Welcome to the site ^^
wait i found it so you dont have to check anymore ^^
btw how do i use this save file?? ^^" EDIT: never mind found out how to convert it ^^
thank you slip ^^ so how is your code going?? ^^
You actually modded Sora into Donald and that also a T-stanced one ^^" this is the correct code ^^ Joker it 21cb99f4 00303031 21cb9a14 5f303031...
kk thanks alot ^^
jus finished the game ^^
im just an average guy like everyone else :P and kk sure ^^
Balanced,try to find enemies weakness and then strike him down with it for example like this i attack till sora is about to so his finisher then use the magic which is effectiv on boss and then you the finisher it takes out alot og hp from the boss and help too ^^
My pleasure ^^ goodluck ^^
anyway guys found these codes ^^ Slot 1 Power Mod : 0171c1d2 000000?? Slot 1 Magic Mod : 0171c1d3 000000?? Slot 1 Defense Mod : 0171c1d4 000000?? Command Deck Unlock Mod (Can go up to only 8): 0171c1d6 0000000? Fire Resistance Mod : 1171c1da 000000?? Blizzard Resistance Mod : 1171c1dc 000000?? Thunder Resistance Mod : 1171c1de 000000?? Dark Resistance Mod : 1171c1e0 000000??
you have to Press G and type in 01c90000 and then press enter.THEN press shift+3 and a window will open then type in soras UCM 54 and press enter...
ahh lol simple well this is donalds model and mset for NTSC model: 21cb99f0 xxxxxxxx 21cb99f4 xxxxxxxx 21cb99f8 xxxxxxxx 21cb99fc xxxxxxxx...
thanks ^^ a;so do u hve 358/2 days rom in Japanese completed?? ^^"
well the best way to level up is go fight Rock Titan with kingdom key,since when you hit him every time you get a tech point and also you get alot of EXP when you defeat it ^^
Slip do you have the completed save file for Japanese 358/2 days rom?? ^^"
Well the Official OST of the game hasne been released yet BUT you can download the Ripped version on net ^^ just google it on net ^^
easy use goofys UCm ^^ btw making these codes is hard though ^^ and sorry but i didnt understood this ^^" "meant the acual code list to add the...
Umm sora isnt in Dissidai ^^" btw wrong thread ^^"
Angelina By Raghav