burn the certificate
if death dies.... robot?
no you havent, you can tease the others that dont have one 0.o
it dosent have one, im a overdose on cokecola and then sell the cans o.0
lol ive seen it, but nevered did it then the guy got pushed to the floor 0.o
oh....that, too young, still in high school, what do you want with your carreer?
whats a BA?
what bout the ones when theyre trying to jump on top of you 0.o
there isnt enough blood. what do you call a pink cloud>?
you fingers are broken what can i use with the letter Z ?
-I dont want a proper funeral- says the ghost of Soxas
er wrong answer___under me plus the question you just asked isnt even a question so no its not hard to overstate why is internet a sin?
when a man beats a little girl at rock,paper,scissors what is love?
NOoooooOOOoOOOO!!!1 -Takes gun out an points to head- GIVE THEM BACK OR I WILL SHOOT MYSELF!!!
Hailing from the deltas of Hell, Life Sucks found themselves at the top of the the blues scene in 2008 with their debut album, Everyone Dies. The band's latest album, Emos should Die, blends God's gruff whoops and hollars with moody Delta Blues to evoke the group's most satisfying brand of musical gumbo. With standout tracks like "DEATH IS THE BEGINNING," dominating radio airwaves far and wide, Life Sucks is an essential addition to any music lover's library. another one. just for fun
that word may be the answer to end the world Whats pie?
OMG i call dibs on the biscuits!!!!
Does anyone have the smallest thought of what you think Mickey wanted to say to Sora at the end of Kingdom Hearts II in the letter? yea, i really think he is going to tell sora to go on a new mission or tell him about something that happened in KH:Coded
because the food is good for you Why is the sky blue?
o.0 me too Rising from the seedy clubs of Los Angeles, Bob climbed to the top of the techno scene in 1967 with their debut album, Bob's 1st generation. The band's latest album, Bob Reloaded, joins Bob's ominous lyrics with thunderous drums to create a bevy of pulse-pounding scorchers. With standout tracks like "Bob's Revolution," look for Bob to be a major part in the techno landscape for years to come. LOL