holland must stay. We need more of her. For science.
Did anybody else notice that the hole in the wall that leads to the mansion isn't there? Not sure if they meant to do that or not.
Now what I want to know is when does the public get to see this trailer? I'm hoping soon.
Yeah, I first made this I think when I was 12. And I remember thinking that nobody would talk to me if I was 12. So I made my age a year older. Pure genius right there, I know.
I just turned 17 August 30th. I can LEGALLY buy GTA V this Tuesday. :'D and I totally didn't JUST realize that now..
Yeah, since its next gen, I don't expect text boxes. Which is a good thing. Also woah, can we swear now? you guys have no idea how hard it is for me to form a sentence without swearing at least once.
I've been a member since 2009, and you have since January this year, and you have 575 more posts than I do. rageface.jpg
I still stick by a 2015 release.
I still have a pretty long wait. I'm not getting 1.5 or 2.5 until they're both out and on gaikai. I'm more excited for 2.5 than I am for 1.5 anyways.
...this may be a dumb question but will any of this be in English? and will there be a live stream?
I've always thought the Riku Replica and Vanitas would be two of them. And I doubt it, but in Days, Xemnas said Vexen and Zexion's demise weren't apart of the plan. Axel got rid of them for Saix. So maybe he'll get Even and Ienzo?
Oh, I thought that was because Ven and Vanitas fused back together? Because after she fights him, and everything happens, she takes his body and takes it to castle oblivion.. so with your logic, that means that it's actually Vanitas that's at CO.. ? or am I just not getting it?
...wait wut. explain please lol.
wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, He also was like four then. He looks JUST like Vanitas now. (Minus the eyes/hair color)
I could see DLC being a thing. They'll probably make multiplayer, mirage arena, new weapons, new/old costumes(maybe even old character models for the playable characters), new mini games, new gummi ships and missions, & maybe playable characters(for the multiplayer/mirage arena or something) all into DLC. Which I'm fine with. I would buy all of that besides the mini games and gummi ship stuff. Lol.