"Hmmm Kinda...I dont know which room 304 is...which is my dorm."she giggled
"Why did you get out early?" "Cos we're special and didnt destory the school.."
"What? No....I mean...I know her....I've been with her in an orphange for 15 years....We're....like brother and sister...I couldnt leave her....But uh...would it be weird if I did like -" "Hey Forrest,whose your friend?"She beamed up at him
Toby lead the way down the street,never mind his clothing getting him noticed,he was moving far to fast to be human,he peeked around the corner,were another version of himself could be seen,the other Toby wore his hair a little longer than he did,he looked a little younger too.
"He's in so much trouble when I tell my grandpa."She said,glaring at Heath,who was pulling weird,stupid looking faces at her
Felica frowned at her brother "Is he already ditching?" He stuck his tounge out at her She rolled her eyes "He;s so immature."
"Haha....yeah...She's ok...."he said laughing dying alittle at the end more like freakin' pretty....maybe more...
"That would be hilarious." "Early 1800's"Toby said
"The feeling we're being watched?"Felica asked
"I've seen a couple of girls...most are too young...others just look like dude's."he said grinning,but he glanced back at Harley,who was checking her room number against a map of the school
He turned back to the window
He gave a weak smile "Im Forrest."
"would be pretty funny though..."
"W-what? No! That's uh-...No!"he said
"shout 'we come in piece' and run."
"We just looke like normal people...nothing."
"Stick to the shadows and you'll be fine."
"Werent...staring...just...looking."he shrugged
Tobt smiled shaking his head