I've pretty much been hooked on this game and wanted to create a Rp on it. (There's a reason it's in the OCC thread) Story The Dogma War was the war between the Yshrenian Empire and the Athwan Empire. It has been fought for a long time with no clear victor. Both sides have sacrificed a lot and no one was willing to surrender. The war seems to be dragging on. Until the Yshrenian Empire developed the new weapons of war using their technology, the Knights. These Knights however need fuel to be operated. For these Knights, fuel comes in the form of a human soul. Thus, a human will be needed to make a pact with the Knight, lending their soul for the Knight to be used. The human accepted by the Knights are known as pactmakers. The Yshrenian Empire decided that it would be too dangerous to use an adult's soul as a pactmaker. There might be a possibility that the pactmaker might turn against the Empire itself. Therefore, babies' soul are used as pactmakers as they are deemed innocent and thus are able to be controlled by the Empire. Using these Knights, the Yshrenian Empire was able to gain the upper hand and drove the Athwani to their desperate point. Pushed to their limit, the Athwani began to use sealing magic to seal the Knights away in an attempt to salvage their Empire. With the Knights sealed away, the Athwani have gained the upper hand now instead. Their mages were destroying the Yshrenian Empire. Alas, conflicts within the Athwani people themselves lead to internal conflicts which eventually brought the Athwan Empire down. The Yshrenian Empire did not prosper either and soon followed the way of the Athwan Empire and crumbled. The Knights were left in ruins and remained a legend. Now the Magi army has begun seaching for the for these so called legend Rules 1. No godmodding 2. Don't kill anyone without their permission 3. Cussing allowed just keep it to a minamal 4. Don't worry about posting the chant 5. 3 OC's max 6. You don't have to get your knight early in the story Characters/ OC Sheets KnightsWizel the White Knight: Master of Keyblades Dinivas the Black Knight: Larvayne the Dragon Knight : ShadowHunter23 Rhutmus the Moon Princess: Adolmaea the Sun King: OC SheetName: Age: Apperance: History: Weapon: Knight (Optional): Magi Army Name: Age: Apperance: History: Weapon: Knight (Optional): Accepted OCs Name: Sora Age: 16 Apperance: http://www.kh-vids.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=16403&d=1273006543 History: Born and raised in the King's kingdom, he got a part time job as a winery Weapon: Shortsword Knight (Optional): Wizel the White Knight
Story Five months after the events in raccoon city, a new lead shows that there may be umbrella activity in a abandon town on the ourskirts of raccoon city. After careful disscussion the decision was made to sent a team in to confirm the lead. Four weeks later and no word from Alpha team. No one now what happened to them but they intend to find out. Rules 1. No Godmoding 2. No killing of someone else's character without their permission 3. Cussing allowed but just don't go overboard 4. Up to three Oc's max 5. Keep blood and gore to a minamal Character/OC Sheet Alpha team Username: Name: Age: Apperance: History: Primary Weapon: Bravo Team Username: Name: Age: Apperance: History: Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Accepted OC's Username: Master of Keyblades Name: Ren Age: 18 Apperance: http://m1003.photobucket.com/image/anime%20guy/DrakeandKieve/Anime%20Guys/Picture86.jpg.html?src=www&o=29 History: Even if he was one of the few people that lived through the Racoon City incident, he was still taken in by the government and trained to fight the virus thanks to his experience. Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle Secondary Weapon: Twin Pistol
Yugioh: Welcome to Duel Acadamy[OC Signup and Disscussion] StoryWelcome to Duel Acadamy, a place where future duelist can learn about the basic of dueling to how to use a Duel Runner. But, all is not what is seems, a mysterious groups called the Shadow Rider threated the school with Shadow games. Rules1. No godmodding/powerplay. 2. Up to 3 Oc's max. 3. Mild cussing 4. Ace Cards can come from any duelist from any series 5. Put and image any cards you play on the field (except facedowns) 6. Post life points after losing, or gaining points. 7. You can move up into any other class Character/OC Sheet Silfer Red: Borderline delinquents who could be expelled at any moments Ra Yellow: Student who scored high on the entrance exam Obelisk Blue: Outstanding student moved up from junior high Shadow Riders: A Mysterious group of people that challeges duelist to shadow games OC Sheet Username: Name: Age: Apperance: History: Duel Disk(Optional): Duel Runner(Optional): Ace Card: Class: Shadow Rider Username: Name: Age: Apperance: History: Duel Disk(Optional): Duel Runner(Optional): Ace Card: Accepted OC's Username: Master of Keyblade Name: Ren Kitsui Age: 15 Apperance: http://m867.photobucket.com/image/anime%20guy/MysticWolf-DHT/Decorated%20images/KaiNeuveau.jpg.html?src=www&o=42 (Minus the cloak) History: Although trouble does have a strange way of finding him, he's a very skilled duelist even if he's a Silfer Red Duel Disk(Optional): Slifer Red Duel Runner(Optional): Here Ace Card: Stardust Dragon Class: Slifer Red
Divine Rebirth [OC Signup and Disscussion] Rules 1. No Godmodding/powerplay(I'll let you know when it is allowed) 2. Romance is allowed but keep it PG 3. Character from the DMC series will be mention but are non-canon 4. Up to two children per demon 5. Angel/Devils may been from any DMC game or Persona game 6. Cussing allowed just don't go overboard 7. Doesn't matter how your related to the demon 8. Post Devil Never Cry to show that you've read the rules Characters/OC Sheet Soilder of Light-Warriors trained by th Order of the Sword to summon angels and prevent Mundus from being reborn. Can be identified by their white marking on their bodies Dreadknought Knight-People posses by Devils in order to do munduses dirty work. They have full-control over their devils until they are summon. Unlike the soilder of light, they have black marking on their bodies. Twilight Warriors-People who can control either angel and demons. They have no spcific group. Their marking are both black and white Children of Demons-Kids who have demon parents.They have some of the power their parents do Children of Mundus-Unaware who their father is and posses great power. Demon with Children Sparda: Master of Keyblades Nevan: Agni**: Rudra**: Ceberus*: Berial*: Echidna*: Mundus: (* Just imagine they have human forms like Sparda) (** The children of these demons are related) OC Sheet Soilder of Light Name: Age: Apperance: History: Weapon: Angel's Name: Angel's Apperance: Other: Dreadknought Knight Name: Age: History: Weapon: Devil's Name: Devil's Apperance: Other: Twilight Warriors Name: Age: History: Weapon: Angel/Devil's Name: Angel/Devil's Apperance: Other: Children of Demons Name: Age: Apperance: History: Weapon: Demon Parent's Name: Power: Accepted OC Name: Ren Age: 15 History: When Ren was 13 he suffered a near fatal injury from a demon while protecting his friends. In order to save him, his parnets pleaded to Sparda's statue to save him. Blood ran from the eyes of the the statue and into his wounds healing him and making him the adopted son of Sparda. Apperance: http://m111.photobucket.com/image/anime guy/A_tragic_end_88/1386081375_l.jpg.html?src=www&o=103 Weapon: His own version of the Force Edge Demon Parent's Name: Sparda Power: Just like Dante he has super strength and stamina If you have any question head to this site http://devilmaycry.wikia.com/wiki/Devil_May_Cry_Wiki
Bleach: Hunt for the Ōin(Ignore the different titles) StoryThe Ōin, an item of unimagginable power. It is said that whoever can control it will be granted unlimited power. Enough power to do whatever the controler wants. Even escape Hell. Souls that have been trap have heard of the Ōin's power and want it to escape from their prison,and destroy it. If they suceed, the world will be thrown into chaos Rules1. No killing of other people characters (Without their consent) 2. Allowed to play up to 4 character (Any combination) 3. No goddmodding /powerplaying 4. Cussing allowed (Don't go overboard) Characters/Character sheet OC Character sheet Substitue Soul Reaper Name: Age: Appearance: History: Shikai Appearance (Optional): Bankai Appearance (Optional): Zanpakto Appearance: Zanpakto Name: Hollow Mask (Optional): Soul Reaper Name: Age: Appearance: History: Zanpakto Name: Shikai (Optional): Bankai (Optional): Squad: Prisoners of Hell Name: Age: Appearance: History: Weapon: Human Name: Age: History: Appearance: Power: Acepted OC's Name: Ren Age: 16 Appearance: http://foroanime.com/foros-de-anime/33713-otaku-koy-albums-anime-2266-imagen-anime-boy-65296.jpg History: Around the same time Chad and Orihime gain there powers, Ren was attacked by a hollow. While trying to protect his friends his shinigami powers awoken. With his new powers he easily destroyed the attacing hollow. Shikai Appearance: http://www.popanime.net/megami/wiki/images/thumb/b/b2/Izanagi.jpg/300px-Izanagi.jpg (the Sword) Bankai Appearance: http://s592.photobucket.com/albums/tt3/Syncte8/icons/?action=view¤t=p4-persona-izanagi-okami.jpg&mediafilter=images (The sword) Zanpakto Appearance: http://www.swordsofmight.com/images/products/detail/Musashi_Dynasty_Katana.jpg Zanpakto Name: Izanagi Hollow Mask: Mask
April 11th, 2011 in a small town named Inaba strange events are begining to unfold. The only one with the power to solve these events have just to realise their true power. Souji Seta had just move to inaba due to his parents working and was now heading to meet his uncle Rules No godmooding/power play Allowed to play up to three charaters ( three oc, or any other combinations) Your persona must be between any of the 13 arcanas Character Sheet/Character Selection Characters Yukkio Amagi: Bushy-Brow-1992 Chie Satonaka: Twilight_Nobody13 Youske Hanamura: Master of Keyblades Rise Kujikawa: Kanji Tatsumi: Aerith G. Naoto Shirogane: Teddie: Aerith G. Souji Seta: Master of Keyblades Nanako Dojima: Bushy-Brow-1992 OC Character Sheet Username: Name: Age: Appearance: History: Persona: Persona's Description: Weapon: Arcana: Username:master of keyblades Name:Sora Age:16 Appearance: Short black hair, wears the traditional school uniform History: http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u76/hinata_hyuga101/320887.jpg Persona:Entus Persona's Description: Starter Evovled Weapon:Scthye Arcana: Fool Accepted Oc's Username: Bushy-Brow-1992 Name: Haruka Hotaru Age: 15 Appearance: Long red hair down to her waist, orange eyes. Wears the tradtional school uniform, and on holidays (days off) wears baggy navy and black bottoms and a loose fitting red and black sleeveless top (she likes to feel comfortable). When working at the Amagi inn she wears a black and red Kimono with flower patterns on it. History: Haruka woke up one day on the outskirts of Inaba at the age of 10 with complete amnesia, not knowing a thing about her past, anyone or who her parents were. She only knows of her first name because of a tattoo found on the back of her neck which says in small letters: (Haruka 273). When she made her way wearily into the town she was on the verge of collapse and taken in by the Amagi inn. The police were called to see if any young girls had been reported missing, but there was no trace of anyone looking for a 10 year old red headed girl at all. The police decided they would take her to an orphanage but Haruka herself desperately refused at the time saying that she felt she woke up near Inaba for a reason and that if she left, she may never find the answer that she is desperately searching for. In the end, seeing no other alternative, the Amagi inn decided that they would let Haruka stay with them as long as she worked for them at the inn. Because of this Haruka met Yukiko Amagi. 5 years have passed since then and Haruka is now attending Yasogami High school while continuing to live and work at the Amagi inn. She gave herself her new surname Hotaru (which is Japanese for Firefly) after her, Yukiko and another girl Chie were hanging out and a Firefly decided to land on top of Haruka's head, it's warm glow matching the colour of her hair, to which all of the girls laughed at (espiecially Yukiko with one of her laughing fits). Haruka doesn't let her lack of a past get her down and has a very outgoing and cheerful personality preferring to live in the moment, she is the type who doesn't hold back around anyone with the attitude of: 'If someone can't like me for who I really am, why should I care?' Not to be considered a tart, but she isn't afraid to use a bit of sex appeal to her advantage, and is always trying to encourage the more naive Yukiko to use her natural looks to her advantage too. She loves to joke around and hang out with her friends and is extremely loyal, always willing to jump in head first if her they need her, and never backing down from a challenge. Because of Chie's love of martial art movies, Haruka herself has also developed a bit of love for fighting and is naturally skilled with hand to hand combat often practising with Chie herself. So don't mess with her friends or you will have to mess with her too, and she isn't the type to go down so easily. Persona: Kurogane Kurogane-Asura (Evolved) Persona's Description: http://thumbs2.modthesims.info/img/5...0px-Asura1.jpg Weapon: Knuckle Daggers (Like Asuma's from Naruto) http://m153.photobucket.com/image/kn...g.html?src=www Arcana: Death Username: Aerith G. Name: Sakura Kimonoto Age: 21 Appearance: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...legurl/064.jpg History: Five months pregnant, Sakura can't remember her past or how she got to Inaba. However, she has grown to love life in the small town and hopes to raise her child in peace. She has a part-time job at Junes while her full-time job is working at the school. Sakura doesn't let King Moron's insults about her being pregnant affect her work. Slowly but surely, she is becoming the most popular of the teachers not out of sympathy but out of respect for the way she teaches. She's currently staying with Kanji's family in his textile shop. Persona: Lilith Persona's Description: http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/...avite/yuip.jpg Weapon: Chain-linked daggers Arcana: Chariot Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Name: Hatsuharu Age: 17 Appearance: http://kuruno.webs.com/anime-guys-wi...air-207167.jpg History: Hatsuharu or Haru, is new in town. He often had to move due to the death of his family three years ago. Being blamed for their deaths, he left, but the story followed him to each new town. Hoping to escape he came to Inaba and prays the story will not reach the people there. He's often calm and dazed but when he gets angry, a different personality emerges. Persona: Simmah Persona's Description: http://www.wiinintendo.net/wp-conten...eliverance.jpg Weapon: Long sword Arcana: Strength Username: Protecter212 Name: Takumi Asakura Age: 16 Appearance: http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/f...s/2bcf8338.png (minus goggles and belt holding the vials) History: A normal high school student who lives in the rural town of Inaba, he lives alone in a house paid by his family who live in another country, before they left, they helped a tofu store that set up shop and would do deliveries outside of Inaba or too troublesome by foot by car, however, secretly, his family had Takumi drive at the age of 12 with the tofu in the very early recesses of the morning where no-one would notice and without knowledge, honed his driving skills. Takumi does ride by scooter to Yasogami High since it was far away from school so pretty much everyone knows about this but King Moron would always complain about that thing and tries to threaten detentions or expel him but Takumi always had a comeback ready to shut him up, he never really has any special skills and just helps out whenever he can. Persona: Amon (Start) Neo-Amon (Evolved) Persona's Description: Initial Evovled Weapon: Katana Arcana: Strength Sorry to all who posted
Rules No godmooding/power play Allowed to play up to three charaters ( three oc, or any other combinations) Try to be descritive in your post Your persona must be between any of the 13 arcanas Character Sheet/Character Selection Characters Yukkio Amagi: Bushy-Brow-1992 Chie Satonaka: Twilight_Nobody13 Youske Hanamura: Master of Keyblades Rise Kujikawa: Kanji Tatsumi: Aerith G. Naoto Shirogane: Teddie: Aerith G. Souji Seta: Master of Keyblades Nanako Dojima: Bushy-Brow-1992 OC Character Sheet Username: Name: Age: Appearance: History: Persona: Persona's Description: Weapon: Arcana: Username:master of keyblades Name:Seo Age:16 Appearance: Short black hair, wears the traditional school uniform History: transfered to Inaba when he was 14 Persona:Entus Persona's Description:http://techfused.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/abfc0_white-knight-chronicles-2.jpg Weapon:Scthye Arcana: Fool
Rules 1 No godmodding/powerplay 2 Announce the turn you are in to avoild confusing 3 Be specific in what way you summon a monster 4 Post an image of the card you are playing 5 You can any character from yugioh 5d's or and OC 6 Can have up to two characters ( one from the show and OC or any combination) 7 Don't really care about rommance( it's up to you) 8 Post your entire field at the end of your turn ( including current life points) 9 Try to be descriptive in your posting 5D's character list Signer Yusei Fudo: Jack Atlas: Crow Hogan: Leo: Luna: Akiza Izinski: Rex Goodwin: Dark Signer Kalin Kessler: Carly Carmine: Misty Tredwell: Devack: Roman Goodwin: Rex Goodwin: OC Character Sheet Name: Age: Deck (Optional): Duel Runner (Optional): Appearance: Ace Card(s): Scared Dragons Phoenix Dragon (Taken by master of keyblades) Lightning Dragon FireBlaze Dragon link to rp http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?107205-Yu-Gi-Oh-5D-s-Battle-for-the-Crimson-crystal
Story It is told that 10,00 years before the great battle between the crimson dragon and the earthbound immortals, the Crimson devil battled the Crimson dragon and pushed it to the limit. Only with the help of the 3 Scared Dragons and legendary signer could they defeat the crimson devil but doing so sealed the 3 scared dragons into the earth. The dark signers unknowingly tried to bring back the crimson devil but failed and instead the sacred dragons were returned in the form of cards and pieces of the crimson devil were scatted across the world possessing anyone it came in contact. Rules No godmodding/powerplay Announce the turn you are in to avoild confusing Be specific in what way you summon a monster Post an image of the card you are playing You can any character from yugioh 5d's or and OC Can have up to two characters ( one from the show and OC or any combination) Don't really care about rommance( it's up to you) Post your entire field at the end of your turn ( including current life points) Try to be descriptive in your posting Character/Character Sheet Signer Yusei Fudo: Jack Atlas: Crow Hogan: Leo: Luna: Akiza Izinski: Rex Goodwin: Dark Signer Kalin Kessler: Carly Carmine: Misty Tredwell: Devack: Roman Goodwin: Rex Goodwin: Character Sheet Name: Age: Deck (Optional): Duel Runner (Optional): Appearance: Ace Card(s): Sacred Dragons Phoenix Dragon (Taken by master of keyblades) Lightning Dragon FireBlaze Dragon Link to OCC thread http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?107206-Yu-Gi-Oh-5D-s-Battle-for-the-Crimson-Crystals
StoryTo celebrate the new Dadlus bridge connecting to sattlite and new domnino city, a tournament is being held to honor the event. Duelist from all over the satelite and new domnio city entered for a chance at the new king of games.But during the tounament a ark appears over the tournament and steals the souls of duel monster and duelist. In amist of the chaos a voice beckons to everyone that they are purging duelist and monster. The ark open to reveal the culprits, the darker halves of duelists the signers have already defeated. Rules 1.You must always announce the card you are playing as well as putting up an image of it. Please try to make sure the text on the card is readable. 2.Every duel will start out with 8000 life points. 3.All cards must comply with current Forbidden and limited list 4.No godmodding/Power playing ( one turn victorys) 5.You may be one of the characters from Yu-gi-oh 5D’s. 6.Two characters max. (You may have one canon character and one OC if you would like or you can have all OC’s.) 7. post your entire field at the the of your turn ( So to avoid confusion) 8.Annouce the phase you are in ( My turn Draw or any time like this is fine) Characters and Character sheet Team 5d's Yusei- Jack- Akiza- Leo- Luna- Bruno- Crow- Other Sherry LaBlanc- Kallen- Chaos Duelists Roman Goodwin- Rex Goodwin- Dark Kalin Kessler- Carly Carmine- Greiger- Misty Tredwell- Character Sheet Name: Age: Deck (Optional): Duel Runner (Optional): Ace Card/Cards: History: Apperance: Good/Evil: Team (Optional): Name: Seo Age: 15 Deck (Optional): Duel Runner (Optional):http://i949.photobucket.com/albums/ad340/GarraHinata/My Images/SpyroDevilsDuelRunner.gif Ace Card/Cards: Phoenix Dragon History: Althoughgrowing up in New Domino City he often visit the satelite tus became good friends with Yusei, Jack, and Crow Apperance: Short black hair, light black jacket and a gray shirt Good/Evil: good Team (Optional): 5D's
The battle for light has been going on for ages. to prevent another keyblade war from happening sealed the entrance to kingdom hearts in there keyblades and locked them away in three different worlds.
Anyone up for a rp
hello eveyone, i'm new and a huge fan of kingdom hearts. I've came here before to watch cutscense and now I have created a profile here