Oh sweetie, do you want to talk about it? I may not be able to help but I can always listen.
Yes and probably the only way I can sneek on to internet at night...
Ah, okee wat voor films wil je straks kunnen maken dan?
Jup, you could win an A+ with that.
Guess what! I'm online on a 3DS at the moment... this is so cool >3<
I'm doing fine!
Doing fine, thank you
Thas right, haha
Anyway, i need to go, bye!
Mehe, glad to make you feel happy!
And I'm damn serious! The first time I was around, I kinda gave up on the fora, but now. I mean, I've been here for 5 years, and one of those...
Ohey there! How are you?
That's right! I would have never stayed here the whole day without you!
Hello there! How are you?
It isn't late silly! >3< But school is boring....-_-"
Cody, I'm tired, and you?
Hello Thar!
Maar uh, wat doe jij nou op school? >3<
OMG, for all of you that know Sloganizer, it said this about Sora... "Saved by sora!" Call me a noob, but that's pretty epic...
That, my friend, was a double post