you make me feel small with my 3 buttons Dx
I know about that, because that show was good. But Thundercats is something that would be a total hit or total miss, because you have many fans waiting for a good thing from this, While Transformers have the movies and merch now, hardly anyone sees any mention of thundercats. Nicktoons take Voltron as Cartoon Network take Thundercats.... this seems like a trend of 80's remakes of shows, I also hear that they're planning on a TMNT remake.
Yes, but I think it's going to get rejected by fans harshly. I am not sure if I am happy or pissed off they're doing it in Anime Style leave it alone as it is.
ok... so why should this matter?
Oh, how cool are you, making fun of millions dying. Your such a cool kid
Buuuuut... Beer sucks anyway....
Eh....I don't like Nicki Minaji
Usually the Gamestop I go to is awesome, I got into a convo with one of the guys who was ringing up my friends ODST game about Marvel VS. Capcom 3 and how awesome it would be. But there was one time where I was buying XIII and this girl was really cool. She was happy I was buying an RPG since not that many people in my area buy them and we talked about them xD
ohmahgawd Sounds like you had a bad day.
This is a reasonble statement, because I knew you didn't like it for many of reasons xD This is just lol... But meh, you like what you like
Yeah, it's the second half of season one :x but, They need to work on giving the others solo's instead of making it the Finn and Rachel Show I like the others singing also >_>
They should've had him do something xD
So you saw her speech for Best Female? "Yeah...thanks...kbai"
I know I shouldn't have been surprised...but c'mon. It's going to be like that for the next two years then ._.
Oh nothing, finished my junior year of high school, wewt xD. You?
Twilight won everything, again....>_>
I lol'd because of this and your sig... it fits so well.
Draco won best villian also :3