welcome to the site and I also like Riku and post a lot,and have fun and read the rules,and make lots of friends,and learn more about the site and other stuff i'm too lazy to mention.
that was fast... but which nickname do you want? *post in the thread*
Yeah,but which one??? just pick one.... yEAH,i SEE IT.... So,liox right? L-I-O-X:sleepy:
It's 100% Ventus....... but he maybe related to Roxas and Sora....
yeah,probably Harvest Moon,I played 3 of the games on PS2..........
Hi,wassup? ugh no one ever posts at my RP,at least for now....
I'm still on for another 15 mins...
She's regular, cute but Kairi's still hotter than her.........lol XD it's kinda true though.... I meant Kairi in KH2 I hate the KH1 Kairi...
I don't have much time I'll be off in about 30 mins,oh man,because of school.........
yeah me too I'm studying Geography right now.....
Can I be Ven if he's in the story... wait if I'm Ven then I'm Roxas cuz I'm inside oh,whatever that doesn't matter here,does it?
I don't see any rule regarding you can't be in more than 2 Rp's I only seen the rule that one member can only make 2 rps no more.......
done yet???
3 uh,Xaldin's number....... this is boring,nothing happens here....
Yeah it might be the TV or the CD....
Oh no you pick my candidates how could you!!! and Riku was taken...NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol XD...oh well..... I guess I'll be Mickey and Axel please I'm begging you!!!!!
I like Axel's and Larxene cuz I really like speed....
what do you mean data 6????
oh yeah sorry about yesterday,my mom wanted to use the computer.... just insert the Text:Train Heartnet(kinda big colour:Black)in the free space...
so,whatcha doin? workin on my sig?lol XD yeah,I hate school too....