34113 lolololol
34111 okay????!?
you live in a barn apple?
34107 lalalalalalala
if i would die then...yes XD what is hello kitty?
i would throw sora into the fire then roxas
34102 lol how it that possible!?!?!?
if you have a gun 0.o what is justice/.?
34094 xd dx
34092 10 hours here
Avy: 8/10 Sigy: 9/10
34090 yarp
grab the cookies! whats 1-1 ?
cant tell the difference between boy or girl
34088 keeping this thread alive
I think he was talking about BBS not KH2:FM Decks un-versed Plus why would he be talking about that secret ending? right now.... 0.o
OOC: Sorry but this thread hasnt been closed for a while. There also arent any new threads after The Ultimate Organization III was closed. So I'm just replying to see if anyone comes back.