O_O THAT...WAS...AWESOME! I can't even think of anything else to say... *speechless* wow...lol
Since Vexen is the only one open...can I be him? XD
^_^ That was great! *dosn't even know what to say* Sorry I didn't reply at the last chapter...I loved how Demyx finally stood up, though! (XD)
O_O This is awsome!!!!! Poor Roxas though.... T_T But....wow.....really great descriptions.... *too shocked to make a longer comment*
My parents hated the Ms. Janik I know too. We were in kindergarden and she SCREAMED at us. She also made us color pictures and if we didn't color the entire thing, NO WHITE AT ALL showing, she'd make us redo them. She'd also do so if we didn't color hard enough, I'd have blisters on my hand because of it. =( She made us sit in tables with people with the same letter at the beganing of our names, I was the only one sitting alone becuase I was the only one with an M in my name... O_o *Shudders* I WAS ONLY FIVE YEARS OLD!!! So...that's why I kinda freeked when I heard her name...lol. I sometimes see her in stores and stuff... O_o EDIT: Oh sure, NOW everyone else posts....lol. Well yeah the common hairstyle..I keep thinking I see my teacher from last year (SHE WAS NICE!) but it's just someone with the same hairstyle...
Massachusetts? *Thought she saw the teacher in the store today, too...just adding that*
Yes she is... *runs* XD Ms.Janik?! *freeks out because that was one of her teachers names too* I keep thinking I see her everywhere... O_o
*Hugs also* But, like Trigger said, why do you need a hug anyway? *Is making cookies with happy faces on them* Stupid oven can't go faster... *waits, thought about pulling a Gingerbread Man (opening the oven and have the cookie come alive) but that would be too cheesy*
That's weird. I ran into two teachers I had at my old school, where my mom has learned that they have to treat their students like dirt in order to avoid getting fired. They were so nice to me now that I'm out of the shool...it was creepy! Seriously, this teacher that I thought hated me hugged me! (I was at a park and that was where the school was apparently having their shcool picnic there...everyone in my old class started freeking out that I was there except a certain person... -_-)
22769 Um...hi? lol.
ROFL!!!! *Laughing so hard she can't breathe* But, yeah, poor Sora...but isn't it kinda weird that he didn't pay attention to the...erm...growth spurt, untill Yen Sid pointed it out? XD He was probably all "Why is everyone staring? Why's Donald giving me a look? Does everyone in this town act like this?! Why do I feel a breeze?" XD If 14 year old Sora met 15 year old Kairi... O_o
Riku likes to smell people... O_o I just relized that he says that RIGHT INFRONT OF SORA, too! XD And Sora just sleeps right through it.... (Well, duh, but....lol) *Hasn't finished COM yet*
LOL! Olette as the octopus! hmm..who in the game whould consider themself obnoxious? ....lol that sounded weird. *asks herself this while eating a cookie* I just thought of Donald and Goofy being the "Mine!" birds, though...Donno if that works... XD LOL at the vid, btw!! I thought the same thing about Xigbar when I was watching Finding Nemo with my friend a while ago lol.
*jawdrop* That...was...AWESOME! The end of that almost made me cry... =( And...Larxene's flirting with Demyx?! ^_^ (I'm a fan of the pair...yeah...)
My friend has once, but I haven't...I want to, though! It sounds like fun lol.
I have to say it...THEY FOUND ROXAS!!! ^_^ Great chapter! *cheers Axel on*
That was great!! ^_^ Please keep writing!!
Awesome chapter! ^_^ Poor Axel, first he finds out his best friend can't remember him, then he gets slapped by Saix... D:
Awesome chapter!!! Awww...Sora gave Kairi the shiney orb thingy! :D
*gaspith* Roxas got kidnapped!!!!! *cries, then glares at DiZ* ...I never did like DiZ.... Awesome chapter, though! PLEASE keep writing!