um Kurt Zisa Sephy-rioth....whatever his name is Phantom
avatar 9/10 sig1 10/10 sig2 5/10
Granted when you fell to a coma, and awsomeness is only real in dreams... I wish for 2 horses
you recive nothing *inserts nothing* lol *inserts a pig*
( cant destroy it.....) *inserts the world*
Granted but it had immedia-tly expired I wish for no "i wish for a wish" poop
Granted, but you didnt want that wish to happen. I wish for a coke!
Granted, you get a "no-life-for-me" clown I wish for a coin
you get KROQ (los angeles rock-radio station) *inserts KROQ* EDIT: ???? i dont do adultswim *Inserts pig*
Granted, but then I ate it. I wish for a car.
(fails) (you cant do anything to the machine or make anything up about....just follow the topic!) *inserts another dollar* EDiT: lol same time post i mean Styx you get a rock *inserts rock*
(is that how good you can do?cmon do better than that) Granted, but then i drank it. i wish for money
Okay this game I found somewhere on the internet. Is basically a machine that you insert something and the next post has to say what came out and insert that item or somthing else. EX: person 1: *inserts a penny* person 2: you get frog *inserts frog* person 3: you get a bag of of bullfrogs *inserts bag of bullfrogs* person 4: you get a real life bull and so on.... ................... START! *inserts a dollar*
Granted but then he kills everyone you knew and left you there in pain and sorrowness in the middle of the desert. i wish for a corrupted penny
granted,but you didnt wish for it to happem i wish for gold
um....corrupt? granted.but you get assinated after 5 secs of fame i wish for school to be over
Granted, but they EPIC kill you I wish for pie!
This game is basickally! easy! lol this is a popular game! Just wish for something and the next person has to grant it but corrupt it! EX: person 1: I wish for a pony person 2: Granted, but 2 seconds later it dies I wish for cake person 3: Granted, but i ate it. (and so on and forth) START! I wish I could fly
OOC: lol Ouegh! BIC: Chris stayed at the shoreline (dock?) and played with the sand.
has a good life^