I mostly ran away. I can't remember when he opened up so I could get some hits in (I'm sure you can find it). But mostly block and run until you find an opening. Takes a while but gets the job done. Make sure to have at least two Curagas.
Sup VII :) Happy to have you here and hope you enjoy your time. Feel free to drop me a message :)
I'll have t see what there is
Why hello there. I hope you enjoy the forum. There's lots to talk about/do here, and plenty of places to contribute your ideas. Feel free to drop by and say hi to me or any other of the members :)
Haha yeah how many times do you hear that in a lifetime xP
Well i was real mean n hot tempered back in my sophmore year, last year, n i was late to class. There were only two seats, one next to her n one...
Yeah I can't imagine not having her. N it's funny because we met in the worst of situations xD
Its pretty good for a beginner :) definately better than my first drawings. Just some references and things can be used to get the anatomy right, her body is a little weird xP the eyes are pretty good, a little big but good, and her face looks rightly shaped.
Just a little itchy under the armpits n a little paranoia of someone seeing it n thinkin its some sorta disease. Other than that my father keeps...
Thats awesome. I might do that in college if i ever get enough money.
I always have believed in them 100%. there's a lot of recordings and stuff (not the obviously fake ones) and many pictures, stories, etc.
Axel and his super sexiness definately wins for me. Plus, who doesn't like fire? Demyx would be second cuz he's adorable n kind of reminds me of myself. Well Axel reminds me of myself too xD
Yeah i got it all figured out :) Yeah its pretty toasty over here too. N i think ive gotten hidradenitis suppurativa so under my clothes my...
I found out that on CD-Rs once you put something on them it can't be messed with -_- What a waste of resources. I put it on a different CD so it's...
Hey there :) I hope you have a bunch of fun in the forum and make a bunch of friends. Don't be shy to talk to any of us there's plenty of nice and warm people around.
Just trying to figure outhow to copy some eminem songs onto a cd. Did it but only played the first three songs before freaking out n freezing n...
Sup chica ?
Ahhh sweet. I always thought of doing that but this is gonna be my last year of hs n im at a new school so i wanna check it out. I bet it's fun
Well theres plenty of us that would love to be friends with you :) I know how it is to have bad influence friends too. If you need anyone to talk to I'm always here to help. I'm glad you've decided to move on :)
Yeah. So you german or just live there?