bleh...tried making sigs after a pretty long while of not making one... <--fail! Give me all the CnC you got! >D
ABXY we talk about certain topics of games. ^^ I'm in the 2nd and 5th episodes (name is Ashley), but with the 2nd episode there's a 5 min mic check in the beginning. xD I don't suggest listening to the 1st one, it was more of an experimental one. wheee~ advertising. xDD
I was looking through some old files and I find some old icons I made hidden in there. xDD All I mostly did was just either add text or made an animation. hm...I know I have some more somewhere >_< EDIT: These are all free to use!
Has anyone read this series? I think it's plain awesome >D
Well it doesn't matter anymore! xDD It speaks the truth <_< >_>
From here:
Heya, I'm eastercat for people who don't know me. I left about...a year ago or something. Now I'm back just for now. ^_^
Well...I decided to take on sig making (again). Critique please? V.1 V.2
After not making GIFs for a while, I've decided to make a new shop. Rules: 1: Appropriate for the site 2: Scene has to be 5-6 secs or less 3: Due to restrictions on KHV, please understand when I can't do an animation due to size. 4: Please be patient with me 5: I can't do avatars! The max size is way too small for me to do. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Template Scene: (be as specific as you can and keep it at least under 6 seconds. If it is a non-kh clip, you can send me a youtube link to the vid and specify the time intervals.) size: (specify dimensions or just choose medium or small. Medium= 200x? Small= 100x?) (note: Size may have to be changed if it's too big) text (optional): (tell me where to put the text and when and color of the text. Also describe what font you want, if you want.) Extra notes: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples
....when you run out of things to talk about? o-o
this is just a sketch....I'm working on inking...which is taking me forever on photoshop. CnC? *sees a lot of people run away from the slight Shonen-ai*
I was bored... xD
my lil brother just told me a rumor that his friend heard from a lot of other people. The rumor is that there's going to be a shooting at my school tommorow.... I'm really scared now....
I promise I'm not copying anyone! NoD and I were already both doing these journals at the same time. Warning: slight hints of Shonen-ai later, but nothing serious like XXX stuff... =============================== Entry 1 yay! I have a report/journal thingy, like the others. uh....I dunno what to write though. *thinks hard* My brain hurts now. Signed - Demy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Entry 2 Axel said that I should go to the underworld to steal this stone thingy. It sure was scary down there...all this ghosts, spirits, etc. I went to Hades room, where I asked for the stone, but he got all angry like and tried to burn me up. I was able to drench him, but then he sent his dog after me. Not a regular dog...... A HUMONGOUS 3-HEADED DOG!!!!!!!! OH GOD, IT COULD JUST EAT ME IN ONE BITE!!!!!! I ran away as fast I could, but it bit off a chunk of my cloak before I can make a portal to get out of there. Since I failed my seat went down in the meeting room. D= AND EVEN WORSE!!! My poor cloak! T^T That was my favorite one too. Sighed - Demy
I bet there are a lot of vids with the same title/idea. xD But this one is really funny.
lately I haven't been on here... =/ (I bet people hadn't even noticed. xD) *cough* Reason why in 6 words..... SCHOOL. IS. TAKING. OVER. MY. LIFE!!! Well, I hope that I'll be able to go on again sometime....=/ I'll still be able to chat on MSN and AIM though. *waves bye* Byes. ^_^
I don't understand the title either. xD When Zexion is suddenly suicidal, the others try to stop him. Fluff. WARNING: A little Shonen-Ai involved. This is a collab fic, I put together with the efforts of my RP friends from another site. Demyx : Eastercat Larxene : Nymph of Destiny Zexion : Akarui Siren Namine and Axel: Non-KH-vids members.