Wow. Just wow. They were fucking amazing. And Jared Leto is one sexy man. Espiecally when hes making perverted jokes and pulling his top up. Gahhhh~
Just got back from an awful family thing. That I was dragged off to with no warning. And no internet. Fun fun fun. But anyways KHV,what dodgyness has happened in the 4 nights I've been gone? :3
I had a PM conversation with myself. Wow Im a sad sad girl D:
Hiiiyyaaa Clawtooth ><
Its her B-Day today... So have a Snapealicious birthday my dear <3 <3 <3 Love ya xD
Well yes.... My family are dragging me away on holiday for 12 days,without the computer :O But its not all bad....we're going to the beautiful west coast of France <3 So,until I return....goodbye!! Miss you all already(is it bad that I really do miss you all?) Farewell for now beautiful members of KHV. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^^how much I <3 you xD ^^
Well... IM FINISHED SCHOOL FOR 3 MONTHS!!!!! Which makes me a very happy girl <3
Well I got bored so made this in around two seconds... Its not very good at all,something I will admit to xD
[video=youtube;Zcps2fJKuAI][/video] This is War ^^ [video=youtube;hTMrlHHVx8A][/video] Kings and Queens ^^ [video=youtube;8yvGCAvOAfM][/video] The Kill ^^ 30STM are the best :p
Well yeah... Kinda the first sig Ive made,and I know its not amazing :/ But anyways... C&C?? :p
Welll.... I had a dream last night there was a big hurricane,and that the song Hurricane by 30 Seconds to Mars was playing in the backround. Today,its really windy outside,and,guess what,the song just came on the radio. Im freaked out :p Oh,and Im very cold,thought I might add.
Well I want to get a new labtop soon,as the one I have right now is dying :( So I was just wondering does anyone have any suggestions or links for a new labtop,thats pretty cheap and is also good quality? Thanks in advance :)
Well you know during the credits,and its showing all the clips of what happened next(in a way). Well a couple of questions and theroys: What did Lea and Isa do next after eating the sea salt ice creams? When it goes to Zack,theres a black feather drifting down. Could that be Sephiroth? Why do they bother showing the 3 ducks having a race?(I really dont like them xD) What do you think Maleficent was off to do when she turns away? Ok thats about it....opinions? :p
Playing Final Fantasy Dissadia today,I went to the PP catalog and bought another look for darling Sephiroth. It turns out to be him wearing nothing but a pair of tight leather trousers. I think Ive died and gone to heaven :3
Im very very bored. So boo!! And I really want chocolate,but its not easter for a few more hours. Sobsobsob.
Say hello xD
Ok..well I love this movie!!! And Dr.Frank n Furter is great. The movies so funny,and random,with some killer songs(Time Warp,Sweet Transvestite xD) So just wanted to see what you wonderful people on KHV think of it :D Opinions?
My friend asked me this a while ago,and it scared me for life. What was the person who discovered milk doing!?!?!?