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  1. Shadox D.
    OOC: Miss me?

    Sinder slept peacefully in her lover's arms, warm and happy.

    Zerci gently stroked Sinder's cheek n head, also resting herself in the shade of the rocks.

    She didn't want the other to wake up in a strange new place so she had stayed outside.

    Sinder woke up after about a couple hours and smiled at Zerci.

    "Did I miss anything love?"

    "The others went inside a while ago and that's all I know.

    Sinder kissed Zerci's chest and sat up on the other's lap.

    Zerci kissed her love softly.


    Sinder smiled more n blushed a little.

    "Love when you call me that."

    "Shall we go and see the others?"

    "In a bit.

    I kinda wanna sit here and look at you n kiss you for a while."

    Zerci got a big ol' grin.

    "I'm up for it."

    Sinder and Zerci both leaned in and their lips met.
    Post by: Shadox D., Oct 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Shadox D.
    "Babe, you've been using too much magic.

    You need to rest."

    Sinder mumbled then fell asleep.

    Her firey feathers lifted and dissipated into the atmosphere.

    She was left on the ground.

    "What am I gonna do with you baby?"Zerci laughed to herself.

    Her feathers disappeared into the air as well and she was standing by Sinder.

    She took knelt down and took her lover in her arms, picking up Sinder softly as not to wake her.

    "I got you babe," Zerci said into Sinder's ear as she picked her up.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Shadox D.
    Sinder and Zerci landed softly, taking the cloaking off themselves.

    Sinder looked really sleepy and laid her wings on the floor as the ones on her back got off.

    Zerci saw her lover and put her head under Sinder's chin, supporting her so she wouldn't have to worry about keeping her head up.

    Sinder smiled softly and closed her eyes.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Shadox D.
    Sinder and Zerci stared at the boy wondering what he was doing as he sat himself and the book down.

    "I will respect your wishes but this is not the appropriate time or place for that."

    She grabbed Demitrio with her beak and threw him onto her back along with the book.

    "There will be time for foolishness later."

    She heard Leyna and saw her take off.

    "Someone has some sense."

    Sinder waited a little while before taking off herself.

    Zerci stayed at Sinder's side as they followed Leyna.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Shadox D.
    "The spell is to transfer one's memories to another.

    It is all memories that the person has stored into his or her memory.

    The process is long, tricky, and very dangerous.

    One can have too many memories and kill the other.

    It has only been accomplished once with my teacher and I and it was one of the hardest things Ihave been through.

    He was only thirty, I am hundreds of years old.

    So this would be very dangerous for your life.

    Plus I would have to be chained down because once the process starts I will lose control of my physical body and magical abilities until the transfer is done.

    Do you wish to proceed with what you want?"
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Shadox D.
    "I can only tell you what it means and the alphabet by voice.

    My teacher made it forbidden to translate the text into any other language on paper,"
    Sinder continued to Demitrio.

    Zerci turned to Leyna.

    "We are ready when you are."
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Shadox D.
    Sinder smiled at the thought of the book.

    "Well, that is the very same book that my teacher taught me magic from.

    He wrote it hundreds of years ago.

    I met him only a few years after my first death, a fine fellow he was.

    But he had a few screws loose and talked to himself a lot.

    He wasn't a bad, evil man.

    He was normal, unlike many who have learned dark magic.

    My teacher died at the age of eighty, while I remained in my young state.

    His passing was peaceful, dying in slumber.

    It was sad to have someone I knew to pass away, but he was getting old and fragile."
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Shadox D.
    Sinder nodded.

    "Yes, we will be able to see you by your aura.

    "Hark should fly with you so Sinder and I can manage three of you each.

    So everyone, besides Leyna and Hark, get on so there is three of you on each of us."

    "You may lead us Leyna.

    We will be ready as soon as everyone else is settled in and ready."
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Shadox D.
    OOC: They are not dragons at the moment they are phoenixes. Even though they prefer being dragons, it is easier to fly as a phoenix while carrying passengers due to having less limbs and less weight than a dragon. Feathers are lighter than scales. Also, here is a description of what they look like; clear bones with darkness making out the body that appears as fire. Sinder has purple eyes with purple and black darkness and Zerci has blue eyes and blue and black darkness.

    Sinder turned to Leyna.

    "Do not be concerned about our strength.

    Although we get tired, we may not quit even if it is hard to carry you.

    "Leyna, if you are uncomfortable riding on one of us then you are more than welcome to fly yourself.

    Plus, it would make it easier for us to fly.

    You will just need Sasha or someone else to cloak you as we will have a hard enough time cloaking ourselves and the ones on us."

    "How many of you are there not including Leyna?"
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Shadox D.
    Sinder and Zerci walked close to the airship and the group.

    "We can fly you there."

    "Plus, it is much easier to cloak ourselves than a piece of machinery."

    They both knelt down, cooling their flames to let the others aboard.

    "And we are faster."
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Shadox D.
  12. Shadox D.
    The two phoenixes ignored the ones in the ship.

    "Would you like the honor of having the first blow at the container?"

    "No babe it's ok.

    I already have it so you should go."

    Sinder smiled and concentrated her focus on the container Zerci had in her talons.

    With great power she struck the container with her beak, only making a slight crack in the glass.

    "These humans can sure make a container."

    "No kidding, here let me take a swing at it."

    She also struck a blow with her beak where Sinder hit, only making the crack a little bigger.


    OOC: Btw im going away for a few days. Please don't get a lot ahead or anything, I like to participate in fights and stuff too.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Shadox D.


    Takes off tophat and bows. I welcome you to the world of KH-Vids. It is a pleasure to have a new member. Make sure to read the rules and regulations that this site has to offer. Follow them, and you will do just fine. Make lots of new friends and have lots of fun.

    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 11, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. Shadox D.
    The couple giggled again.

    "Oh this is fun to watch."

    "But they do have to try all fifty keys on just one lock."

    "Unless they cheat and try to open the lock using magic.

    Oh dear I think I said to much,"
    Sinder smiled.

    Zerci smiled at her lover's comment.

    "We should rip one of these babies out and see how much it can withstand."

    "Oh, good idea love."

    Zerci reached down with her talons and tore one of the containers out of the ship.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Shadox D.
    I heard a town hall somewhere was named after a guy called Harry Baals :lolface:

    And theres the sloppy ho
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Shadox D.
    Sinder and Zerci laughed at Grey's comment.


    "You don't know the half of it."

    "And we enjoy adding a little 'spice' to both sides."

    They laughed more.

    "Oh look I can see your little friend from up here."

    She moved her head closer to the holding room containers.

    Zerci looked in also.

    "She looks asleep or in a trance.

    The container is a model 7 made of titanium."

    "That thing would be tough to crack open, and the glass looks bulletproof."

    "If there are any guards they are well hidden.

    They even used an aura hiding spell."

    "They are actually playing it smart for once," Sinder giggled.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Shadox D.
    The couple went to the deck of the ship and found a large train trailer.

    They disposed of the guards inside, throwing them up one at a time without any bodily fluids.

    "You children stay here."

    "Shall we tear this boat open?"

    "That sounds fun."

    With that they split back into two forms.

    Then they turned into twenty foot phoenixes that had clear bones like their weredragon form.

    Sinder emitted purple fire while Zerci oozed blue fire.

    They flew to the deck above the holding room and dug their talons into the metal.

    With great beats of their wings they managed to tear and bend the metal back, exposing the interior of the ship and those in that area.

    The two perched on opposite sides of the boat, Sinder gazing down with her purple eyes and Zerci with her blue eyes.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Shadox D.
    Sinder and Zerci followed Demetrio through the window, leaping down with the grace of a cat.

    "We cannot assist you young one.

    You will be fighting with your friends if they wish to help, but we cannot.

    We are only to bring you here."

    With that they took to a high platform and laid down.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Shadox D.


    I got my fox tail today!! I wish it wasn't real :'( but a fake one costs so much ;_; i dont feel too bad though because the fox was dead already anyway. It isn't as long as I hoped it to be but its still awesome. I can't wait to wear it to school and conventions and anywhere I damn well please ;) People may think I'm weird but I don't care. I hope the fake ears I ordered match the tail. Oh and I tried to not get too excited while my parents saw me open the box xD

    Blahblahblah how is KH today?
    Thread by: Shadox D., Aug 5, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Shadox D.
    Sinder and Zerci shot fire from their mouth in order to scare the soldiers.

    "Do we have to kill them babe?" Zerci asked.

    "No love, we don't have to," Sinder replied

    They appraoched the soldiers calmly, as the bullets could not harm them.

    One by one the soldiers disappeared down their throat to be stored in the two's belly.

    While they were being swallowed they shrunk to the size of small mice.

    The soldiers could be seen in their prison, scared, wanting to get out.

    The fog eventually cleared.
    Post by: Shadox D., Aug 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home