The female ran after the two to catch up with them, running on her toes to reduce the sound made. The deer kept running through her mind. Why am I imagining a deer? She thought to herself. When she caught up she stood on the other side of the male, wondering what his intentions were. But she had no other choice but to follow him since he was the only friendly one she had encountered so far. The round doors were strange to her. When the Fleetfoot was running on the buildings all the doors were rectangular. This castle was very strange to her, it was vacant and foreboding. She nodded at the male's orders regarding the 'superior', and listened in to what he whispered to the other girl. What kindness and chivalry. The doors opened and she felt her head race with many thoughts. She stepped inside, scared but intrigued, and before the doors closed she looked back at the male and asked, "What is your name?"
She saw a Nobody with an eyepatch n smirked a little because he looked like a pirate, but he also looked really cool with that eyepatch and big scar. He soon disappeared inside the castle without inviting her in so she stayed steadfast. The doors soon flew open and the girl peered inside, seeing a male Nobody and a smaller female Nobody holding hands, but it seemed the girl was holding him mostly. He gave the female on the Fleetfoot an odd look and the fox Nobody disappeared from underneath her. Startled, she stood clumsily trying to regain her balance. As she stood there she got a vision of a deer and had a sudden impulse to draw one. Her right hand flinched in a drawing motion and she stared at the couple in the castle.
The female was in a state of half -sleep when she felt wind blowing in her hair. It was very peaceful but she fully awakened to a bouncing rhythm. Startled by the movement, she sat up, and much to her surprise she was side -saddled on a lesser Nobody.* "What the?" was all she could muster at the surprise. The lesser Nobody was something like she had never seen before. It resembled a fox yet was the light grey that Dusks and others were like and had pointed feet instead of paws. The Nobody symbol stood out proudly on its head, and to her surprise, with a closer look, it had no mouth, not even the zipper mouths that Dusks had.* "How strange, to not have a mouth," she pondered.*But with a glance toward its rear end she saw its bushy tail had a zipper and two black diamonds that looked like eyes. "That must be the mouth, how odd." Getting tired and uncomfortable, she decided to turn forward to saddle the lesser Nobody normally. As she did, a black cloak came into view. "Why am I dressed like this?" she asked herself. But she quickly figured out that she was a Nobody. "I don't know how I got here or who I really am, but I will get to the bottom of this." As she lowered her head towards the ground she noticed there was no ground, the fox was running and jumping over buildings. "What a peculiar place Mr. Fox, where are we going exactly?" She raised her head to see a giant luminescent heart pouring its light on a mighty huge castle that also bore the mark of the Nobody. "Is that where we are going?"* The fox seemed to nod slightly. "I guess I should give you a name huh? It wouldn't be polite to be calling you Mr. Fox or Nobody all the time. Let's see..." She started to stroke her chin in thought then jumped up a little when she came to a name. "I know! I'll call you Fleetfoot since you're so fast on your feet."* The female turned her head around to see a smile on the fox's tail. "I knew you'd like it," she smiled wide. After a while they got really close to the castle, but she did not know how they would get up there. To her astonishment, the Fleetfoot gave a great leap and teleported right in front of the castle doors, landing as soft as a feather.* Xena knocked on the door, not knowing Xaldin and the other new member had just entered. "Hello?" She said moderately loud from the back of the lesser Nobody, which seemed calm and content.
Then I will be... XVII? Or at least an odd number.
Id like to join with an OC or two. The Classes have more than one person in each correct?
No prob :) Anytime bro I'm here for you
Just never give up and keep pushing through :)
I hope I helped :)
Hey man, I don't know if you noticed that I posted on your thread, finally. Hope youre doing good. ~J~
Well, first of all, why did you hesitate for so long? If you need something to get off your chest then it's good to talk about it and vent as soon as possible. -----"I've always felt like I wasn't part of any group. That I was alone."----- I feel you here man. I have always felt this way too, and even have had it proved because I cannot hang out with groups of people, and therefore alienated from them. I hope you understand it, but not everyone belongs. Like me, for example. -----"All of them have a cellphone in their hands going there and here, while I didn't have a cellphone."----- I didn't have a cellphone for a while. The only reason I got one was because we were moving to a bigger city, which I started high school in. So I didn't have a cell phone til I was around fourteen or fifteen. As you can imagine, I felt very deprived of having communication between my "friends" before I got it. I call them "friends" because they are no longer my friends.* -----" Everyone has a video-game, MP4 or those things, and I didn't. "----- Though I cannot relate too much to this, I didn't have an MP3 or an Ipod or any fancy music device for a long time, only my CD player that I still have today. Hell, I still don't have too fancy of a music device as of this day (I'm 17 by the way), all I have is an Ipod nano that doesn't hold a whole lot of songs, and lacks internet or even apps to play on. ----- "My brother has Mega Drive, Nintendo and GameBoy; when I was born, he got a PlayStation. Every Sunday he and my Grandmother always went to the shopping (or something like that) and she bought him a new game."----- My brother always gets what he wants too, even frequent $60 Xbox games. When he wants to go to the movies father makes me take him and I have to waste my parents' and my money at the stupid theater. He asks for expensive things all the time and I try not to ask for much, but guess who gets yelled at frequently. Me. It's probably because he's 13 and spoiled that he can get away with anything... I digress. But you get what I'm saying right? -----"I still remember, when I was very very very young (I should have 3 or 4 years), and my aunt asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I told her I wanted that toy we saw in the shopping the other day. Later that day, my mother was angry with me because things like that are expensive and Santa Claus or anyone have the money to bring that to me." ----- It was wrong for your mother to yell at you for you were just a child and didn't know any better.* -----"Until today, I see people talking something like "I'm going to my grandmother's home today, so I won't be able to blah", "My uncle is going to take me to that place", etc.; but I am not that close to my family. "----- Alas, I am not very close with my family either. But when I do go do something with them it's usually forced upon me. I also send my condolences to your grandmothers' passings. -----"But, the boy I mentioned before needed to move to another city. I was sad. He made it to my best friends list, this is something so hard..."----- It is really hard to lose a friend. I lost one not too long ago and I had considered him my bestest friend. I don't even know what happened he just stopped talking to me. I should've seen it coming though, he seemed like he was done with me this past school year. He would ignore me and try to get rid of me to go and talk to other people, and like an idiot I followed him around like a lost puppy. Why? I felt like I had no one else to go to. I still get really sad and teary to this day just thinking about him and all of it. Plus, lost plenty of friends over the years. Pretty much only have my girlfriend and maybe one or two buddies but that's it. I don't really even talk to the other two. So yes, I know what it's like to lose a special friend al be lonely.* -----"In December, I believe it was when everything started. I started to ask myself: "Why am I always like that?". I really did care about me friends, so much. "Because I don't want to be alone again...?" was the only answer I could find at the moment."----- No one wants to be alone, it's a natural thing. -----"It was the hardest question. I couldn't find an answer for it. I've been trying to follow my best friends's steps, but I started to feel like I wanted to be them. I started to feel lonely again. All of them (Trulyyy, Lexibrag and Gu) have more friends. They know what to say, they know what to think, they know how to keep going forward. I also wanted to be like that. "I want to follow their steps" "Trulyyy is funny". "Lexibrag is handsome". "Gu is smart". "Trulyyy is funnier than me". "Lexibrag is more handsome than me". "Gu is more intelligent than me". They are funny, handsome, intelligent, cool, are good friends, know what to do, know how to do, can be themselves, everything I am not." That's it. I've realized, all this time I've been admiring them, but I was also jealous of them. - July to December Such a awful person I am. Jealous of my bests friends, wanting to be in their places."----- I have also caught myself being jealous of "friends". Due to my shyness, low self-esteem, depression, and all that mixed up jazz I do not approach people or try to make nice with the other kids. If I feel uber lonely I sulk in a corner and keep it all to mysel, unlike a "normal person" who would go talk to their friends about it. I...just don't want to bother anyone with my problems you know?* I had a friend once, two actually, that were tall and skinny and attractive. I went about my ways with them being all cool and whatever, but over time I noticed something that changed my view of these two and made me furious and jealous. I am a normalish built person, don't have a lot of muscles and don't have a lot of fat, but I do have a little meat on me. I noticed, though, that everyone paid more attention to them because they were skinnier and better looking. Huzzah, the mystery is solved. That is when the slight eating disorder came up, around eighth grade, when I started eating a lot less in order to be skinner and hopefully be noticed a little more. It is awful to know youre the "ugly" friend that no one talks to.* One of the friends I lost: I dropped in for a surprise visit, he was at work so I had to wait a little bit for him to come home. When he came in and saw me he was all "oh my god this is so surreal!" Seemed happy to meet me right? For about ten minutes. Then he asked to go to his girlfriend's house. Shows how much I meant to him. Defriended. Other friend: Distance keeps us apart so I don't really ever see him.* -----"What am I but a shadow?"----- Hits me right in the feels because I feel the same way too. -----"I am sorry for this, guys. If any Administrator feels like take me off the Staff it's okay."----- No one is going to take you off of the staff for venting you silly goose :) -----"I'm still trying to find the answer... well, answers. There are things I haven't write here... I feel like they are way too personal, and should just let untold for now. But the truth is: I'm so confused with everything. I just know that I needed to vent."----- Well, like I said I'm always here if you need to talk. -----"I try to feel like I'm part of something... "Making part of something special, makes us special, right?". I've been trying to make part of what I would like to be. But I just feel like I don't belong to anywhere else. Well, ALL the groups or whatever I wanted to join, my parents just don't allow me to approach those friends and actually be part of them."----- My parents are over touchy about me meeting people too. They are always all "it's good to have*a ton of friends" and all that crap, but I constantly get the "you meet just one person and they mess up the rest of their life" spill. I feel like I can't even be myself around them because of how they are. For example, we were walking around in the old part of town and a girl with a clipboard says to us something like "would you like to sign to support gay rights?" Naturally I lit up, being the gay that I am, but the girl and I were quickly shot down by a "no thanks" from father. I would have signed if they weren't there, they just make me uncomfortable.* Parents deprive us of things we love/would like to do, it's natural. I don't know what it's all about, perhaps fear ofus leaving the nest or whatever. But it's a lot of BS. I hope I helped at least a little and didn't bore you with my stories. Sorry for any misspellings or grammar errors or confusion it's two in the morning here. P.S. Sorry this post was long overdue.
Welcome to our thread you lurker you :P Haha I also lurked around for a while before joining too. Hope you have a lot of fun and make plenty of friends :)
Completely ignore him, pretend he doesn't exist, make no contact, ect.
Pssst .
Thanks :)
That does sound really fun. Well I'm an artist so I'm looking to eventually find a career in art. Right now I'm just looking for something to...
That's really cool. I've always wondered what it would be like to have a radio station. Is it fun? C'mon man everyone's good at something :) Just...
Hopefully this RP is savable because I really wanted to partake in it, but here I go: NAME: Xena GENDER: Female AGE: 20 HAIR: Brown EYES: Purple HEIGHT: 5'5" KIND OF BEING: Nobody OCCUPATION: Assassin RANK: -XIII PROOF OF EXISTENCE ROOM NAME: Silent Arrow LESSER NOBODY: Fleetfoot (silver, fox-like nobodies with the Nobody symbol on their heads. Very quick and agile. Their tails can unzip lengthwise to reveal a mouth; has a lack of mouth in the face. ) ELEMENT: Air TALENTS: Hunting/tracking WEAPONS: Bow and arrows that can be summoned at any time; mainly used for silent kills or distance kills but they can also be used in close combat, metal claws that are worn on missions; tied under coat when not in use (cannot be summoned) and mainly used for close combat CRUSH:Axel PERSONALITY: Shy, quiet, can be hot tempered at times, patient, sneaky, mimics a lot NICKNAMES: Fox, Silent Arrow LIKES: Hunting, stalking, eavesdropping, pranking, joking, learning about people and how/why they act the way they do, helping in fights, Axel and his sexyness DISLIKES: Loud people, pink, white GOOD POINTS: Great hunter/tracker, puzzle solver, will try as best as she can to complete a job no matter how long it takes FLAWS: A little slow, tends to be clumsy at times, has a slight split personality (the other side being of animalistic nature), is the last one to know anything OTHER: Wears a silver fox tail that is either pulled through a hole in the back of the cloak to be seen or left inside the cloak, and wears grey fox ears that match the tail with white inside the ears. The ears can be seen poking at the top of the hood when it's worn up, and can be seen clearly when hood is down. Her somebody is an Indian so her weapon and hunting skills come from her somebody. Is a little tan. Relationship to other members: Xemnas: Good-Looking. (Please don't use me as a hound dog...) Xigbar: Secret pirate? Love your guns Xaldin: Nice dreds Vexen: Do not want to know what crazy things go on in your lab, but also do at the same time Lexaeus: Why so serious? Zexion: Why so emo? Saix: Where exactly did the scars come from? Axel: Hotness :D Demyx: Adorable Luxord: Don't drink too much. I will never play strip poker with you Marluxia: Roses smell good, but why pink hair? Larxene: Crazy b*tch... Roxas: Confused much? Xion: Wha?
Sweet :) So you have your own radio station? You don't do art or anything like that? Yeah my classes are starting soon too, on the 13th to be...
Welcome to your clean slate :P Have a ton of fun though n if you wanna talk im here :)
Please, call me J :) Well it's good to keep busy it keeps you moving and not lingering. Any hobbies you like that's keeping you busy or just...