OH MY GOD! A year really has passed! But seriously, I see it. Just a coincidence, unless you planned it?
That a year has passed?
I will state now, and this is from personal experience, I only see American internet posters that take religious and national symbols that seriously on the internet. American citizens, Christians, Muslims, and so on all take their symbols very personally. Here (UK) I rarely see groups of people becoming so infuriated, at least publically. Not saying it doesn't happen but mainly only in political contexts which any country or people gets passionate with. I think we aren't socialised as patriotic as America, and I think that's the same for a lot of European countries. Just making an observation. Symbols should be respected in social contexts. When it comes to education, I'm more than happy someone challenging my ideas and beliefs in an education context. I respect their decision to try that out, but they probably should've prepped it better. Anyway, as long as it's respectful challenging, fine, but doing it for the butt of a joke, it's definitely not respectable. And symbols will always have power over us. The written language is basically a bunch of symbols we've put meaning to. Unless we can pass information in a more sublime way, symbols will always be around. Even animals have symbols the marking of territory and such. It's just a basic thing. We shouldn't take insults seriously is what I would argue.
Aye, but as long as the issue of inequality, and indeed the facts of a lack of representation in all media forms of other races, genders, sexualities and so on, the need for more variety will arise. Sure good characters matter. But how do we challenge stereotypes if we don't show good characters from a variety of origins or with diverse characteristics? How can a white character really talk about black stereotypes without sounding unconvincing or potentially racist, thereby losing the audience? Or a male character describing a period? Diverse characters are good characters.
Watched a documentary on the 7 critical points in his life that made him Nazi German leader. Changing one of them would've changed a lot of life...
Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty, we are free at last!
I'm not Christian, I should start off. I'm not majorly religious, I blame the modern lifestyle for that, a lack of time to reflect on everything, but I take people treating religions disrespectfully a bit personally. But I consider myself to be aligned to a religion if pushed. It's self important to believe you're better than any other group just because you can not understand them, or don't want to, or have that amount of hate in you or any silly reason that calls for rudeness. Religion has no real thing to do with it. Would you insult a schizophrenic as stupid for believing their delusions? Or for the scientists with gut feelings in the unproven? Idiocy to insult or jump to conclusions about a group as a whole. Not all Germans during WWII were Nazi's or believed in the Nazi's goal. Schindler's List is a good example of a misrepresentation of such a thing. I read 'The Star' by Arthur C. Clarke recently. Nice little short story. Contains a message about such a sort of ignorance that people put forward. It takes the point of view of one religious scientist who's looked down upon by his peers because of his beliefs. They're exploring space realising the extinction of all life is coming, including us on Earth and are returning home: I believe similar, nothing proves or disproves God, so judging one way or the other is a personal choice, not a divine or scientific right. That image is insulting, but I agree with Patman, it's idiots being idiots. If you listen to the fools you'll become one. I use to take fat jokes semi-seriously as insults. In the end, I just made them about myself, and the power was with me on that subject. Or I ignored them. I do like the topic though, I've always hated it when scientists or writers I like come out with this bs about religion. All these smart people lacking empathy. The symbol of the bible is representative of the words inside it. Disrespecting the book is like disrespecting the message. A lot of religions and their branches consider each text is holy, and disrespectful to mistreat it. Any sort of symbol being disrespected whether religious or not means that person is disrespecting all that is associated with it. If you really want to reduce what societal beliefs and borders we have, we should not have a concept of ownership, not be offended when someone uses our house without permission or eats our food. If I pissed on the McDonald's symbol, I'm disrespecting the company, its principles, its goods, its marketing, etc. I'm not just pissing on a sign. Ideas might not burn, but the intentions behind them are what matter. Attacking a text someone believes in is like attacking their personal ideas. Like people attacking books they really like. I say Harry Potter is bad, because it tells me what is happening in the story and not showing me. People defend why Rowling does this, gets examples of the texts, selectively choosing parts that aren't like that, ignoring the bits that are, or saying a scene is emotional when written like in that manner. Saying Christianity is homophobic, for example, means Christians will defend themselves by quoting 'love thy neighbour' and so on, similar to what others would say to defend the text. It's a human reaction when it comes to shared and learned ideals. I don't think anyone should condemn a whole religion for a human defensive reaction.
I could have done another clichéd choice of saying 'stopping Franz Ferdinand from being assassinated' thereby also stopping both WWs. And the...
Thought you were just a normal kinda girl, noticed you about but never really paid attention, i'm a bad person, I know. Over time, I saw you were passionate, kind and strong, dealing with some stuff in life that you pushed through. You sing and play great, and a lovely nice person. Mt impression is very favourable, it seems. KH2, Ansem the Wise. Maybe not the most fun game out there, but I'd love to see the events that he built up in order to digitise Kingdom Hearts and his realisation about hearts. That's just me. The one in spandex. I suppose Hawkeye, just so I could give him a personality. Plus, love cool gadget arrows that are crazy mad. Joker. That guy is the stuff of nightmares, he needs to be stopped. Not to mention, defeating him would feel rewarding. Floods, heavy rain, we got some bad thick fog today. Really weird weather for this time of the year. I'm not in a hazard area when it comes to flooding, I live on the middle of a hill for starters. I feel more sorry for the guys at the bottom. I'm all good. Buddy, we sure would! : P Podcasts. Being in them more than the organising and the editing, which is hell sometimes. The use of Nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Or the My Lai Massacre. Both events have really hit me the more I researched them, and there are survivors of them still out there. Watched a lot of videos and documentaries on them, a lot of disgusting and appalling actions for any modernised world we live in. To think Hiroshima and Nagasaki was almost 70 years ago and My Lai was 56. Appalling events. I know everyone would say the Holocaust or such, but I suppose it's just because I grew up with that knowledge. It didn't shock me as much coming from Nazis. But from America? I suppose I shouldn't be shocked with them by now, but... Kanye West. I actually love his music, generally. But probs Cheese and pickle. I don't know, it's hard to say because i've never really gone too many places abroad. To pick a place i'd live.... hmmm. Australia. Because it'll make you happier, haha.
@Laurence_Fox I follow a lot of female journalists and writers in real life on twitter. That's one of their main arguments on why there should be more female lead characters in things, specifically games related women i follow. They say there should be more because it would potentially appeal to over half the world. It's not a stupid argument. I know a few girls who got into gaming because of Lara Croft being the lead. It spawned a mega popular franchise that changed the gaming landscape. They didn't care she was sexualised or big boobed or anything. They just cared they were playing as a woman. That meant more to them than any negatives. The old farts at the top rarely alter their fixed ways. But the time always comes for when things change.
Disney based a lot of their movies on fairy tales, which heavily involve princesses. They market half their shows to young female audiences because they make up half the population. That's half their potential viewers, or there about. They're fairly progressive, but most kids channels are 'safe' and don't explore anything deep often. I think sexism and racism were two things they've pushed in tv shows, but nothing else. They're alright in my eyes. My childhood and all.
Talking about eating out. You can usually, if you shop around, find a small nice restaurant that does nice food at ok prices. Sometimes if you just want to go out once a week or something then you can factor that in to a budget. Think of it as a treat meal, where after a long day or week, instead of cooking for yourself, you treat yourself to a nice meal. Most towns and cities usually have one place like this from what i've found. Though they're not always healthy. I found a pub that did a cheeseburger with chips and a side salad (good sized portions and fresh veg) all for £4.50. Wouldn't eat breakfast (that's just me generally) and I'd have that at lunch on a Sunday and would snack later that day. Really cheap day but you feel full.
You were yay. Still are yay. I knew you as a Dr nut, with obsessions over a certain British female member. I remember you as a fair noob who got use to the site pretty quick and then integrated into the whole society. Someone who always kind of had an opinion, but didn't shout about it... much. You're cool, girl to me. Let's look.... It's either the E3 coverage from 2013 or the first Chilled Pod. Something about them made me feel comfortable and natural, like I was just talking and not worrying about the podcast and stuff. Probs E3, because GAMES! What weird wording people pose questions with... nothing weird really. I suppose it's weird just being behind the curtain? Seeing how staff work is weird at first. But we're all still people it's not like it's anything to grand. That's probably the weirdest part, the normality. Mass Effect. Because technically I was the protagonist and sexy alien babes and Cortez orgy, ha. But those games I have 100% probs a couple times, and I would love to really experience them again in a different way.
If you have tea, use the same bag up to three or four times. Should we open up a money saving section?
Chain? yes. Beautiful? nope.
Bring back Shepherd! *Lazarus project* ...Well fuk.
Adding to Misty. Buy tasteless food like pasta and rice, and invest in a bit of seasoning to cook with. I make nice stir fries with a combo of one or two spices or herbs and bit of salt, usually use half of a £1 own brand prawns to have a bit of bite to the meal. Then whilst cooking drizzle the seasoning to infuse with the prawns and rice. Tasty. Butter might be the most expensive thing out of it all though.
Thought you were a girl. Now I know you’re a girl. But seriously, you were alright staffie, never really saw you do much. I didn’t pay attention to Staff till I became staff. I saw you were fairly shy but hard worker who did a lot more than I realised. And learnt you were a smart guy and stuff. I also liked we both liked harassing Sabby : p And learnt you were kind, calm and coo, in that order. I see you as an admin that needs an opportunity to flaunt his stuff because you’re good at what you do. That’s quite tough to say, really. I enjoy almost everything I write, equally-ish. I suppose the thing that’s kept me on my toes for so long with inspiration has been Phoenix, the WWII Japanese veteran turned biker gang founder. It’s been such a big thing, so complex that I love the challenge of writing it. But work that I’ve actually finished? Has got to be the recent short story I wrote about the space window cleaner. Having it be recognised by published writers as a really good solid story, after having put so many hours into refining it I really enjoyed the feeling I got from the whole process of starting it, editing it, rewriting it and editing it again. I felt really professional and like I could do this for the future. Hmm, this is tough actually. I rarely get excited for games I don’t end up liking since I’m quite a sceptic till the near the final product. Bioshock Infinite. If the final game had been more like the first gameplay reveal trailer, I would’ve loved that game, the freedom and size of it all. But after revisions and so on, it was distilled to quite a linear path compared to past games. I would’ve loved to have made the world feel a bit more open, the combat to feel a bit more expanded and the story to be a bit clearer and more impactful (at the end, I realised everything I had done was for nothing, which is not how I should’ve felt after the whole game). That is the maddest thing I’ve heard in a while. Since it’s a KH podcast I’d feel obliged to pick KH people. Tetsuya Nomura, Yoko Shimomura, Billy Zane (tasty voice!), Haley Joel Osment and… Jim Cummings. I don’t know what to do with all this choice power obviously. All of them becuas eobviously KH involvement, but also because I’d like to see east and west ideas of the series, what a Disney VA has thought of the series compared to Osment’s lead and make Zane be Ansem the whole time, saying darkness and what not. Yes-ish. I’ve seen you skulk around a bit, but that’s mainly because I’m unobservant and name changes make me give up trying to remember who anyone is. Sorry! You’re alright then and now. I wish I could say more but I cannot think, please forgive my rudeness. Would either be Riku or Terra. I like the darkness powers because they’re fun and effective, and are very much a part of their characters. Maybe Riku just because he’s more manoeuvrable and enjoyed playing as him in DDD. In general I like the Rope Dart weapon, it’s very versatile and stylish to use. But for a weapon I could actually use without killing myself, probably a Halberd. I don’t have a favourite movie. I would contest that The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, KickAss, Wanted, Nolan’s Batman and Avatar might be up there. I watch films but few ever really grab me to say it’s my favourite. Those are some of the films I like because they were made well and overall were superb in my eyes. Hmm, I can’t remember. I thought you were a fairly cool dude. You discussed stuff so you were in my good books from the start. Thought you were a bit of a weed head, which was slightly off putting. Now I see you as a superhero nut job, who dislikes religion and still smokes the leaves. But even for all that stuff I still like you, you’re smart and keen to learn, you listen quite well. And the superhero thing isn’t a bad thing, I like em too, wish I read comics more. Would go down a mix of Batman and Green Arrow route, using fear to keep those in check, skulking in the shadows and striking when it’s not expected. Not sure of theme. Maybe a wasp or hornet, something that stings and moves around you, creating a sound that causes worry. Costume design might reflect that, would wear dark clothing with yellow bands around the place, protected vests, gauntlets, greaves, two bug eye goggles. Wield a bow/crossbow and a dagger. Gauntlets would have wing-like shaped shields that trap and disarm other weapons and protect against projectiles, bit like Wonder Woman I suppose. Not that good I know. Villain, well I suppose a power would be something about fire that makes me think villain. Maybe combustion and manipulation of fire? I know, Avatar bending is somehow popping up here. Honestly never think of villains as being too super powered, but that’s probs because most of the time I see Batman villains. I wouldn’t wear a costume, I’d always be on fire or a burned naked husk walking about with robes on to cover the horror of my body. I would be called… Vesuvius. Yes. I forget about it though. Was the question a stab at the fact I forgot we are fb friends all the time? Or is it coincidence that you ask?
How about a 1UP every time you get a hundred?
So it's truth? Happy bday, my gaming guru guy!