Final Mix since there is no Terra in NTSC so No Ven although ill see if i can get similiar Textures like Terra then i can make Ven for NTSC too ^^
My pleasure ^^ goodluck, ask me if you need any help ^^
here ^^ Terra Replaces Donald: 11CE0B6A 0000096F Sephiroth Replace Goofy: 11CE0B6C 000008B6 and thats means the code will work in codebreaker(cheat device) ^^" Hmm if there is it should be on first page,if it isnt there then no sorry ^^"
exactly :D yes it can be used ^^ just first use codebreaker and activate the code then use put in swap magic when it asks you to input an game disk and in swap magic do the region change or whatever it that is necessary to play imported games and then put final mix ^^
well those are the the books the contrubutors gave to the site ^^" i red the others by googling them
and well i did though about it but dropped it since i was lazy :P well go for it if you tihnk you can make it ^^
^^ kk and no u dont need a new dump that dump would work which you have ^^
same old bored though enjoying my summer vacations :P wht bout u?? ^^
Well i kinda like it since we get new moves and new bosses and battles in every game and also since every game is different (except COM/Re COM and Coded/Recoded ^^") so its fun to explore that part of the game ^^
awww im sorry i wasn't able to help u :( but My pleasure ^^ although i think i can port the codes that you want me too ^^
Did you pressed and hold the joker button while doing it??
thanks slip ^^ hmm well i might need help of evil or antiweapon since evil has hacked room mods before and anti have hacked 358/2 days code :D hmm...
^^ thanks ^^ also whats about this special and new code?? :P
lol yup i thought so BUT it didn't do anything since i made another dump and went to the address BUT the address was the same so i don't think it...
My pleasure ^^ even though i still need help with hacking more codes for this game AND hack room mod for KH 358/2 Days but im going to need alot of help in the room mod ^^"
My pleasure ^^ and kk tell me if it works ^^
Room Modifier V1 [Press and hold R2 before entering a new area.] E001FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00002002 you are going to need the full party code with it though ^^
here ^^ All Sora Weapons 0032F0D1 00000062 1032F0D2 00006262 1032F0D4 00006262 0032F1AB 00000062 0032F1AC 00000062 0032F1AF 00000062 4032F1B0 00040001 62626262 00000000
Hmm strange... ill see and if it works on an EMU ill let you try it on ur PS2 since my isnt workin right now ^^" and well here ^^...
sry but i didnt understood tht ^^"