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  1. TheDeadGuy
    unfortunately Vexen was already listening in, he knew that the Replica Lia already knew how to Suppress her own Weaknesses using Vexen's Devices while Relix uses Equipment to Amplify Speed of course all of this has a Weakness. and Vexen's Final Addition to the Mirage Key is, Self-Destruction. The Mirage Key jumps out and lands Relix's Pant and make a nice Fire.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. TheDeadGuy
    and Lia's Key Disappeared, Vexen looked at his new Invention the Mirage Key which can make IIusions of itself he was so Proud of it, of course every single invention he created has one thing in common.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. TheDeadGuy
    Luxord Crossed his Arms, "I Think its easier to imagine Axel frolicing in a field of fire"
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. TheDeadGuy
    Nice to meetcha oh and by the way I'll be the sub teacher for your high school.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. TheDeadGuy
    OCC:Quaduple Post -_-''
    BIC: Darten Stared at the Girl, wanting to talk but he couldn't he just cocked his head sideways
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. TheDeadGuy
    Mickey Jumped from a Platform and landed near Sora. "Hello Everybody" Said Mickey
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. TheDeadGuy
    and you realize the Key... turns into 2 Keys, both the Same Size and ran to different directions.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. TheDeadGuy
    Darten watched as he passed by another Person Thinking "So nobody can see me well I'll be damned" he decided to see if he could pass through another person and manage to smash himself into Ayra. he fell on the ground. and Stood back up to see the girl he ran into.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: um maybe we should put where we are at the moment because I'm getting confused as to where everyone is x_x
    BIC: Darten Frowned at the Text Message he got and deleted it, receiving a shock of pain in the process and it came back, so he had to do whatever this thing says, he looked around to see if anybody could actually see him.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. TheDeadGuy
    in the chest was a very large key... and it moves by itself. it jumped out of the chest and you quickly realize that your key to the next area is quickly moving away from you.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TheDeadGuy
    Lexeaus: "The Ice Shards weren't my Idea and I think that Giant Heartless was After your Supply of Cookies you stash in your Closet!" Lexeaus Got up and Walked away while laughing harshly
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. TheDeadGuy
    the kids unearthed a large treasure box... filled with Munny and another red stone, the kids tosses both the red stones and a note appeared at the bottom, "Congratulations now lets see if you can find the last one! P.S. there's a clue in the chest"
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. TheDeadGuy
    Darten looked around at the park, eventually it became hopeless to see what city he was in and he sat on the bench next to Kisuke.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. TheDeadGuy
    Username: TheDeadGuy
    Name: Darten
    Age: 17
    Personality: Straight Forward, Cool
    Cause of Death: Assassination Attempt #78 Failed, Fell of a Building Trying to Escape.
    History Before Death: A Assassin, Not too good or Bad he works for the Yakuza.
    What he Gave up: The Ability to Speak
    Pins: Eyes Full of Hope, Long Live the Ice, Natural Magnum, Ichimonji
    Appearance: Wears a Black T-shirt and a Military Style Jacket, Blue Jeans, Black Running Shoes, Black Hair, Green Eyes, and a Scar on his Right Arm.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. TheDeadGuy
    vexen walked over to Demyx and the Others "Exactly Nobody helps us because that is what we are, Nobodies." he threw Demyx a Recorder "Anyway I was using you as a Guinea Pig again now go brief her about everything"
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. TheDeadGuy
    "Color My" Games FTW
    Name: Darten
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Race: Creative, Color Blue
    Bio: Darten started out as a Soldier for the Monochromes and got pushed off a cliff by some Creatives he turned around to see his death but all he saw was the color blue and made himself a Ice raft for him to escape, he arrives in Canvas Town a few days later...
    Other: He's dedicated to the Creative's Ways.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. TheDeadGuy
    The Kids jumped off and grabbed a Shovel and started digging at the sandbox on the X, a Note appears "don't you dare dig except for the kids"
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. TheDeadGuy
    Luxord put a Hand on both Axel and Xion, "who says Xenmas was frolicing in a field of flowers now?"
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. TheDeadGuy
    Prison Keeper Appears, Swipes both kids into the Cage and Starts the fight
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. TheDeadGuy
    Can I have Vexen, Jack. and Will Turner? :p
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home