hi,wassup?? wanna join my RP???
Okay we'll find more people for both of our RP's...........
Hey guys can you help me find more members
okay then,It's called re-awakening of the keys
Hey,wassup? wanna join my RP???
hi,bro lexamus already joined.................
let's see okay it was yu-gi-oh,then after that Naruto
it's here:http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=66087
my RP... the one r95 vm'ed you about
how ya doin lex? wanna join it?
yeah,let's go...................... *summons both keyblades*
If Sora was alone he wouldn't say "my friends are my power"
Can I join practice???
ima back too
I GTG now see ya tomorrow
okay,I gotta go now ask r95 what to do if you wanna join cuz he's subleader....
re-awakening of the keys... r95 already joined and we're looking for other people to join
Hi GREE06 wanna join my RP???
I hope so...... But,I think you're right....
You really like being the bad guys don;t you? we need more members.....