i lol'd , thats very true
lol nvm. i shall consider The Joker a ghost, unless ghosts arent real? 0.o
caramelldansen? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXK9ShllebQ
wiki it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drowned first line
doesnt drown=dead/death ? o.0
wait if you drowned, wouldnt you be dead?
why were you in the hospital?
Rebirthed into a baby, maybe?
okay. thanks, now im getting my codes back right now XD
i know, it worked perfectly, but it kinda erased all my codes i inputted to armax
is the Sight Seeing code supposed to have an bad effect? for Armax
doesnt care about this thread
if little johnny wasnt telling a lie he wouldnt send that letter 0.o
yes, yes it is.... whats in the air?
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