Search Results

  1. Daxa~
    I found Days much easier to play,and the controls better aswell.
    But I liked Re-Codeds way of being able to add cheats and unlock things.
    And the weird way of leveling up on Days really annouyed me.
    Thread by: Daxa~, Apr 15, 2011, 32 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Daxa~
    Well.....Im making like 30 people come see it with me,on either snday or monday!!!!
    Cant wait :3
    Thread by: Daxa~, Apr 15, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Daxa~
    I was just wondering what everyone thought of all the sequels to the Disney classics(eg.Aladdin or the Lion King)

    I really dont think that any of them are anywhere near as good as the original movies.....
    Thread by: Daxa~, Apr 9, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Disney Galaxy
  4. Daxa~


    Well obviosly,this will be about war.
    War,as Im sure lots of people will agree,is awful.
    Millions die for nothing.
    Millions more are left without loved ones,left to greive.
    So I ask,why do we still fight?
    Though Im not saying I want world peace,and for eveyone to get along.
    No that would mean a very boring life for eveyone.
    But why cant we just stop fights with guns,with bombs?
    I mean,when everyone fought with swords,at least people had a chance to defend themselves.
    And while I do accept that death happens to everyone some time,I just dont think it should be in fighting for someone you dont even know.
    Thread by: Daxa~, Apr 7, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  5. Daxa~

    Ice cream

    Ok....well I love ice cream.
    And I thought I should share that feeling.
    Any thoughst? xD
    Thread by: Daxa~, Apr 7, 2011, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Daxa~

    Poem by me :D

    Ok...well this is a poem I wrote years ago,when I was 10 :D
    So its pretty bad.
    Just a warning :/

    Black hair,green eyes
    As green as the trees are high
    Loud laugh,warm smile
    Burning as bright as fire
    Watching me,grinning
    Your the only one I trust
    And through everything
    Through all the years
    You have always been just.
    Just yourself,here for me,
    Until the skys burn red
    Just yourself,you will always be
    Until we both are dead
    Thread by: Daxa~, Apr 6, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Daxa~

    Fruit salad


    glad i got that out of my system
    Thread by: Daxa~, Apr 4, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Daxa~
    Ok...well this is my first youtube vid,and yes it is pretty bad :/

    Its the song 100 Suns by 30 Seconds to Mars,and I tried to make it look like Axel was singing it(with help from Demyx at the end XD)

    anyways,here it is!

    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 29, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Daxa~


    Well...socks are great.


    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 25, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Daxa~


    Ok...well basicly,Im just tired of people judging others....based on their HAIR. Its so shallow and annoying. Like those "people" say blonds are dumb,browns are boring,and,of course,gingers have no soul. Ok....I have a lot of blond friends,and most of them are really smart,always getting A`s and B`s. My best friend has brown hair,and she is really not boring,or timid. And of course,I am "ginger",but Im pretty sure I have a soul :/

    But really,I am so sick of the whole gingers are stupid,and weird thing. My hair is nearer to blond than orange or red,yet I still get slagged,pushed around,called names etc. There was even a slap a ginger day in my school. And why? Because my genes said this would be my hair colour. And sure,peopple are always saying "oh but you can dye it",but why should I? Its my natural hair colour,its ME,so why should I be ashamed,want to change it? Even my friends,when I say I hate people talking about my hair say "its so nice and pretty blah blah...BUT you can always dye it".

    I just want to see what everyone here thinks of this,as I for one am sick of being teased and made to feel bad,because of my hair colour.
    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 23, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. Daxa~
    Well whats your favorite Disney song? It can be from any movie at all :d Mine woul have to be....hmm....ok my top 5:

    Be prepared-The lion King
    Friend like me-Aladdin
    Zero to hero-Hercules
    Make a man out of you-Mulan
    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 19, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  12. Daxa~
    Whos your Fav disney animal? Mine is most definitly Winnie the Pooh! Hes sooooo cute...oh and i also love Eeyore,hes so negative :D
    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 11, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Disney Galaxy
  13. Daxa~
    Heya,I was just wondering does anyone know anywhere in Ireland or even in the UK(yes i would go over there to get it) where you can buy KH manga novels,or posters,or any fan stuff? Thanks x
    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 8, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Daxa~
    Well I really like this game,and cried playing it (because its not a good game unless i cry).
    So yeah,I just wanna see what everyone else thought of it....

    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 8, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Daxa~
    Well yeah...its my birthday today :D random but.....yeah....i like birthdays
    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 7, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Daxa~


    Well....ok theres this guy i really like,and have done for the past 2 years. Ive known him for over 9 years,and he`s been there with me through everything. Recently he sent me a text saying he liked me,but i didnt know to belive him or not so i didnt reply(i thought it was one of his friends or something). Now he wont look at me if i pass him in the corridoor,and in class doesnt sit anywhere near me. Any suggestions what to do? x
    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 6, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  17. Daxa~
    Well I think that they are the best band ive ever heard,and that everyone should at least hear one of their songs. Jared Leto(singer) is also one of the hottest men alive :D
    But all of 30stms songs mean something,and if you`l listen to any lyrics that becomes obvious.
    Lots of people say theyre awful,with no sense of musical taste,but when I ask those people have they actually heard any of their songs they normally reply no. It is for this reason im asking people to listen to them,to Jareds amazing voice,Shannons drumming skills and Tomos guitaring awesomeness before writing them off. Then youre definitly entitled to think whatever you want about them XD
    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 5, 2011, 25 replies, in forum: Music
  18. Daxa~
    Heya,in bbs ive completed the general game and the final episode,but i am stuck on getting the secret movie...any help? x
    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 2, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  19. Daxa~
    This is a song I wrote a while ago....these thingys - mean extend the world and these ^ mean higher pitch :D please tell me what you think x

    As I stand here
    For love or just a friend
    I feel you
    And I wish this moment never ends

    I see your eyes
    And though we`ve never met
    I know you
    My soul knows you
    Your the one I wont forget--

    You look at me
    ^And your eyes^
    Oh how they shine
    Searching my own
    Feeling the connection
    That can not be repressed

    ^I see your eyes---^

    They are all that I can see

    It is true

    That the eyes
    Are windows
    To the deepest part of us
    The part that is each other--
    Thread by: Daxa~, Mar 1, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Daxa~

    Heya :)

    Hi!!! Im new here,and i love Kingdom Hearts and 30 Seconds to Mars!! xxxx Daxa
    Thread by: Daxa~, Feb 23, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures