Natsu Noticed Valerie, "Oh hey uh your apart of my group right?" he walked over carrying Magnemite "Soooooo where are the others?"
suddenly he heard a explosion go off and jumped off his bed, "Oh it was just the damn TV" Reowl turns it off and sits on the Soda "AW S***!"
Vexen looked at Wakka "and guess what wakka I'll be sending you to Xigbar now" Vexen looks at Tidus "and Tidus your writing a 2 Page Essay on why not to encourage others to rebel"
Magnemite and Rattata were using Tackle over and over again, Natsu thought "I must be looking at Deja vu" since Magnemite was resistant to Normal attacks about 4 tackles later Magnemite won but with a lot of dents on him "Don't worry boy it will go away!... I hope"
Reowl got on the Elevator and went to his room, Reowl waved the Bellboy off and slept on his bed
OCC: lol sorry for the delay BIC: Vexen however was already at the door when Kairi was out of her seat. "Where do you think your doing if your planning to ditch class if you fail you will receive 20 extra pages and if you do get out thats 1 letter grade"
OCC: uh where is everyone right now I started the RP late D: BIC: Natsu looked around for his Group, he took a break on a rock. "Boy this is getting harsh huh Magnemite?" "magnemit-" Magnemite looked at a Shadow in the Tree. "WILD ENCOUNTER"
Cloud looked at Hideo like he was a idiot (Which he was) "you realize its a Sunday right?"
Leeroy looked around. and thought "damn where am I" he looked at the river below him and the trees behind him.
Vexen looked at Xion "I know your late you know, I heard the door opening and saw you step in"
Set me up with a Room now, Reowl sat on one of the chairs and sighed
OCC: ... I'll be taking over Vexen now :D BIC: Vexen thought "What the hell is with this class" he calmed down "Class read the next 20 pages for 20 minutes, then I'll pass each of you a pile of homework" Vexen slammed his hand on the large pile of homework.
OCC: I Slepted through the Night... :( BIC: Natsu looked around "Oh goddamn it I was late and missed my group how am I suppose to find them now!?" Natsu sighed, "Well if their out in the wild I might as well look around there" Natsu walks into route 1.
"Rgh" Reowl touches his head then looks over to the hotel and walks towards he sees Sara "you the hostess?"
Cloud looked at Hideo "Well First of all if you want to go to P.E. just sign up or go to the afterschool programs for sports that will get you some good meat on those bones"
can we just start now?...
OCC: Epiz Recap plz and when are we gonna get back to school also can I take Wakka for Volleyball Coach? XD BIC: Cloud frown at Hideo "I hope you exercise or your gonna look fat in a couple of years" Cloud walks away. Cid back at his Lab conjuring a experiment up
Username: TheDeadGuy Name:Natsu Age: 10 Appearance: I'll get it from DPwolf after this is Approved Hometown: Olivine City Starter:Magnemite
Erm This Thread isn't really going is it?
can I be Vexen? :D