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  1. Shadox D.
    Go back to b*tch-slap the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs.

    What is Victoria's secret?
    Post by: Shadox D., Feb 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Shadox D.
    Zerci only turned to see the two for a few moments before turning back to Sinder.

    "They hit her."

    She stroked Sinder's forehead, trying to make her forget about the pain.

    Zerci kneeled next to the couch and laid her chin on the shoulder of her love.

    Sinder poked Zerci's cheek.

    "Poke," she said with a playful smile and opened her eyes.

    "I'll be fine in a bit, don't worry 'bout it."

    "You know I'll worry regardless."
    Post by: Shadox D., Feb 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Shadox D.
    Sinder started to kick around and tried to get away.

    In desperation, she latched into the soldier's arm that was restraining her with her teeth.

    Some dragon was still left in her so her canines were digging into the soldier's flesh.

    "Goddamn animals!"

    He whacked the girl in the back of her head a few times with the baton from his belt.

    Sinder let go and was thrown down into the snow.

    She was curled up from pain.

    "Oh HELL NO!"

    Zerci pulled away from the soldier and broke free of the cheap bonds.

    She kicked the back of his legs for him to fall and grabbed his baton and knocked him unconcious.

    "No one, i repeat, NO ONE, hurts my girl!"

    The baton made contact with the soldier's head several times, making him bleed.

    "Here's a little lesson."

    She then went to Sinder's side and helped her sit up.

    "It's ok baby, it'll be ok."

    Her left arm cradled Sinder's head as she undid the bonds and picked her up.

    Sinder closed her eyes, knowing Zerci would take care of her.

    Zerci flew to behind the building to where the other Soris were, entered through the back, and placed Sinder on a couch a room away from the others.
    Post by: Shadox D., Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Shadox D.
    Zerci took Sinder's hands and held them, pulling the other closer to her.

    "There they are," a soldier whispered to the other.

    "Make sure the needles go into their neck so this will be quick and easy."

    The other nodded and they aimed carefully at the couple's necks.

    There was a whistling noise and Sinder felt something go into her neck.

    She collapsed onto Zerci.

    Another whistling noise was heard only a moment after the first and Zerci fell back.

    "They're tranquilized, let's get them back to the boss."

    A helicopter came and lifted the two soldiers and the couple to the mountain where the others were.

    It landed and Zerci and Sinder were forced out, wings and hands bound for the tranquilizer wore off.

    "Who the hell do you think you are?!?!" Zerci said as she struggled to get free.

    "None of your business."

    Sinder said nothing but also struggled to get free.

    "Here they are commander," the soldier said, pushing the couple towards the one in charge.
    Post by: Shadox D., Feb 22, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Shadox D.
    I feel alive again Sasha.

    Zerci led Sinder to a dark opening in a tree's roots.

    "Look inside."

    Sinder gazed inside the mass of roots to see purple and blue glowing flowers.

    Crystals were also to be seen in the opening.

    "It's beautiful."

    "It's still not as beautiful as you though."

    Sinder looked at Zerci with a smile and felt her face get red.

    Zerci looked into Sinder's eyes and stroked her cheek.

    "If only you could see how beautiful you are through my eyes."

    She kissed the other softly.

    Then she grabbed her love's hand and pulled on it.

    "C'mon I wanna show you some more stuff."

    Zerci stood up and helped the other up.

    "You gotta close your eyes though ok?"


    Sinder closed her eyes and Zerci picked her up in her arms.

    Sinder could feel the wind as the other flew her somewhere.

    The sound of water came to her ears.

    "Ok open your eyes," Zerci said after she set Sinder down.

    Sinder opened her eyes to a magnificent waterfall, a smile crossed her face.

    "Look, a rainbow.

    Your favorite."

    Sinder smiled all big and hugged Zerci tight.
    Post by: Shadox D., Feb 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Shadox D.
    Zerci held her love tight to her.

    "I promise i won't let anything else happen to you babe."

    She kissed Sinder's head.

    Sinder's tears lessened and stopped within minutes.

    The girl held Zerci's hands in hers.

    "Been a while," she smiled at the other.

    "Oh how long I've been waiting to see your smile again," Zerci smirked back.

    "And I to see yours my love."

    They both leaned in and kissed each other softy.

    "Been a while."

    "Just a little."

    The two shared another kiss.

    Zerci held Sinder tight once again and whispered in her ear.

    "I love you."

    "I love you too," Sinder whispered back.

    Zerci took Sinder's hand and tugged on it.

    "C'mon, i don't want your friends having all your attention," she joked.

    "Let's go into the forest."

    Sinder agreed with a big smile and they took off flying together, holding hands n talking, laughing together once again.
    Post by: Shadox D., Feb 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home