Sora's Apprentice is: Felling- Lonely
Ventus PSP Aqua is so awesome heartless tremble to her name :)
Join me and Adamboy7 in our quest to get cloud around the Caribbean for help P.S: We need someone to join as a name called Cloud (like from FF)
Joker:Krown Harley Quinn: Pipedown Scarecrow:Rienzel Bane:Ventus108
(Lets get this started) Bat-man: Alright everyone we gathered you here to propose a new idea We wanna make a world wide Justice League
Choose your hero here
Tell me what Villian you wanna be here
Okay converse, haha
Hey me and adamboy7 are making a new fandub for kh2 here are the characters you can be (antlantis characters may/will require singing) the names striked out are taken- A ■Aerith ■Aladdin ■Ansem the Wise ■Ariel ■Auron ■Axel B ■Beast ■Belle ■Banzai C ■Captain Barbossa ■Captain Pete ■Chien Po ■Chip ■Chip ■Cid ■Cloud ■Cogsworth D ■Daisy Duck ■Dale ■Demyx ■Donald Duck ■Dewey ■Dr. Finkelstein E ■Eeyore ■Ed ■Elizabeth Swann F ■Flora ■Fauna ■Flotsam ■Flounder ■Fuu G ■Genie ■Goofy ■Gopher ■Gullwings H ■Hades ■Hayner ■Hercules ■Huey I ■Iago J ■Jack Skellington ■Jack Sparrow ■Jafar ■Jasmine ■Jetsam ■Jiminy Cricket K ■Kairi ■Kairi-young ■Kanga ■King Triton L ■Leon ■Li Shang ■Ling ■Lock and Barrel ■Louie ■Lumiere ■Luxord M ■Maleficent ■Master Control Program ■Merryweather ■Megara ■Merlin ■Mickey Mouse ■Minnie Mouse ■Mrs. Potts ■Mufasa ■Mulan ■Mushu N ■Nala ■Naminé O ■Olette ■Oogie Boogie ■Owl P ■Pain ■Panic ■Pence ■Pete ■Peter Pan ■Philoctetes ■Piglet ■Prince Eric ■Pumbaa R ■Rabbit ■Rafiki ■Rai ■Riku ■Riku- young ■Riku-Ansem ■Roo ■Roxas S ■Sally ■Santa Claus ■Sark ■Saïx ■Scar ■Scrooge McDuck ■Sebastian ■Seifer ■Selphie ■Sephiroth ■Setzer ■Shan-Yu ■Shock ■Shenzi ■Simba ■Sora ■Sora-young T ■The Emperor ■The Mayor ■The Peddler ■Tifa ■Tigger ■Timon ■Tinker Bell ■Tron U ■Ursula V ■Vivi W ■Wardrobe ■Will Turner ■Winnie the Pooh X ■Xaldin ■Xehanort ■Xemnas ■Xigbar Y ■Yao ■Yen Sid ■Yuffie
Here you can tell what your talent is
Post vids and suggestions for people here
Here is where you can ask me what character you wanna be
Invader Zim meets Kingdom Hearts RPG, Enjoy!