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  1. TheDeadGuy
    Cloud Sighed, "Well it looks like you've never had Gym Class then and where are your Contacts anyway?"
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Apr 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: XD Sora and Mandy took up a whole thread page by themselves >_>
    Cloud looks up at Hideo "I'm the Gym Teacher... Wait how did you mistake me for Cid he's still working in the Lab?"
    Cid goes to the Teacher's Lounge for a Cup of Coffee.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Apr 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. TheDeadGuy
    Why School?

    Name - Darten
    Age - 15
    Gender - Male
    Role - Student
    Year - Sophomore (We're in High School Right?)
    Appearance - standing at 6 ft 1 in. Has short black spiky hair, he uses a short sleeve shirt fully black with a skull and a snake coming out from one eye in the center of the shirt, uses military style pant with 4 pockets. shoes are black, with blue stripes. has a bracelet with cubes that spell S O N - O F - A, also carries a Skull Chain.

    Personality: Cold and dark as in shut your face and don't talk about me, only gets pissed off when people talk behind his back about him or anyone close to him.

    Biography - a member of the Destiny Islands who didn't stand out at first because he looked like all the other kids. Later becoming adept at silence observation, his Father worries and thinks Darten has Mental Problems but doesn't do anything yet. His Mother doesn't care because she does the same thing sometimes so it doesn't matter to her. Darten was Never punished because he never did anything wrong, usually everyone sees it as someone else who starts it with him. He gets B's in school and is in the Tennis Club

    Is this Ok?
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Apr 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: This RP goes fast Recap?

    Leeroy Suddenly Stood up as a Meteorite hit his Ship and he fell towards a unknown planet
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Apr 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. TheDeadGuy
    Vexen smiled at what he looked at, Ice Mist Bombs which devour opponents with frostbite but still he thought they're gonna have a lot of work to do with.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Mar 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. TheDeadGuy
    Leeroy was on one of the Gummi Ships sipping a cup of coffee thinking of a random planet to land on...
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Mar 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. TheDeadGuy
    Name:Leeroy Jenkins
    Country/World of Origin:Olympus Colliseum (or should I make that WoW? xD)
    Personality: Reckless, make risks come true most of the time
    Weapon: a Large Silver 2 Handed Sword
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Mar 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. TheDeadGuy
    Username: TheDeadGuy
    Name: Reowl
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Bio: I'll do this Later
    Personality: Quiet, Snaps when something goes too far, rarely laughs
    Nationality: Japan
    Appearance: Short Black Hair, 6'3, blue jeans, black skull shirt, and a emerald pendant on his necklace.

    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Mar 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: It sorta sounds like a Drama Called Love Triangle! not Paupu Academy xD
    Cid sighed "When is the Day going to be over?"
    Cloud took a sip of coke as he walked around Downtown
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Mar 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. TheDeadGuy
    Name: Donald
    Forum Name: TheDeadGuy
    Personality: Quick Tempered, mostly serious all the time
    Magic: Reflect
    Why do you deserve Kingdom Hearts? - So I can Give it to the King!
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TheDeadGuy
    Yo can I Take Cpl. Dunn? Also you missed Ramirez in the Rangers
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: Well... had to skip a lotta pages... Recap?
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Mar 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: To KH2Man, who says Jack and Will can't move into the hallway? o_o
    Lexeaus Brought down the Axe Shield on Will's Sword Shattering it quickly, and Jack pushed him before he could get crushed.
    Will: Ok I'll Follow your Advice from now on
    Jack: Good, Now Lets Run!
    Will and Jack run from the Hallway and back into the Grey Area
    Lexeaus Yelled "Cowards"
    Vexen put his hand on Lexeaus's Shoulder "Calm down we need to find the others first!"
    Lexeaus sighed "Fine Vexen lets go find the others while those weaklings destroy the castle!"
    Vexen: damn it Lexeaus just stick with me here!
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. TheDeadGuy
    OCC: Its getting too fast to read all of the posts and try to keep up with the Thread at the same time T_T recap?
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. TheDeadGuy
    Lexeaus Blew a Hole in the ceiling and threw Vexen up and happen to bump into Jack and Will Turner.
    Lexeaus: Look guys! We have some warm-up to deal with!
    Vexen looked "Careful Lexeaus the one with the Red bandana on him is the one you should be dealing with I'll deal with the weaker one"
    Jack stared at both of them "Will I think we have to make a run for it"
    Will looked at Jack "Why?"
    Jack said "you rather try to beat two people with really large shields that have a razor sharp edge or really pointy spikes?"
    Will sighed "Fine Jack be a Coward I'm running in!
    Jack sighed "Goddamn it Will!" and ran after him
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. TheDeadGuy
    Vexen looked around his Lab on the World that never was, he decided, that he had to sit around for a while, and sent his lackeys to gather materials in the Pride Lands while he waited on his bed.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. TheDeadGuy
    Vexen looked at Alexx, and said as I said before it is because you are a nobody, just like me, just like him, just like everyone in this castle, you feel like you have feelings but you don't they are fake, because you do not have a heart, anyway might as well make yourself comfortable.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. TheDeadGuy
    Vexen looked at Demyx, "Oh the recorder? wait actually thats not a Recorder its a Tazer if she refuses do whatever you want with her.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. TheDeadGuy
    Darten flipped a pin he had and looked at it closely... and almost shot himself with it he staggered back as 3 bullets came out of the pin and fell to the ground.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. TheDeadGuy
    Darten walked and saw a Statue in the distance, he pointed to the statue and both of them walked towards the statue.
    Post by: TheDeadGuy, Feb 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home