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  1. Peace and War
    So, finally got it. You know the drill. You want it, Convo or Skype me. I'll give you a link to the Youtube vid.[DOUBLEPOST=1392147988][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and it's offensive, not for everyone and deals with some dark subjects. Your informed now. Don't blame me if you ask for it and get offended.

    ...Meanwhile, enjoy!
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Peace and War
    Yeah, British next gen games got an extra £10 put on the price.

    So where most game retailers would sell at £39.99 on previous gens they now sell at £49.99.
    Which is a bit of a piss take when the US dollar hasn't incurred any of that.

    Honestly, don't know if the euro has been hit as well. Probably.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Peace and War
    it's not underlying when it's one of the main concepts of every other digimon series.
    And honestly, I thought the story was a bit rubbish. I got so disinterested I've forgotten what it's about.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Peace and War
    It missed the very core of Digimon, where you begin an unbreakable friendship with your Digimon and you both work through problems together. Otherwise, what's the point? It's basically just a Might Morphin Power Rangers anime then.

    No one liked it because it didn't have the resolution people wanted. It was basically shoehorned in to finish the series, but the relationships and jobs they had weren't the key parts of the epilogue. It was showing the relationship between digimon, kids, the future, sacrifice and love. Plus, if they never did a conclusion we'd still have people moaning about why they never made a sequel to it.

    Season 2 is still arguably my favourite. They've always had good social commentary.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Peace and War
    Avoid Season 4. Everything else is worth a watch.

    They show the house but don't specify. Highton View actually had a reason to be named, where all the kids grew up and saw their first digimon.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Peace and War
    Isn't that basically the Japanese gaming society?
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Peace and War
    Oh a joke! Discussions make me fairly dense, as you can tell.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Peace and War
    I meant Twilight. By Stephanie Meyer.
    E.L James wrote the Fifty Shades books.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Peace and War
    Because Stephanie Meyer specifically based the second book off Romeo and Juliet, though arguably the whole series is.
    It's arguably a modern adaption, with other Shakespearean elements and the Bronte sister's works mixed in.
    And I wouldn't even class Twilight as a tragedy, in the end they live happily ever after with their kid. No one too major dies, goes mad or is exiled.they defeat the bad guys and end with united love. Nor does it evoke catharsis in the audience.

    I would argue though, it's a piece of crap that spawned another piece of crap.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Peace and War
    Loved both. Still not as immersive or impressive as Metro has been in certain ways. There's no fear in Fallout after so long, no sense of urgency, it's also pretty dated, whilst Metro games have some still impressive effects, like you mention the mask cracks and stuff.
    Still would pick Fallout over it, but yeah.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Peace and War
    The towns were suppose to be restricted though. Imagine hundreds of people trying to build a community in a metro station. It's not going to mean loads of space, especially with mutants constantly attacking you and other factions vying for power. Venice or whatever that boat town in the flooded station is called, is a perfect example. Constantly attacked by those water serpent mutants, with limited land in an environment that only inspires drinking and strippers to aim for in life. Overcrowded, cramped and constantly attacked. The immersion was superb in my mind.

    Read X360Achievements review of it. They were one of the few I saw who compared it to CoD, though they do compared to the original alot. The original was even rougher, but somehow more special. Play it, it's like $5-10.

    I defend this game because this is a FPS actually trying to do something different in a CoD copy market. Yes, I admit, it did pump it up compared to the original, but i'd rather see this more refined than other games.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Peace and War
    No, I meant, the original game Metro 2033 was based off the book of the same name.
    Metro: Last Light was not based on the Metro 2033 book's sequel, Metro 2034, but was instead an original story.
    You said "based off the novel of the same name" which it's not.

    Linear gameplay segments in a FPS doesn't make it CoD, nor that it's inherently bad for it. Part of the greatness of the linear segments is finding a side room that has enemy and goodies, deciding if it's worth exploring or trying to leave before your mask inhaler runs out. And the companions weren't all that helpful for me, they basically took cover or weren't with me.
    I'm not saying the AI is perfect, but I didn't actually see you kill more than two people I think. A few times the stealth was 'broken' but most of the time I was spotted, so I had to be slow and stealthy, saving my bullets, etc. I don't know how you experienced it all the time. Maybe your download had bugs. Not that i'm trying to blame it all on your copy, I just think that might make sense considering how different your experience sounds. Or you found all the flaws possible.

    I was mentioning the guns purely to justify the flaws in combat. Felt purposeful to be rough but responsive.

    I watched it. I don't comment on things I don't watch/read/whatever without admitting it first.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Peace and War
    As long as you're not making money off of it, or basically breaking laws that damage the copyright holders, I think you can do what you like with it, in private, even if you obtain it by shady means.
    A lot of game developers start off these days by making mods or designing basic games using resources they acquire. I wouldn't expect anyone to start designing a game from scratch especially if they're trying to learn to use a certain engine or software. Those flash games around the net back in the early 00s used copyrighted images and resources, but the individuals weren't generally making money off of them. The games they made were stolen and hosted by numerous game sites

    I mean, if I were to compare, 50 Shades of Grey should never have happened. It was originally a fan fiction of Twilight (which in itself was a modern adaption of Romeo and Juliet) and in my view should never have made money. Changing names and editing a bit doesn't change the facts of origin.

    But like I said, no one should be making a profit off of someone else's work without consent.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Peace and War
    Hideo Kojima made himself God in Metal Gear Solid games. And I don't believe i'm kidding.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Peace and War
    Never played the original?

    For a start, the original was based off the book of the same name. This sequel is a departure from the next book, Metro 2034, and instead an original story based off the original game.
    All your critiques are the stuff I enjoyed. The exploration, the emphasis on stealth because ammo is easily used up, the gas mask especially added the need to find filters to survive longer. The rough gunplay was also something, since it fit this broken world, the gunplay shouldn't feel smooth or easy.
    Also, i don't get the complaint about guards that once alerted to your presence never stop searching for you. That's more realistic than traditional guards who search for a few minutes before going back to their programmed routine, acting like nothing has happened. I liked it because I could be more like a predator than someone who was simply playing a game. I always would kill a few off, then bait other guards with dead bodies, bringing them from bright areas before taking them out in the dark. I also wanted to stealth everything and do better.
    The graphics are purely a console thing. I had it on 360, and it wasn't ugly with some nice effects about, but it wasn't exceptional. PC wise, best looking game developed so far.
    Ok, you've just said the best thing about the Nazis was Hitler... now i'm having trouble to accept your opinion.
    Why is it Cod like? Because it's a first person shooter with a similar control format? The game plays with light mechanics, mutants, immersive environments, survival horror elements, chances to go off the beaten track with claustrophobic settings and odds always stacked against you.
    CoD makes you the hero, with unlimited bullets, rockets, waves of enemies funnelled down every corridor. It's not a challeng, and definitely not rewarding. comparatively. Metro makes you work for your kills.

    Great game with flaws. It doesn't beat the original for some strange and weird but amazing moments, but it makes it more playable.
    Did you go in with some expectations?
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Peace and War
    Internet hate, made his money, using stolen Nintendo resources without them making money of them so the threat of a lawsuit would financially damage him.

    It's slightly depressing that he's making so much money off of a stolen resources and idea. It's basically that copter flash game with those green blocks you avoid. I use to play it at school during lunch. Slap a bird on it and some Mario pipes and HELLO MONEY!
    I get it, he was probably testing his skills at making a game, but by god he should not have marketed it. It's a legal shitstorm.
    I don't hate the mobile market, some games are really good. But the mobile market is full of unoriginal, ripped off games, free to play models that you have to pay £60 to progress past a certain point. Angry Birds wasn't even an original or refined game but people are obsessed with bird games on the mobile.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Peace and War
    Bioshock Infinite is an exception. The games direction changed radically from reveal to final product. If you look at the first gameplay trailer, you'll see nearly nothing that happened in it ended up into the final game, part form the Murder of Crows vigor and Songbird. I got worried when near the end of the development a lot of the team were leaving. So yeah, it was the marketing guys fault.

    Believe me, I have low expectations in life. Apart from Bioware games. I know that, if nothing else, the story, characters and writing will be good.

    EDIT: Ok so the final product DID have Booker, Elizabeth, Columbia, Sky lines, all that. Sorry. But the direction they were all taken in is different.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Peace and War
    There are games with better twists, better executed, more rewarding and less disappointing. Star Wars KotOR, Jade Empire, the original Bioshock, hell the original Metroid Prime where you find Samus is a woman.

    The premise, concept, music, world, is lovely. But it's such a game, the immersion was really tough to deal with. Especially when I hoped it to be slightly open world, like the first two, but instead you're funnelled constantly.
    I really wanted to love it, but it never hit expectations.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Peace and War
    Oh good, it's not just a mainstream thing I've never heard come from America.
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Peace and War
    You guys call em 'cuppas'?
    Post by: Peace and War, Feb 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone