she wriggled "You'll do no such thing! You dare touch me again and Toby will take your head off!"
Innes ended up running into someone,the woman caught hold of him and Iris and led them back "Letting dinner get away now are we Vincent?"she asked raising a eyebrow,Kylie mathers stood before them
"Yes!"he said
"Put me down! put me down!"
"I need glasses....its the air..."he muttered to himself
"This place is already messing with my head!"
"well something must be wrong with me!"
"Or high of car fumes...."
"I must be brain damaged..."
"what the f*ck "he backed up
"I know they're not real"he laughed again
He followed after her
He backed up too
He laughed
Innes glanced at Iris and mouthed 'should we run?'
"what hurt her?"
I gotta go for awhile,be back on later ^^
Do you want me to post something about it? I dunno lol...I might bring his mum into it..
"My....modern angels teacher?"he laughed "are you sure your not insane? Angels arent real."He laughed,if he knew his heritage,he wouldnt be laughing "Angels....that a new kid prank?"