I'm going to Laughlin, Nevada until Sunday. It's gonna be fun cause I'm going to go to the lake nearby and go crazy on jet skis. >=D See yas =D
I've been taking graphics class over the summer. We had to learn how to make screens to put the design on, put paint through the screen to print the design out, and clean up.....wow not that much. xD but anyways when we made designs we could make ANYTHING we want . :sigh: 1 color Prints 2 color Prints (much harder since it involves two screens (one for each color) and correct placing. My T-shirt. (yup, designed and printed it myself) EDIT: Some designs that I made, but didn't print. ANOTHER EDIT: Printed another shirt today. Got the design off the internet.
My parents seem to have a bad sense in time. They keep telling me to go to sleep cause it's 11:00 pm, but really it's almost 10:30. My dad seems to be able to direct the blame of any problem, that I talk about, to video games and internet. O-o
First thing first is to tell ya that this isn't KH related at all. xD Ok, this was originally a comic for a friend. Her favorite characters in the gaming world, back then, were Knuckles and Kirby, so I just brought them together. xD oh and the cute little purple 4-tailed fox is my character, Quatro, and her chao, Roxy. Behold the stupidness!
I am finally posting up something that is nonchibi. O_O It's it ok? What do I need to fix (besides her hand)? Oh and this is of my OC for KH, if you were wondering.
xD Yeah, kinda stupid to say that after how long it's been out? I only had KHII before. Now I dunno when I'll ever have time to play it though. >_>
Only for a limited time only. Price: Your soul
Can u guess this riddle?? I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champagne bubble. If you squeeze me, I'll pop. If you look at me, you'll pop. Can you guess the riddle? 97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less. Help?
Going tomorrow. Yay! I'm going to try to get on the new submarine ride. =D
It's called boredom and withdrawal from the internet EDIT: These avvies are free to use.
Like the title said, Did Kingdom Hearts change the way you see Disney movies? It definately changed the way I see Disney. Like when I was watching Sleeping Beauty... when the three fairies were giving weapons to Prince Phillip to escape from Meleficent's castle. I exclaimed. "Why give him a sword!? Just give him a keyblade to kick that witch's butt!" Luckily I was home alone... xD
I blame you for making me in the mood, Raito! xD
I mean, he seems pretty short compared to everyone else. xD How tall do you think he is? I think he's maybe 5'2''(if this is already said somewhere, whack me with a keyblade)
I hate it that the original picture got ugly, but this sure was a big experiment for me. This is my first time doing something like this. and some how I can't use it.... and I can't even use my old avatar anymore. =/
I can't believe it! It finally came out! A Tales of Symphonia Anime! >w< I was a huge fan of ToS and has been waiting for this for about a year! =D 1st Part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkSHXOcQ7p8 2nd Part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5QanqumIok 3rd Part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESBVTKEEj2o 4th Part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlKlHUCrEHw So far what I can say, it's really nice. It's a little different from the game though and I hope there is more.
This was actually pretty hard to make...stupid sparklies. -_- Sprites from http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/9271/sorakh2wisdomsheet6sc.png
What exactly is it? O_O Sure it came from a reflection of Roxas, but there has to be more to it or something.
As it says in the title...What did you do on your first day of summer break? My first day was pretty ok....My parents banned me from the comp while I was home alone, so I played KHII for about 5 hrs. Ate lunch, watched Beauty and the Beast. (hadn't watched it in a long time) Then started to get rid of old papers from school and clean my room. Went to tutor for about 1 hr. Ate dinner.....then started a new game on KHII. Yup...
I know that this is really random, but somehow...I've been burping alot today. O_O I just open my mouth and there's a burp ready. I dunno what the problem can be. Dx
*Eastercat's GIF (animation) shop* It will take me a while to complete an order cause I will not be able to go on the computer as much. Stupid School! I finally opened a shop! whee! I 'm happy. xD Well, welcome! I'm willing to do animations (GIFs) for anyone just as long as you can fill in the form. NOTE: No sexual stuff ANOTHER NOTE: If you plan to have the GIF as an avatar, tell me and request for a very short scene. And ANOTHER NOTE: Due to a new rule that has a limit on sig size, I'll try my best to keep it as small as possible. Just remember that short=better quality......long=worse quality =================================================== Form: KH-vid Name: Scene: (be as specific as you can and keep it at least under 9 seconds. If it is a non-kh clip, you can send me a youtube link to the vid and specify the time intervals.) (REMEMBER: Shorter, the better!) size: (specify dimensions or just choose medium or small. Medium= 200x? Small= 100x?) text (optional): (tell me where to put the text and when and color of the text. Also describe what font you want, if you want.) =================================================== My examples: