My pleasure ^^
yeah you ALMOST got it ^^ well now see NOT DONALD BUT if like Riku has more then two lines then when you change DOnald into RIku then you get how...
Well its kinda complicated actually ^^" since as you can see you have to ONLY mod th number of lines of Donalds Model and mset addresses according...
Nah you dont have to give him animations ^^
Hmm i still have to learn these things :P
^^ thanks ^^
so sup?? ^^
^^ Kk ill see what i can do ^^ btw all the boss battles are in 1280x720 so i dont think the quality would lessen that much when adding those ^^"...
Lol true but i think the Cutscenes have been back up ^^" though some of the boss battles are missing and im recording them right now ^^ so...
lol whys tht? ^^"
Well the on i have has 66 tracks and its got the OLD wheel master battle not the new remix one ^^"
sry about that ^^" Hmm and well i think i also found a website for these manga you have to download them though,they have Kingdom Hearts and COM mangas and dont think i can find volume 3 or further for KH2 ^^"
Welcome to the site ^^ Remeber to follow the rules ^^ and my favorite are Axel,Roxas and Xion :D
Do you have the ripped version?? ^^"
Media COntent recorder :P and thanks ^^
I had the full team of Aurochs even Letty which i switched for Wakka but even then i had him in my team to level him up :D also i remember that Tidus cant learn Jecht Shot 2 unless hea learns all of his key techiniques which is kinda hard to do ^^" but jecht Shot 2 is awesome and comes once abot i think 50-70 matches or even more XD
lol :P well when im bored i mostly go out and have fun with my friends or go and bother my siblings :P
:P lol and ys tht?? ^^" try something entertaing to do you know :P
yup ^^ nice to meet u ^^
I found another methoud in codemasters project but ill try yours one first ^^