O my, I never thought of that,its naturally for me since im way younger than you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
there are alot of ideas for who can be playble i think kairi roxas and riku should be playable mickey could probably be fighting along with Donald and goofy in a party and then sora riku and kairi could be in a party toghether i dont think terra aqua or ven would even be in KH3 (if there is one) if one of them is, it would be aqua, less likely terra roxas would pwn everyone if hes featured too much sora would be kinda anoyying....
Vexen and ogie boogie
Days was more tragic for me because in the end it seemed like it all nevered happened since "Xion" doesnt exist or was remembered
what do you mean ?WHY? because us humans dont even use them how can you tell the difference between a man from a woman without looking at them?
XD, just rip a dollar in half, and now you have 2 dollars!
Dont die plox
er. thats hard because your hair is rotting why do people have names?
yea, so people with no lives need to smoke out at least once a week from the plants in the garden :) How do i close the door?
someone you kill what does it mean when you say "sadness"?
water whats something you cant drink?
reading and laughing and finally typing
Dont cut your self
boy What is a girl?
No, becuase you just said it Are YOU sure you know what your saying?
Just go buy something for someone, somewhere
You already ate one piece
guilty? because i met someone
Haha i see a twitching girl (on bottom right)