Yeah where i live they dont allow the ones that go up in the air n my parents abide by the rules
Bunch of green n trees n stuff? Was mainly fountains not real fireworks -_-
Cool. Is it pretty where you are? Was alright. The cat peed on father so there was a little fun. Dont care too much for america though
Haha good. So how was your fourth of july?
Sounds pretty nasty man. Hope you heal up well. And don't forget to put on sunscreen next time xP
Might need some sorta cream too
The things that I liked better about the Asylum is that it was so much easier to obtain the Riddler trophies. So. Much. Easier. Also, I loved the creepiness and the darkness of it. When that first present popped open I freaked out because I was using the x-ray vision thing and I didn't know what was going on. Also loved the 'crazy' patients that would run around screaming. What I liked about City was the extensive bad guy bosses like Ras, Penguin, Joker, Riddler, Bane, and the others I can't think of at the moment xP Loved how Joker had a funhouse. The freedom was amazing, going through all those loading screens to go through different parts of the game were annoying in Asylum. The assortment of gadgets and gliding maneuvers was the bomb in City. Also, JOKER CAN'T DIE ;~; They are like two peas in a pod, they can't be apart. Hated that ending so much I almost cried (couldn't because my brother was there). Plus he is super sexyness and amazing. Don't care that Harley has a baby, I NEED REAL JOKER BACK! I am keeping the idea of him not really dead though high in hopes. All in all, they were pretty equal in my opinion without any personal things put into it.
Have you tried aloe vera? I think it's supposed to help with healing and pain.
*facepalm* thats why everyone puts sunscreen on silly. Have you tried aloe vera?
Im guessing you didnt put sunscreen on? XP
Hope it gets better soon i heard those thing hurt a lot
Why hello there :) *pervy glare* Hope you enjoy the forum and all the people here at KH-Vids Don't forget to read the rules and most of all have fun :D
You might be talking about our Signatures. You can edit what it says and add pictures via your Settings (located at the top of the screen). On the left side there will be "My Settings" and it says "Edit Signature" under it. Hope I helped :) And have plenty of fun on the forum!
Haha nice xD I don't really sunburn very much, very proud of my tanness. N when I do it just turns into a tan xD Good just browsin da webz. Found...
How you been?
Gah sorry I have horrible memory ^^;
It wouldn't hurt to see a doctor. Plus it's good to know that throughout our lives most of us have a vision change. I've had to get stronger glasses over the years personally and also feel that my left it weaker than my right. It may be a natural thing or something bad like a cataract. It is better to go to a doctor sooner than later to make sure. Hope all turns out well <3
I also want to strangle people like this. There is nothing wrong about being gay. If someone doesn't like the way we are then they can f*ck off, not make our lives hard. We don't bash on straight people because they are straight, we don't make things super hard for them. It just furiates me that people have problems with us. We are people too, we deserve everything that straight people have. Aren't all people supposed to be equal? Never belived in any religion myself, but I know that lots of religions bash on being gay -_-
Definately like :)
Taking AP and Honors classes also makes your GPA go up, some weird thing, but they count as more points towards your GPA I guess because they are harder. Just don't do em if you're not up to it. GPA means Grade Point Average. It's just what your overall points are determined by your grades in your classes (goes from 0 to 4.0 and over, 4.0 and over are the best grades). I'm not sure exactly what the calculations are to determine GPA though.