Lexeaus hit the Fire Alarm and the Sprinklers shot out... Ice shards, Damn it Vexen! Lexeaus jumped out of the Window
OCC: Erm this place is going a bit too fast recap?
Vexen silently poured Ice mist into the Area.
Luxord was staring around in the Twilight View, "Still the Same old Castle" He though
The Kids Scared didn't listen to Lia's Advice and Ran towards the X on the Map a heartless soldier knocked down one of the boys and ran with the red stone, 10 seconds.
OCC: o.o; basically if kids die or heartless steal stone the Orichalcum piece is gone :p BIC: 3 heartless surround the kids
OCC: o.o; basically if kids die or heartless steal stone the Orichalcum piece is gone :p 3 heartless surround the kids
105 realized they were coming after him so he threw a bunch of gold coin that the item maker gave him and dived into the sea
RRRRRAAAAAGGHHHH!!!! and a large shockwave destroyed 70% of the heartless... and everyone flew except for Lexeaus.
and then 2 kids were playing with a red stone, a map appeared in front and had a note taped to it saying, "lets see if you can play Escort!" The if all of the kids Die the Orichalcum Piece Disappears if you snatch it from them both kids and stone disappear if heartless steal stone you have 10 seconds before both kids and stone disappear, there was a X on the Map.
Luxord appeared on his Throne, "Guys Talking about Xemnas?"
and of course something usually goes wrong and it starts with Relix Slicing Through Hologram Heartless and falling through a Trap Door to a pipe to the floor that was underneath.
30 deserters was left and 10 of them were seen with 10 shiny red stones running around. a note appeared Note: Well of Course I was just kidding the Orichalcum Piece is still on this Floor
a Deserter Roundhouse Kicked Relix's Face from Behind.
a Deserter Kicked Lia in the Shin another kicked Relix in the Face and ran.
OCC: ok so school starts, Big Fight, then to the Grand Hall
Replica Relix was on the lift Behind the Gate, he Said "Well its actually because you took too long to get the Orichalcum Piece from the Ruler of the Sky, what you really need to do is check its actual weak points or your screwed. he ascended up the lift
the Ruler of the Sky looked at a Crack on his Head he disappeared with a Note: 1:00, Orichalcum Moved To Third Floor. Avalanche unfortunately is stupid as he meets the Collapsing Tower falling on him he could have dodged in time but it did. Avalanche Drops a, Keypiece. Suddenly Heartless Deserters Run out of all of the Towers.
Lexeaus was beating up heartless and was eating a Sandwich at the same time. Lexeaus Thought "This is Boring is there any heartless out there good enough?"
unfortunately the head of the Ruler of the Sky was used for Headbutting so to the Ruler of the sky it felt like someone tickled him he then went towards Lia and Decided to Chomp her. Xigbar was in CO as well only on the Second Floor Roaming.