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  1. TheDeadGuy
    Darten looked around he'd seen no cursed statue or a statue whatsoever he and Ayra kept walking.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: alright : P
    BIC: Vexen couldn't notice but the time stopping effect actually had side effects on CO... which made the Ground disappear along with robots falling in the sky with the other two he hopped in a portal before he touched the ground to the card world Agrabah. it was too late for the robots though sand had clogged their system in a sandstorm before they could get away.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. TheDeadGuy
    Lexeaus looked at Zexion and said, Well I could always blow a hole in the ceiling.

    Vexen sighed and said to Zexion, "Well what other choice do we have and besides we can have our Flunkies rebuild the walls or the ceiling anyway.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: so your saying Vexen can't build Machines or summon nobodies? I find that a bit hard to believe
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: thats kinda going godmodding right there
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: is stopping time even allowed -_-? thats a little going too far now with the ablities so I'm questioning.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. TheDeadGuy
    OCC:I'll Double role too Lexeaus plz :D
    Vexen Trying to open the Portal couldn't, him, Lexeaus and Zexion were stuck in a basement with somehow no way to escape of course the best way to get out of a room is to consult with Lexeaus.

    Lexeaus Smiled at the idea, "Break down the wall Finally sounds like a good Idea!"
    Lexeaus Proceeds with building up power to destroy the Wall leading farther into the castle.

    Jack watched as Demyx tried to push his way out and threw a Bomb at him.
    Will seeing that Demyx tried to attack him he rushed towards Demyx until he saw one of Jack's bombs and backed away as he watched the ka-boom.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. TheDeadGuy
    Darten walked to his apartment which was right next to Jason's and looked out the Window.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: you realize the stone is suppose to be in Vexen's pocket right? >_>
    Vexen laughed, "do you think you can best me by you and your mindless heartless? anyway I've already made a countermeasure for this" Machines start to appear from the dark and inside, machines drilled down the heartless's armor and start moving towards Vexen and the other two, "Fortunately Machines can be monitered from a Distance, Vexen points at the two and by the way Freezing them won't work its a Countermeasure since I can make them Self-destruct anyway and Vexen took out a Pistol, "Also always have everything in a Hand's reach, it makes things a lot easier"
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. TheDeadGuy
    ok if we're not alone then we should start smashing into people then, Darten wrote and started headed for two adults... he passed through them then a girl by herself and tried to smash into her but it didn't work. Darten scratched his head.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TheDeadGuy
    Darten shook his head and wrote, people around here usually go pass me... thats how I ended up slamming into you people don't even notice you.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. TheDeadGuy
    More Dusks just keep appearing, Vexen teleported over to Lia and Relix, (Not the Replicas) "time we finished our little game."
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. TheDeadGuy
    Darten walked around looking for a large stone statue... which he had been unable to find then he saw Jack and Daisuke, Frustrated he decided, he wrote on the notepad, Ayra where do you think we can find a Map Brochure? :"(
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. TheDeadGuy
    Vexen watched the scene, Vexen spoke in the Microphone, "Looks like I'm going to have to take care of this myself... Nobody style. Vexen appeared with tons of Dusks in the area which dissipated into a Large room.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. TheDeadGuy
    Darten looked around and took a Notepad out now and a pencil and wrote, I guess our weapons will come by themselves now come on lets go find this Cursed Statue =D.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. TheDeadGuy
    Vexen watched the fight, he thought "well of course allies are going to come" and he pressed the next sequence button and the battlefield changed into a large cavern filled with lava and floating rocks, then added Aerial Heartless.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. TheDeadGuy
    Vexen watched as the Battle Progressed, he decided to make this battlefield more attracting... by adding Minute Bomb Heartless.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. TheDeadGuy
    Darten looked at Ayra, and wrote on the floor, "Names Darten, we probably gotta go find a Map Board around here" Darten looked around the Area for one.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. TheDeadGuy
    Darten Walked through Canvas Town smiling at all of the bright colours, he thought "Why was I one of them in the first place he questioned himself"
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. TheDeadGuy
    Darten nods and looks at his Hand, 40:53. he Takes out a a piece of Chalk and writes on the floor, "Can't Speak, Your Name?"
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home