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  1. Shadox D.
    Welcome to KH-Vids. I do hope you enjoy it here. There's plenty of fun in the spam zone, lots of things to talk about in discussion, and great stories to join in the RP Arena. Pretty much everyone is friendly here so don't hesitate to talk to any of us.

    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Shadox D.

    Hello :)

    Welcome to our oh-so-loveable site. I do hope you enjoy your stay and make plenty of friends. Do feel free to ask if you need any help and don't forget the rules.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 21, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Shadox D.
    Hope everything runs super smooth and we all hope to hear some good news when you get back. Don't forget to have some fun too :P

    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 21, 2012 in forum: Departure Hall
  4. Shadox D.
    Really like how abstract and unclean the lines are. Gives a different view on the artistic style because everyone tries to get ever line perfect so this style would set you apart from the majority. Gives you a different sense of uniqueness.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 20, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Shadox D.
    Couldn't stand Aqua, the way that she's trying to bring together her friends so hard is annoying. Just everything about her irritates me... Why isn't she in the kitchen where she's supposed to be? I kid, I kid. I just love to make sexist jokes.
    Seriously though, I'm glad I finished her story first so I could get her out of the way. Pretty much the only thing I liked about her was the all-around shield.

    Terra, now there's a guy I could play for a while. He's strong (though his slowness tended to irritate) and does what pretty much anyone would do, go find himself. What I didn't like was the whole "where did the darkness come from?... I don't mean to be bad" spill. Oh and how naive he is. So much better than Aqua though, she's annoying and I'd want to play a guy more in general. Second story finished.

    Ven, now there's a guy I could play all day. He's fast, not annoying at all, and I can relate to him and all his confusion. Favorite character and still doing his story. Love the Superglide because anything like flying is the bomb, and his rebelness. Also, upside-down keyblade is amazing.

    I've played KH 1, KH 2, CoM, and now BBS. BBS was such a horrid game when I started playing, probably because of stupid Aqua, but about halfway through Terra's story I've learned to deal with it. Still not my game of choice, especially since the stories of each world are short and you have to keep fighting the same Unversed over and over again to get EXP without having much of a story. Also wished for a cooler and wider amount of keyblades, a lot of them were the same between characters and didn't give each character too much of originality. I would give it 2 out of 5 stars personally, but to those who enjoy the game just keep enjoying it.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 17, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Shadox D.
    Welcome to the show. Please do enjoy your time here and get to know our many members. Don't forget the rules and so forth, but overall have fun and enjoy the company.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 17, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. Shadox D.
    Welcome, welcome to KH-Vids. Please do enjoy your stay, make lots of friends, and keep up with the show.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 17, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. Shadox D.
    I am stealing this from my store, it's just too epic to sit there.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 15, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Shadox D.
    I knew Axel wasn't dead :'D
    Looks like such an amazing game. I would especially love the Hunchback world.
    Sadly, I do not have a Nintendo 3Ds :'(

    Everyone who does get it though have plenty of fun :)
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Shadox D.
    I haven't gotten to many but at the moment my favorite game, if you call it one, is Dragonvale. I love dragons ;~;
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  11. Shadox D.
    I always loved Sorry. It is one of the best games ever hands down.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  12. Shadox D.
    Ive been spamming on Pink Floyd: The Wall
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Music
  13. Shadox D.
    Ok, here I go.*

    First of all, dump her if you don't love her, especially if you've been together for a while. If she does love you, though, try to bring it a little easy by saying something like, "I'm sorry, but I do not love you and do not intend to be with you anymore. We need to find other people because it will not work between us." It doesn't matter if she cries a whole lot or gets all depressive, etc. If you aren't happy with her you need to leave. It will also be healthier for you because you will not waste energy, time, and money into something that you aren't into.*

    Second, you need to get rid of that lizard and that cat. It doesn't matter how emotionally attatched you are to them because they are using up money that you NEED. If you got the lizard at Petco, I'm sure they would take him back because that's what they did when I took a hamster there that I didn't want anymore (technically it wasn't theirs to begin with but I lied and they took him in). The cat would probably be the same deal. You just gotta say you either don't want them or can't take care of them anymore. (I prefer saying that you can't take care of them anymore because it sounds more professional yadda yadda.) Spending $80 on food for your lizard alone is a whole lot, especially for earning a low income.

    Third, plenty of people drop out of school every year. You sound like a smart chick and it will be a cinch to get your GED. Personally, I knew someone who was really smart but hated school and anything related to it. She dropped out and got her GED and is moving on through life.*

    Also personally, I say that anyone who doesn't like you, is mean to you, etc., should f*ck off and you shouldn't care about em because they are just a waste of your time, especially if you don't like them back.*

    I have never really believed in the power of pills, and I know my girlfriend used to take antidepressants too. Like you, she doesn't take them anymore.

    Most people hate their jobs, it's a natural thing because no one likes to wake up at five in the morning or whatever and do something for hours that they don't like/are passionate about. I suggest you apply to different places that are nearby and have some sort of interest to you. Such as Barnes and Noble has books, Hobby Lobby is artsy, etc. Still keep your job, just apply to places of interest so you can make an easy slide from job to job. Money is the root of all evil but sadly everyone needs it to 'survive' so to speak.*

    Also, you need to manage your money carefully, do less costly activities (if you do any), try to not use gas excessively, only when needed, etc. Try to get the less expensive brands of food/drinks too, some may not taste as good but its got to be delt with if you're planning on saving more money. Also try not to buy excess/luxury foods too often, they can waste a lot of money and can not be eaten for a long time. Eating out costs a whole lot so try not to do that as much as possible. Pay attention to price and food amount comparison; is it worth buying for that much? Please keep in mind though to eat as healthy as you can, nutrition is important. Eating only when you truly are hungry is also a money saver, eating excess food can take a toll on your wallet and your health.*

    I don't know if you're one to buy clothes a lot but they are drastically expensive, buying clothes are only necessary if you have holes, worn out, stained bad, or if your clothes don't fit. Besides underwear of course you don't want to use old nasty undies xP*

    Maybe you could discuss lowering your rent cost? They should understand that youre having a hard time with money and life in general.

    I hope I helped and if you need anyone to talk to I'm here for you.
    I spread love n hugs to you in hopes that you will feel better <3
    And I hope that you can find a way to make things better, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Random fact: Cheetahs aren't considered big cats because they can't roar.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 13, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  14. Shadox D.
    Sorry to bother you Llave, I was just wondering when my stuffs was going to be done ^^;
    Post by: Shadox D., Jun 13, 2012 in forum: Art Shop
  15. Shadox D.
    Post by: Shadox D., May 26, 2012 in forum: Art Shop
  16. Shadox D.
    I was wondering if you could plese edit these pictures for me because I would like to use them in a RP. Thank you ^^

    It is the third picture from the top that has the picture in blue

    Size: A reasonable size for KH/RPing.

    Specifications: I would like to have it colored with her having black hair, blue pants, black shoes, and a dark green shirt with the sleeves grey and the markings on the sleeves black. I would also like to have no cross around her neck, the bricks white, and the soda be Coca-Cola. She also has black wings like a bird. The floor can be whatever color you feel fits right with the picture.

    Text: Her name is Zerci so it would be nice to have it in a cool sketchy writing. Your signature for reconition.


    Size: A reasonable size for KH/RPing.

    Specifications: I would like to have black fox ears and a black fox tail on her (the tail curling upward so it is easy to see, and of course the white in the ears and the white tip of the tail.) Hair would be kind of dark brown with green streaks in it. Eyes would be purple. Can you please take the frilly collar off the top and her sleeves be more like a tank top? Some cool markings around the eyes would be amazing, either red or green is fine with me.

    Text: Her name is Sinder so it would be cool to have it in some sketchy writing. Your signature for recognition.

    Sorry this is such a complex order I just want the characters to fit near what i want them to be ^^;
    Post by: Shadox D., May 26, 2012 in forum: Art Shop
  17. Shadox D.
    Sinder noticed something strage about two of the girls in the group in front of them

    "Their auras aren't right, do you see?

    "Yes, it seems like they have switched bodies.

    Must be a contraption that crazy scientist made.

    "I feel really weak love.

    I don't know if its something in this place but I feel like it's hard to move.

    Zerci took Sinder's hand and felt the weakness.

    "You may still be recovering from earlier babe.

    Change back."

    They both changed back to their Sori forms and Zerci held and rubbed her lover's hand.

    Sinder stroked back in return and closed her eyes.
    Post by: Shadox D., Jan 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Shadox D.
    OOC: Howcome whenever i post everyone stops posting? It's f*cking irritating.
    Post by: Shadox D., Dec 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Shadox D.
    Sinder and Zerci had woken up a bit ago, feeling recharged.

    They held hands while strolling through the corridors and grew bored of their Sori form.

    "It's your call this time babe."

    Sinder stood and thought for a moment.

    "Well we like gargoyles," she smiled.

    "Ooh I like."

    They both used their magic to change their form into 6ft gargoyles.

    Sinder had her trademark purple eyes and Zerci had her trademark blue eyes.

    "I like your natural green eyes babe, how come you don't leave them natural anymore?"

    "Well it has been a while, and I do like my natural eye color," Sinder said as her eyes reverted to their natural color; a mix of hazel and a little grey.

    "What about your gorgeous eyes love?" she tickled Zerci's sides a little.

    "Theyre brown baby there's nothing exciting about that."

    "I still love them, and you look downright gorgeous," she rubbed her cheek on her lover's cheek.

    Zerci blushed and smiled real big and toothy.

    "You really think so?"

    "I always have love."

    Zerci let the magic off her eyes and they turned a darkish brown.

    "I love you baby."

    "And I love you."

    They heard the others' voices and peeked around the corner.
    Post by: Shadox D., Dec 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Shadox D.
    Sinder and Zerci got up and headed toward the metal door of the laboratory.

    "Ready babe?"

    "As ready as I'll ever be.

    This silly little war has to end."

    They took each other's hand and made their way into the facility.

    The two saw a distressed man in the facility.

    What troubles you young one? Sinder mentally asked the professor, looking at him.
    Post by: Shadox D., Nov 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home