OOC: Lol are we all in the ship? Chris stood there siting down in an chair like thingy and waited til our next destination... Chris was too late for the fight with the gods because he was too far away. But now he finally remembers he still has his powers.
OOC: Da! Dada! DaDA-deDE! Chris was still asleep and woke up from a horrible nightmare...Brother? Chris went outside to strech and see how the guys are doing... Actually seemed like if everything was a joke outside...until he actually got outside. Chris saw Xane,Xardius,Bella,Nulix and Noxas were in battle! Oh gesh!thought Chris. Hmph...be awhile since I battled...but I will not hurt a woman with my special power...neither a man...because I cant take all the pain from it... But now...it's changed! Chris ran over to Nulix.
OOC: Im back...but this is is olnly one post and Im gone till tomorow BIC: Chris stayed in the ship and waited to see if anything happens... He didnt want to go outside to see a new world...but at least a peek... Nothing but milies and milies of old ruins...but it doesnt seem right... Chris took a nap in the ship and cuddle him-self in the corner. *** Dream "Brother?!" "Where are you?" "I cant be with you...because-" "....you dont like me?" "No...not that...just if I get to close to you...I'll vanish from existance." "But your right here?!" "Sorry...I gotta go now...Bye...Brother..." "No! Wait Dont Go!!"
Ken is still alive after 1 year... He still lived on his world... The islands... No memories... Except one... His other self....Chris... *** What about his other self...Ken?" "It'll have to wait..." "I hope you know what your doing...using King Mickey as bait." "You know...we will get in trouble if he finds out him self..."
lol thanks for the comment. and yes we can be friends
OOC: lol BIC: Chris had followed the group to an unknown place with tree's...and there was the U.P.A ship there. Chris stayed away from the guys to see if anything is wrong with this picture. But Chris also tried to remember his memories.... *** "He's not ready..." "Then we shall continue this research about the Virus..." "But how long untill he actually remembers...?" "...Hmm thats a good question.....after I released him to his friends.... he should thank me....."
lmao has no words in it but ^ thinks i has 4....
OOC: Srry I was busy at the moment. BIC: Chris went into the archives...now he remembers his fight with Tifta at the colliseum. Chris heard Xane and Raijin talking about Wing... Chris asked, "Who's Wing?"
has nothing to do about global warmming^
"Okay so where can we view the files?" Chris got up...and walked towards Xane.
Chris turned to Xane. ".....I feel like I know you guys but somehow....somethings impossible...like I cant find it in my heart-"
oky thanks!
Actually I never thought he was emo. But one thing I thought when I got the Re:CoM game....I thought he was a girl...LOL
I like both games Re:CoM and CoM. But the thing that troubled me was the story...I played the games just for the storylines... But the updated Re:CoM battle system was good than the GBA version. But yeah what 'Hexin' said that CoM gave us the sprites and all of that....
Actually Larxene is a strong character in the game "Kingdom Hearts: Re:Com" But I think she should be at least be used more in the game...meaning like being a-part of the story... But yeah she is a strong "beautiful" character and kinda makes other people mad in the game.
OOC: ??? BIC: Chris still trying to think...remember...Xane....Xardius...Nulix...Noxas...